
Global Evolution

Five hundred million years ago, an epoch of extraordinarily fast evolution and mutation took place. It is said that all ancestors of today’s species on Earth derive from those that appeared in the “Cambrian Period”. Unfortunately, nothing gold can stay. After the brief “Cambrian Period”, life on Earth entered a period of stagnation. Humans came out on top, becoming the most powerful species on Earth. A second age has come. During the first “Cambrian Period” humanity was kicked off of the throne of the food chain quickly. Now, during the second “Cambrian Period”, what will happen to humanity? The real end of the world is not the tale of brainless zombies. It is paradise.

Bite the Dog · Sci-fi
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146 Chs


Editor: DarkGem /IceTeaBoy

Chang knew Yi Xuan during the “Deadly evolution” period. He was one of the chiefs who was responsible for the captain’s meals, and during this special period, he became one of the leaders of the commissariat department.

It was quite a coincidence for Chang to meet Yi Xuan; when Chang and his friends were cooking the snake in the kitchen a few days ago, Yi Xuan happened to drop by the kitchen. And because they had different reasons of coming to the kitchen, they only had a quick chat. On the same day, they decided on an agreement of exchanging food – Chang exchanged the excess snake meat for 15 pieces of hardtack.