

Above the cosmos... Nothing hangs. How do you know? I'm not all-powerful, but I have common sense, you know? It is as if you were proposing life after death, a banality for the hopeless; but there is reincarnation... What? Confusing, meaningless and lacking logic... Above the cosmos? Could there be another more brilliant jewel that adorns the crown? It makes no sense, just like rebirth... Who would like to remember past memories? Traumas, attachments, beings; unless you are a slave. But who is not a slave? There are no exceptions... Could it be that above the cosmos I will find an answer? 'Son of a bitch', that's the best abstract promotion framework I've ever seen...

Finger_of_Shiva · Fantasy
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79 Chs

[Xian... What]

There was a sepulchral silence. There was no voice or noise to interrupt this unparalleled state. The darkness hovered around trying to swallow any remaining light, but a slight light produced by some exotic minerals did not allow that.

The space in question was the interior of a cave. In it grew a variety of herbs and minerals that came out to the outside. In the central place, being the matrix eye of all these elements, there was a stream that directed its currents to unknown places.

Above it was an individual demonstrating superhuman actions, sitting on it and not sinking in the slightest. This was not a product of shallow depths as not even 1% of his body was sinking in it.

Not even his body hair was getting the slightest bit wet. The man in question was perched over the stream in a meditative position with a straight back and on his thighs and hands, a sword was drawn.

He kept his eyes closed with an expression of serenity. His features were not coarse but not overly delicate either, with even a cut scar on his left cheek. He had a lush but not overdone, scruffy beard and hair that reached down to his trained pecs.

His clothing was a simple full-body garment of a navy blue color, with a character drawn on the left side.

If Federick saw him he would say that his features were typical of an oriental man, specifically resembling a Japanese; Also that it was his Father, whom he had met a short time ago.

The one recognized as Amagatzu, suddenly opened his eyes releasing a growing sword intent. He observed his surroundings slowly, drawing a smile on his face.

He had received the memories of his dharmic clone. He finally saw his son's face without having to force fate.

He stood up from his seated, motionless position, serenely returning to the former stream, producing ripples as if it were a stone. He watched beneath his feet as the watery image slowly began to change, exchanging itself for a different reflected image.

The former stream reflected the image of a young Federick, who was in his privacy as he vomited.

"Fucking bastard." Amagatzu said in a whisper as he held back a smile.

"Let's enjoy." Was Amagatzu's phrase, accompanied by a long laugh.

The cave could not contain its loud laughter, spreading quickly to the outside of it. It could be seen as it was located in wild and primitive terrain.

The space surrounding the mountain that contained the cave was an infinity of nature without order.


Federick had enjoyed a moment of... Solitude... vomiting to his heart's content. The strange technique used by his Father had caused side effects on his "emotional" balance.

Finally, he returned to his original position, where he had appeared violently and unplanned. He sat down trying to recover, there he observed the extra elements he had appeared with.

'System, tell me what that crappy ability was.' Federick thought, affected.

[My lord, I don't have the slightest chance of being able to guess the question in question, but due to my innate nature, I can assure you that it was with the participation of Space-time elements.]

'What....are you fucking kidding me! Don't tell me to be reincarnated in a science fiction universe, where my University Professor experiments with time travel, getting stranded in an eternal loop'.

[Your attempt at satire is not too far from reality, Lord. But rather, I would presume with your old-world TV and literary genre, "Xianxia"].

"Xian... what." Federick had a sudden bad feeling.

[Xianxia is a televisual and literary genre from your old world, my Lord. In your direct terminology, it could be identified as "Legendary Hero". Being inspired by elements proper to Chinese mythology and Chinese philosophical and religious currents, Taoism being one]

[Considering the words and demonstrations used by Mr. Amagatzu, he speculated that it might be true. Unfortunately, the energy is not enough to find out exactly]

[His Father used the term "Tao" and divided a mountain. Infuriatingly widespread elements in this genre; I consider your Father to be an ancestor, Young Master]


"I still keep thinking that the most incredible thing about this encounter, was the repetition of the Taoist concept in a different world," Federick mentioned in a whisper.

"Do you recognize this term from my memories?". Federick asked doubtfully.

Although he had only spent seven years with a new name, he did not have a super memory; Especially regarding terms relatively unknown to him.

[Of course, my Lord: During his youth, he enjoyed television exemplars, together with his cousin. He was a fan of different television genres, and urged him to share time with him and a television].

"My cousin..." Federick said nostalgically.

The unkept, youthful image of him vividly reminded him of distant memories. Although not a fan of the genre, they had shared several tapes with his Cousin.

"Heh... I remember now; There was an individual who pissed like a waterfall." Federick mentioned.


[In fact, there is a varied mix of fantastic elements. "Cultivate outer and inner energy, cultivate longevity, cultivate ancestors, so that your ass will be eternal."]


"Poetic... Like enjoying this bottle of wine under the moonlight." Federick said in amazement.

The bottle in question was about one of the items with which he had reappeared in his room. It had a strange aesthetic appearance, of a greenish color, and inside was a flaming liquid.

"Don't tell me that this liquor got Ren Zu's son drunk in ancient times." He said satirically.

[No. But it is a wine that holds magical qualities within it. In addition to its fragrant flavor, it includes a large energetic dose, fiery like no other specimen]

Federick was dumbfounded by this information. Although he was sure that its content was liquor, he still doubted since it was a gift from his father and he was a seven-year-old boy.

But he was stunned when he saw another of the items that accompanied it; it was an example of women's underwear. Its embroidery was even sexy and seductive...


There was also a strange board, black and white, divided in two. It was very similar to a chess piece, but different at the same time. The pieces had no shape whatsoever and were made of transparent material.

He quickly put these elements away in safe places, with the intention of not being discovered by a maid, servant, or relative.

He did not have much time, because when he looked at the clock, he realized that the time was close to six o'clock in the evening. He had a study session at that time, and a maid would always come to warn him.

Finally, there was only one letter left. He looked at it for a moment, but quickly decided to open it to see its contents.

It was written in splendid handwriting, in ink.

"Dear son:

These are some gifts he gave you. Cherish them and commit yourself to the filial spirit.

These items were very popular during my youth and generation.

Study and understand the sealed knowledge.


There was not much content in the letter. It was simple and concise, to the point; as if it were the writing of a newspaper.

[My Lord... My discoveries are the reason for admiration and appreciation; These elements form the basis of the 'Great Art of the Young Master': Alcohol, gambling, and slutty are all part of the infinite Dao].

Federick cast a strange look at the sudden information. He was seriously thinking if he had received an AI with a fatal error...

[My Lord... Welcome to the Xianxia world!]

Donate power stones for your Grandfather to become a Dao Ancestor.

Thank you!

Finger_of_Shivacreators' thoughts