
The jackhead

He opened the door to his mansion and locked the door with a bang,then attached her to the door and held her hostage.he kept staring at her without saying a word he breathed heavily only giving her a hateful look with disgust.

Precious couldn't take it anymore so she souted

"let go of me you are hurting me," Jordan looked at her with his dangerous eyes and tightened his grip on her and mocked "why should I? so that you can go back to that looser"

precious:and what is it to you if I want to go back hah?

Jordan: "what did you see in that looser?

If it is sex you wanted you could have just come to me and I could have given my handsome body to you" he went on "you were so desperate to an such that you were eager to live with him had I not stopped you?...you"

He stopped talking and looked away precious could swear that she saw pain and hurt through his eyes but it disappeared right away and his normal expressionless face.

Precious:"and so what! it's not like I asked

for your help besides am old enough to make my own decisions!" she yelled back at him she could not understand him.its not like they were a couple and she cheated he was just a big brother to her for crying out loud!

she tryed rescuing herself from his grip but he held her tightly.he looked at her with lust disire

#that's it!!:

she knew that look and since she didn't want him to get involved with him she thought of a way to ark him up so that he won't think of pursuing her because she was not sure she would be able to resist him.

she smiled at her brave idea and smirked at him,

Precious: "besides I would have loved to

have a taste of a new guy since my first time was a terrible experience". she looked straight into hi eyes and mocked, "you think highly of yourself , don't you? but you are terrible in bed! you suck!

His eyes darked,he run his finger through his hair and then smiled

#danger signs,

she knew that look and the smile wasn't really a smile it was his way of warning.

`what have I done?

*********#mature content ahead#********

`she started cursing herself for her stupidity.if there was something Jordan cherished the most was his eagle,he was a proud man even his friends knew that he would kill just to demand his respect.the way he looked at her was dangerous!but she knew that he never hits a woman so she used that to her advantage.

"What did you just say?" he asked in a low stern voice,he wanted to give her a chance to redeem herself.but precious was getting annoyed and she ignored the warning signs in her head and continued,

"You had me right, YOU SUCK IN BE...!"

she couldn't even finish the sentence before her lips were crashed,she was taken by surprise so it took her a while to master what was going on and before she could react she was lifted from the ground and with a speed of lightening she was laid on the couch and he hovered over her.

She opened her mouth to shout at him but instead he took that chance to put his tongue inside her mouth and rolled it around intertwining with her tongue.He didn't leave her until they were both breathless.

Without wasting any time he went

Ahead and kissed her neck then her collarbone,to her torso.he tore down her shirt and all the buttons split to the floor.he didn't spare her a glance and ignored her completely daspite her plees.he removed the shirt and the bra just like an expert he was.holding her hands at her back with one hand he went down and removed her trousers and her underwear.the look on his face dangerous.when precious saw that look she gave up and shut her mouth she decided to let him do whatever he wanted after all he will still do it anyway even without her permission so she closed her eyes and decided to remember all the good things that has ever happened in her life.

After removing all the clothes and his,he put himself between her legs and bend down to kiss her and entered her.he was not gentle and it was hurting but she could not give him the satisfaction of letting him know that she was in pain.because she knew very well that he intended to break her to hurt her to make her understand who's the boss.

He continued hitting hard and wildly until he had an organism he grooned and released everything inside her.glancing at the petite figure below him he could not help but curse she was fast asleep and smiling it was like she was having a sweet dream.

' He knew what that meant,how could he not know since he was the one who taught her that method '

His mind drifted back to his childhood he was raised by his father alone he was a tyrant he taught him to be heartless and enjoyed hurting other.it gave him joy when someone begged for his mercy.

His mother came from a humble back ground. She used to work as a stripper in a bar she could entertain guests and clients,in whatever way they demanded.so she could go to bed with different men and since she was a beauty to behold every man wanted her, making the other woman jealous of her.

She used her beauty to seduce even tha married men her father casted her out of the family since she brought shame to their family.at that time she didn't care since she was young,naive and stupid.she didn't even finish college,she got expelled for sleeping around with the lecturers who got fired once they were caught untill the members of the board decided that they cannot sacrifice the whole school for just one person.since her sins were too much,she skiped classes, fighting others,drugs etc etc....

#she got expelled;

and that's when his dad made that decision

She jumped from one bar to another,one night club to another meeting and bedding different men.

And ths how she met Thorn Kingston Jordan's father.he and his fellow soldiers were on a mission in country X.aftet they succeeded on their mission,they decided to go have some fan with some drinks and women.

Thorn never showed interest in women as a general he knew the root of a man's weakness is a woman.so he avoided them even when they made advances on him he never payed any attention to them.

