
Blood enhancment (2)

He knew all this, but still somehow, Leon was slightly disgusted by the aura of the stone

The feeling he was getting from this stone was just too strange.

It was a twisted evil sensation that made his skin crawl.

He couldn't help but feel like this stone wasn't a good thing to keep around.

But despite getting this bad feeling from the stone, Leon also felt like it would be a great Shame if he didn't at least try its effects to find out what was going on.

Leon pulled the stone off his hand, ripping away the fleshy tentacles that were wrapping around his hand.

Next Leon took out the two poor quality firebolt talismans and placed the stone on top of them.

Seeing that everything was set up, Leon then nodded as he spoke.

"Blood enhancement."

The instant the words left Leon's mouth, the stone burst out into a deep red glow, as an evil aura could be felt swirling around the stone.

Before Leon could adjust to what had happened a long fleshy tentacle shot out Anne pieces straight into Leon's arm.

But this wasn't like the harmless moves of the stone beforehand as this time it did some real damage to Leon.

The moment the tentacle pierced his arm, Leon's body felt a sense of weakness as his face instantly began to pale.

'Fuck!' Thought Leon.

'This thing is actually sucking my blood!'

Desperately Leon tried to pull out the fleshy tendril, but Leon was soon left horrified as he found out that the tendril wouldn't move in the slightest. No matter what Leon tried, the tendril remained as solid as a steel bar.

Realising there was nothing that he could do Leon stopped panicking and calmly started looking at the situation.

After a short while Leon concluded that his life wasn't in danger .

Leon could feel blood leaving his body but he was sure that it wasn't reaching any critical levels, Leon could even feel the rate at which the blood was leaving gradually slow down so if Leon's guess was correct then the process wouldn't last for much longer.

Fortunately, Leon's predictions weren't wrong as After a while the blood completely stopped leaving his body as the red glow and ten legs surrounding him and the firebolt talismans quickly withdrew into the philosophers stone as if they had never been there in the first place it's just that when Leon looked at his stats he noticed something disturbing

[ Constitution: 37.5 → 36 ]

The effect of this stone had actually reduced his constitution by 1.5 points!

Leon quickly picked up the talismans that had been affected by the red glow and he was soon shocked to find out that the quality of the two talismans had improved from poor quality to common!

Whilst this might not seem that amazing for Leon this was groundbreaking.

He had heard of treasures that could improve the quality of crafted items. But all such things were so rare and unattainable they were basically myths and legends!

Even amongst humanity, there was no faction that had treasures that could improve the quality of crafted items, or at least if they did, they did a very good job of keeping it secret.

The only people that Leon knew that had a treasure that could improve the quality of crafted items were supreme races like the dragon race or the Titan race.

For everyone else, such a treasure was something that could only be dreamed of.

But right now, in front of Leon, was one such highly sought after treasure!

Seeing the effect Leon was eager to experiment more with and try it out again, but just as he was about to start his inscription all over again he noticed something

Primordial energy: 0/15

After countless failed inscriptions, Leon's measly reserves of primordial energy has finally run dry.

Normally if Leon wanted to recover his primordial energy he would just have to wait for a while for it to recover its natural process.

But Leon seemed to remember something as his eyes drifted towards his status panel and locked onto one of his profession skills.

<Primordial Meditation>

Ever since Leon had gotten this class he was too busy to even use it properly so there was no time left for him to try out some strange meditation skill.

No that he finally had some time on his hands he may as well try it out and see what it's effects are.

Who knows? Maybe it can help him recover Primordial energy faster.

Calming himself down, Leon sat down in a comfortable position. And closed his eyes.

Once he was sure he was comfortable and in a calm state, Leon activated the skill

<<Primordial Meditation>>

The instant the skill was activated, the small cloud of primordial energy in Leon's soul began to swirl, slowly picking up speed until it transformed from a small cloud of purple energy into a large purple vortex.

Leon could suddenly feel a weird mass of sensations overwhelm him at the same time.

Cold heat, calm, rage!

A mixture of all sorts of energies seemed to flow around him as Leon's body, under the guidance of the skill, seemed to take it all inside.

Leon slowly fell into this state for a unknown track of time before he suddenly opens his eyes.


Leon let out as he adjusted to his normal feelings after being trapped in that weird meditative state for so long.

The first thing Leon did after leaving the state was to check his status, more specifically his primordial energy, and he was greeted with a pleasant surprise

[ Primordial energy: 0/15 → 5/15.5 ]

Leon's original guess was correct, seeing as the Primordial Meditation did help in the recovery of primordial energy. And surprisingly, the effects of primordial meditation didn't end there as they also seemed to have the effect of increasing the total amount of Primordial energy he could store at one time.

This came as good news to Leon as it had answered a question he had has since he got the Primordial Runesmith class.

How to increase primordial energy?