
Chapter 28: A beast, successful upgrade

In the nearby fields within Liam's territory, a farmer paused in his work, a pained expression crossing his face as he clutched his chest. 

Sensing the unsettling atmosphere, his neighbor glanced up from his tasks, concern etched on his features.

"What's this feeling?" 

The first man muttered, his voice strained with unease.

"You feel it too?"

 His neighbor responded, his tone tinged with apprehension. 

"Yeah... I feel... "

He paused for a moment, seemingly terrified, and he continued his words as he scrambled to find the right words to describe this feeling.


"Pain... and madness"

As they attempted to make sense of the inexplicable sensation. 

Suddenly, ROARR!.

A thunderous roar echoed from the horizon, drawing closer with each passing moment. The clouds vacated apart up above the sky as their eyes widened in panic upon this scene.

The ground beneath their feet started to quiver, and buildings trembled as panic spread through the populace like wildfire.

Fortunately, Adhart arrived on the scene in time, accompanied by the iron guard footmen who swiftly moved to restore order amidst the chaos. 

"Stay calm!"

"Do not be afraid!"

He yelled.

With practiced efficiency, they directed the frightened civilians to safety, their presence instilling a semblance of calm amid the turmoil.

Adhart glanced skyward, his brow furrowed with concern as he murmured in a heavy tone.

 "What in the world is happening?"

The question hung in the air, unanswered as the ominous roar grew ever nearer, or even to be more precise. 

"The roar is getting louder" 

Adhart muttered in a heavy tone.

At the same time, within Irene's territory.

As Irene busied herself preparing the castle for Liam's anticipated arrival,

The sudden roar shattered the tranquility of her surroundings.

 It reverberated through the air, a menacing sound that seemed to echo from the depths of the earth itself. Like a giant that seemed to be awakening from its deep slumber.

"What's happening?" 

Voices cried out in confusion and fear as the roar grew louder, its ominous resonance filling the air. 

 One by one, the people stopped what they were doing, and darted their eyes towards the sky in panic and confusion, as a sense of heart palpation slowly creeps in from the horizon.

"T-the castle is shaking!"

Someone exclaimed, their voice trembling with dread. 

The buildings within the territory also began to shake and tremble, the people ran about in panic under this sudden chaos.

Irene's chest tightened with an inexplicable sensation, her heart racing with unease. 

The panic spread like wildfire among the people, their fearful expressions mirroring the uncertainty that gripped them.

The maids, who had been diligently preparing the venue, paused in their tasks, seeking solace and reassurance from Irene's presence. 

Sensing their distress, Irene's heart clenched with a mixture of concern and apprehension. She then immediately ordered her summoned troop, a group of elven knights to appease the townspeople.

At the same time, Irene made her way to the highest point of the castle, her steps quickening with each passing moment. Seemingly to echo along the unknown roar rhythm.

 As she ascended to the pinnacle, her eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of the source of the disturbance. 

There within her sight, the forest appeared to be tumbling under the roar too, and the birds and animals flocked about in riot from all directions. 

Everything was a mess... 

"What's happening?" 

"Is it the powerful beast that sister Isabelle had mentioned before?"

"How can it be here out of all the place?"

"Why am I so unlucky, one thing being next to the strongest player and the other thing having a powerful beast near my house"

"Cut me some break please"

Irene's voice trembled with fear as she gazed up at the sky, her heart pounding in her chest. 

The answer eluded her, leaving her with a sense of foreboding as she awaited the unfolding of events.

'Why me'

She wailed.


In the valley, amidst the agony that wracked Liam's body, his roar of pain escalated, reverberating with a newfound intensity. 

The transformation process seemed to amplify his suffering, each moment stretching his endurance to its limits.

Beside him, the slimes neared the completion of their transformation, their forms adapting with relative ease compared to Liam's excruciating ordeal.

 Though they were not spared from discomfort, their agony paled in comparison to the Lord's.

"This pain!" 

"This long lost despair!!!"

Liam's voice echoed with anguish, his grunts resonating through the valley. 

The sensation of his very essence being torn asunder was unbearable, a torment that threatened to consume him entirely. 

