
Danni & Vicki: The Reception part 2

<p>Life has a funny way of dropping your mess right in your lap... I still can't even believe all this shit happened at my damn Reception smh, but let me drop y'all right back into it...<br/><br/>   I was seething with anger but I had to contain myself an get us back in order to rejoin our guests. I held the door as Vicki walked in prepping herself to grin from ear to ear. The DJ above is rejoining the party an we both acknowledged the need to turn up. <br/><br/><br/>    Our smiles grew as we danced out first dance. I wiped tears from Vicki's eyes an leaned in to whisper "I'm so sorry... I love you" she rested her head on my chest an I felt the deep sigh that left her lips. I kissed her forehead an told her I was about to spin and dip her so she could prepare her face. If anything my baby knew how to put on a face... then it hit me like a ton of bricks... How long?<br/><br/><br/><br/>                                 Victoria<br/><br/>  I found myself smiling an crying, crying and smiling; thank goodness everyone saw it as normal. Little did they know I just found out the most devastating news on my fucking wedding day at that. "Why wouldn't she tell me" is all that kept crossing my mind.. but who did I wanna hear it from really? I don't even understand how I don't know which one I'm more upset with. Danni crushed my heart... yes but Eva... she could've told me even if it was just about Danni and Alia.<br/><br/> Don't even get me started on that one! She looked me in my face for Weeks and acted like she didn't know me. Then to come here on complete an utter bullshit? I don't even understand why she's mad.. Yea Danni and I have a Whole lot to talk about. Cause ...how long?<br/><br/>  We sat down after cutting the cake and Couldn't help but feel each other's hurt. Danni's eyes searched mine with what seemed like regret and anger. What have we done to one another? Ugh I need to talk to her... I feel like I'm spiraling.. like at any moment the fuss is gonna blow an- "Come with me" my thoughts were interrupted as Chase tapped my shoulder and whispered to me. I quickly excused myself an followed her to the balcony area. Chase pulled out her weed pen and passed it to me. "Girl are you okay? You look like you were about to pass out" I took a long pull then exhaled the smoke an then I lost it. The words just came rushing out as Chase held me and I cried. <br/><br/>  "Like what the Fuck Chase.. why" Chase cupped my face to look at her as tears poured down my face. "Vee now you know you my girl and I love you with everything. But y'all both wrong for real and now it's just a matter of sitting down, talking and listening to each other. I know how much you love Danni and I see how much she loves you friend.. talk to her" she hugged me and we stayed for a while just smoking when I heard Danni call my name. "Vicki baby... I'm ready to go.. you ready" I nodded yes, Chase an I hugged again as she whispered to me "talk to her Vee" I nodded again and she kissed my check, wiping my tears smiling at me. "It's gone be okay girl .. y'all got this" I hugged her again than reached for Danni's hand she waved goodbye to Chase an we made our way to the car. The driver opened the door for us and as soon as the doors closed Danni's face turned so cold...</p>

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