#That day he saw Diana Bbee:

He was caught by a moment of weakness due to her mesmering beauty he approached the manager and demanded that he wanted her to spend the night with him.when she heard that it was the famous general who was interested in her

'she had heard the news of their successful mission since it was all over televisions.she also hear that he had never been with a woman before,she we to put more make up and make herself more seductive than ever.

In the room she tried to seduce him back he caught her neck like he was about to strangle her.He pressed hard and only let go when he realized that she was weak enough he released by pushing her down to the floor,she coughed trying to breathe properly.

The next minute she was kneeling down too scared to look at him and begging for her life.

He looked at her and smiled 'thats the look he love seeing on his preys'

He ordered her to sit,she hurriedly did as told.then he made a deal with her which she wasn't given a chance to refuse.

#he had a ask her to carry his child for him and was handed a one million check,as an advance the rest will be paid after giving birth and raising the baby up to three years. Then he was to take him from her and give her her freedom back,but he would be coming to visit and provide everything thing she needed.she had to sign some documents to show that she has no interest with the baby or the father.and that she were to leave her present life for the time being.

She agreed in a hurry thinking that he would release her but he made her sleep in that room but he did not touch her.

The following morning when she woke up he handed her the papers and ordered her to sign, looking at his face she couldn't help but shiver.she took the pen with shaking hands and sign without knowing the tontent of the paper he gave her one copy and took the other. He ordered her to change .

They arrived to a villa located in town Z and that's where the both of them stayed until she got pregnant. Once the doctor confirmed that she was pregnant he left her and went back to F his own country but not before reminding her about the consequences of disobeying him,he wanted her to be free do he didn't leave any bodyguard in the compound,but ordered them to watch her from a far.As soon as he left she was caught by the CCTV cameras trying to escape he told them not to touch and just follow her,to his surprise she went to a.


She went ahead and asked the doctor to help her with abortion after the guard who pretended to be a nurse heard this called hi boss right away.and he ordered to force her back and not to go easy on her.

When she recognized the men fear took her over that she followed them without a fuss.And that's how she was locked inside that compound with heavy security,she never for once left that place except when she had to see a doctor.when it was due date she was taken to the hospital and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.

Am saying beautiful because he had the girl like features,too much handsome to be a boy.Thorn was happy.

She went back to the villa and took care of the baby for three years.although he sent some maides to help her he never came even once.Untill when three years were over,by this time Diana had a strong bond with the baby and she loved him so much,she even sore to him that she was never going back to that life ever again.

But her joy was short lived when Thorn came back and took the boy and gave her the documents of that villa signed by him,and also another one million check was left by the table.He left without glancing her even a single look.since she had told the little Jordan about his father he was waiting eagerly for him to come.so he didn't resist,but before he left even as Small as he was he still reminded her mother to keep her promise.

#and that she swore never to break;

Jordan was raised by his father,to be an anima like him he forgot everything his mother taught him and became a monster.as a young man by the age of nineteen immidietly after graduation he joined marines for seven years.But he did that after learning that his mother never wanted him 'he saw the documents she signed ' 'that bitch' he referred her to a that.

He became more heartless even the soft spot he always kept for himself disappeared and had no respect for women.he used to break their hearts after using them,if anyone tryed to speak of love he damped them there and then.

#that changed when he met precious

'wait what is this feeling? why do I feel remorseful? does this mean I no no no no'

#he was In love with her#

Going back to how the two of them met until now,he realized that he had seen any other women beside her. 'he spite himself' he couldn't deny the feelings anymore he really was in love!!!

But she hated him,she despised him 'yes that's it nobody can love him'

The fact that she shielded herself inorder not to feel him inside her hurt him so much.

He taught her to ignore the pain and only remember the things that excite oneself.he used to do that when his father beat him he used to hold on to the little memory he had of his mother,and she was his shield until he was nineteen and his favorite moments became when he kills or tortured someone.so whenever he was in the battle or is in physical pain he could always remember himself killings and tortures and would always forget the pain.

Now she used his own techniques to defeat him!!!!

He looked at her sleeping peacefully,and traced his fingers around her face she was an angle,a flower,name all the beautiful things 'that was precious '

The following morning precious woke up and felt some pain down there,then the episodes of the previous nights came back.

And she remembered how all these madness started,how she met this lunatic.

Chapter two: New beginnings

At the airport precious stood rooted at one spot since she didn't want to get lost.she watched as people come and go different ways,since her employer hasn't arrived yet she had to wait,few minutes later someone tapped on her shoulder making her turn around.

Arriving at the big gate they drove in precious couldn't believe her eyes,she has never set eyes on such a big mansion she was led in to the servants quoter where she took a bath and changed into her maides uniform