
The Philosopher's stone

Even magic couldn't resist the effects of time. Everything would slowly wear down without proper maintenance, and this formation was no exception.

From the clear sputtering this formation was already on its last legs and if that was so, then maybe Leon still stood a chance.

With this train of thought, Leon wasted no more time and quickly got to work.

Leon quickly sent out a storm of blows, towards the draw causing the colour of the barrier to fade even further as Leon's loud thunderous blows shook the room.

The disturbance was so loud that even the others had stopped what they were doing to go and turned to look at what was going on.

The attacks Leon were sending out were just too devastating and then suddenly,


The crisp sound of glass shattering resounded through the laboratory as the magic barrier exploded into countless fragments!

Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Leon slowly approached the drawer.

He slowly stretched out his hand, firmly clasping the cold metal handle before pulling it open to reveal what lay inside.

As Leon opened the drawer he was greeted with the sight of two objects;

One was a simple, one purple drawstring pouch with golden accents and the other was a strange blood red stone

'Is that it?' Thought Leon in disappointment

Leon had gone through a ridiculous amount of stress and effort, constantly using his body to bait traps and fighting of terrible constructs.

Leon wasn't expecting anything world breaking, but he was at least expecting more than just some special books along with a rock and a pouch.

Leon could only sigh as he moved to retrieve his new rewards.

But suddenly, as Leon you touched the stone, strange flesh like tentacles began to grow from it wrapping around Leon's hands.

"What the…."

Leon quickly moved the strange creation over his wrist.

Name: Philosopher's stone( failed replica)

Rank: ???

Quality: ???

Classification: ????

Durability: 15000/15000

Effect: ????

Note: After gaining knowledge about the mysterious workings of the philosopher's stone, an accomplished mage set out to recreate it. In the end it resulted in a failure but even failures can still serve a purpose…

As Leon saw this his eyes shook.

The Philosopher's Stone!

Even before the fall the amount of stories and myths based on this legendary item were countless.

And if the system decided that this creation was fit enough to even bear the name of the philosopher's stone despite being a failed replica, there had to at least be something special about it.

With these thoughts in mind Leon moved onto the other item in the drawer.

Name: Space Pouch

Rank: Grey Stone

Quality: Rare

Classification: Container

Durability: 2500/2500

Effect: Opens up a sub- Dimensional space 1metre long and 1 metre high.

Note: One of the many creations of the Great Mage Arovier.


No matter how much Leon thought about it he couldn't recognise the name anywhere.

It was not a name from any myths or legends neither was it a name of any legendary figure he had met in <Haven>.

After continuously racking his brain and not finding any clues Leon just decided to put the name on hold for now. It was just as shame that he couldn't recognise the owner, it may have been able to reveal some mysteries about this mysterious philosopher's stone.

Sighing, Leon placed the philosopher's stone into his newly acquired space pouch and moved to meet up with the rest of the group.

Surprisingly for Leon the rest of the group were already waiting for him in the centre of the room and had he approached he could already notice a difference in the appearance of the others.

The brother and sister pair of Lucas and Lucy were already sporting a new pair of greaves and arm braces that occasionally showed off a light glow hinting at their magical nature. The siblings had obviously managed to stumble upon a trove of magical treasures.

From what Leon was seeing it was clear that whoever this 'Mage Arovier' was, he was definitely an accomplished craftsman.

But even after the shocking appearance siblings they weren't even the most impressive, no that title would have to go to Jessica who was carrying a sack filled to the brim of magic potions with a ridiculous smile on her face.

Seeing the sights of his teammates, Leon couldn't help but chuckle..

"It seems like you all managed to get a good haul."

"Well what about you?" asked a confused Jessica

"From what your carrying, It doesn't look like you got much"

Hearing Jessica's words, Leon just chuckled.

"While it does not look like much I'm actually satisfied with the haul I got."

"Oh? What did you get then?" Asked Jessica now curious.

"A few books and space storage."

But instead of amazement, Leon was greeted with a set of strange looks.

"Is… is that it?"

Whilst the space pouch may be slightly impressive it was nothing compared to the treasures with actual combat potential like the ones gained by the others.

In fact the others were even starting to feel bad for Leon.

In a place filled with countless treasures he had actually managed to get almost nothing.

His luck was really quite shitty!

Who knew if they would be able to have the same opinion if Leon had been completely honest.

As the others were left stunned Lucy slowly approached Leon before stretching out her hand.

"For me?" Asked Leon in surprise

In response Lucy said no words as she slowly nodded her head.

As Lucy stretched her had Leon could see a small ring that was glowing in a soft red light.

Name: Ring of strength

Rank: Grey Stone

Quality: Uncommon

Classification: Accessory

Durability: 500/500

Effect: strength +3

Note: One of the many creations of the Great Mage Arovier.

Leon was left stunned by the details of the item, but soon his stunned expression turned into a soft smile.

"Thank you" said Leon as he softly rubbed Lucy's hair.

It was then that he thought of something.

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