"I need... "

"to vent"

 Liam growled, his voice laced with a determination born from desperation.

 He knew all too well the power of emotion, how one could counteract the depths of despair with an overwhelming surge of another. 

He is used to this emotion back in his past life.

 He lived with it every day. 

And to deal with it, he would usually unleash his...


The word escaped his lips like a curse, his eyes flashing with an icy resolve as he embraced the searing fury that surged within him.

 With a primal roar that shook the heavens, Liam unleashed his wrath upon the world.

His draconic voice thundered across the sky, a primal scream of anguish and rage. In an instant, a beam of blinding light erupted from his gaping maw, slicing through the air with unparalleled force.

BOOM... The deafening sound reverberated through the valley as the beam struck the earth below, unleashing a cataclysmic explosion that rents the forest asunder. 

Trees splintered and crumbled, and the earth trembled beneath the force of the impact as devastation reigned in the wake of Liam's unleashed fury.

Driven by his overwhelming anguish and fury, Liam ascended into the sky, his mind clouded by the torment of his transformation. 

As his gaze fell upon the serene landscape surrounding the valley, a primal scream tore from his throat, echoing through the air like a thunderclap.

Rumbling with agony, Liam unleashed a relentless barrage of energy blasts from his gaping maw, each blast tearing through the air with unstoppable force. 

The ground quaked beneath his wrath as the once tranquil forest was rent asunder by the sheer power of his rage.

Fiery tendrils of darkness licked at the earth, consuming everything in their path as Liam's destructive fury knew no bounds. 

Trees splintered and toppled, their branches reduced to splinters as flames consumed the verdant foliage in a relentless inferno.

With each blast, the devastation grew, spreading like wildfire across the landscape. 

Panic gripped the hearts of the wild beasts and monsters that dwelled nearby, their primal instincts driving them to flee in terror from the cataclysmic force unleashed by Liam's uncontrollable wrath.

Some wild beasts were unfortunate, as moments before they could react, their bodies were consumed under the raging blast. 

What remained were ashes and destruction.

Amid the chaos, Liam remained ensnared by his torment, his mind consumed by the searing pain of his transformation. This pain is way beyond the physical pain, it resides within his origin. Such a pain that was never known till this moment.

 With every blast, he vented his anguish, the flames of his fury consuming everything in their path as the valley was engulfed in a maelstrom of destruction. 

Several hours passed, and the sun had finally reached mid-day from above.

The transformation process finally came to an end, Liam collapsed onto the scorched earth below, his body wracked with exhaustion and pain. 

With a resounding boom, the ground beneath him groaned and sank under his immense weight, an evident to the celestial power that now coursed through his veins.

"Finally... it ends"

"It was a success"

 Liam exhaled, his voice is heavy with fatigue. 

 He cast his gaze around at the vast expanse of devastation that surrounded him, the once vibrant forest now reduced to smoldering ruins.

 Despite the raw power he now possessed, Liam couldn't shake the sense of fragility that came from these mortal things.

"I did quite a damage huh"

He muttered to himself, his tone tinged with remorse. He surveyed the destruction with a mixture of awe and disbelief, realizing the unintended consequences of his outburst. 

The loss of life and habitat at the tip of his finger was as simple as breathing and drinking for him.

 Luckily he had made the wisest decision to undergo the upgrade process outside of his territory, or else the consequences might have been terrific. 

With a heavy sigh, Liam rose to his feet, his muscles protesting with every movement. But somehow, his body started to regain its strength at an incredible speed, almost instantaneously. 

Liam wasn't surprised as this might be one of the celestial traits. Even if what he got was not even a single percent of the true scale from where it came from. 

But the changes that had occurred were more than enough for his little self.

As Liam took a moment to assess his newfound energy and the aftermath of his outburst, a sense of fulfillment washed over him mingled with the realization of the vast power now at his command. The energy seems to be...

"Endless... another trait of a celestial" 

Liam smiled upon this discovery.

Typical lord type novel cliche: THE MC WILL BE OVERLY OP, just a heads up. And if ur thinking celestial is the end? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH... NO!

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