


On a bullhead headed towards Beacon academy Ruby and her big breasted sister Yang are having a conversation before getting interrupted by Glynda's hologram that pops up and starts her speech about Beacon.

After Glynda's hologram finishes her speech the people start looking out of the windows admiring the view excluding Vomit boy that staggers around the ship before throwing up on Yang's shoes.

"Aw Yang gross you have puke on your shoes." Ruby moves away. "Gross, gross, gross, gross, gross!!" Yang starts chasing her sister.



"I get it I get it." Smacking his alarm clock across the room Ampharos gets up and cracks his back before handing to the bathroom.

After taking a shower, brushing his teeth, and getting dressed Ampharos looks in the mirror. "Let's see Hair extra curly check, Horns extra shiny check, Wool extreme soft check, and finally Me extra sexy check."

Ampharos continues to admire himself in the mirror till a red light catches his eye turning his head sideways he reads 4 numbers before his eyes widen "OH SHIIIIII...."


"Wow..." The sister say in awe. "The view from Vale's got nothing on this!"Yang says

"Oh my gosh sis! That kid's got a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword!" Ruby squeals as she gets closer and closer to the weapons "Ow! Ooww!" Yang yanks her back by her hood.

"Easy there little sister they're just weapons!"

"Just weapons? They're an extension of ourselves!They're a part of us! They're so cool!"

"Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?" Yang asks

Ruby pulls out her scythe "Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people but better."

"Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own speaking of which my friends are here so bye!" Yang leaves with her friends in a hurry making Ruby dizzy as she falls into some luggage.


Ampharos was currently holding on a wool cloud that was flying towards Beacon at speeds of 200 mph.

After 5 minutes he arrives and gets settled back on his cloud. Looking down he sees Ruby and Weiss arguing and Blake picking up a dust vial.

"Yup just gonna avoid that." Ampharos flies around the school and was about to land before a purple glow stopped his cloud launching him forward.

"Glynda my dear if you wanted attention all you had to do was ask." Ampharos picks himself up of the ground and dusts himself off.

"You should be heading into the school with the rest of the students with are you out here Mr. Ampharos?" Glynda glares at him.

"You can just call me Amp, Glyn and I was looking for spots to peak on women." Ampharos grins as Glynda grits her teeth.

"Listen here you barbarian I don't know why Ozpin is letting you come here but I will not tolerate this kind of behavior!" Glynda snaps at Ampharos.

"I could already guessed you liked punishing people from the riding crop, I'm not that much of a masochist but I could let you punish me." Ampharos winks at her causing her checks to have a red tint before returning to normal.

"I....Why you-" Glynda was cut off by Ozpin. "Glynda it's time to give the speech. Sighing Glynda nods and turns back to Ampharos. "We aren't done here we will continue this later."

"My bodies your anytime Glyn." He smirks. "Your Shameless!" Glynda yells. "Glynda Now." Ozpin reminds her.

-Inside beacon-

"I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction."This causes the students to whisper. "You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step." Ozpin ends his speech and moves away as Glynda steps forward.

"You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed." Glynda finishes off the students disperse.


"Wool Bed." Ampharos says calmly as a bed made from wool begins to form complete with a blanket and pillow.

Jaune walks past him in his blue onesie urging Ampharos to say something.

"Look dude just take that off please." He says.

Jaune turns around and looks towards Ampharos whose wearing a white wool pants,shirt, and socks. "Oh um hello uhhh..." "Ampharos but you can call me Amp." "Hey Amp are my pajamas really that bad" Jaune asks on the verge of tears

"On a scale of virgin forever and pussy slayer I'm going say your leaning towards the former." Ampharos replies with a stoic face.

"But these are the only clothes I have right now." Jaune says.

"I got some clothes right here that will increase your chances with any girl by 100 percent but they come in pairs." Amp pulls out two pairs of rough wool pajamas.

"Really how much for them." Jaune asks with hopeful eyes.

"35 lien." Ampharos says with a devilish grin on his face.

"Will they really help me get girls." Jaune ask reluctantly taking out 35 lien.

"Of course."

Jaune hands off the money and grabs the wool clothes running to get changed.

'Ha dumbass.' Pocketing the money Amp gets back in his bed.

"Excuse me." A sweet voice sounded. "People all day today." Begrudgingly getting up Amp looks over to see the Invincible girl herself Pyrrha.

"Can I help you beautiful if you want to share the bed I don't mind Hahahaha."

"BED!" What a bed where!" Did someone say bed!"

Everyone started looking towards Ampharos and Pyrrha. Silence filled the room as they looked at each other. But the silence was broken by a random shout.


Everyone started shouting and ran dog piled Ampharos.

"Wait chill the fuck out! Stop you dirty heathens!" He shouts throwing people off the bed as more jump on. "Take this you dumb fucks...Woah whose hand was that.! That's it someone's dying!!!"

Pyrrha slowly back away while apologizing to Ampharos in her heart.

I hope you enjoyed.

Ghidorahcreators' thoughts
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