
chapter one looking for a job

<p>it was a blissful morning I woke up early, as usual, as I have a lot of things to do today I woke up still laying on the bed staring at nothing in particular, I just felt tired after a long journey of last night and now I have to get up early I need to prepare my cupcakes and send it to my client before 8 0 clocks in the morning, need to make sure mother takes her breakfast in other to take her drugs and still need to find a job for myself, truly death was something unfortunate I had no sibling and my mom was diagnosed cancer my cupcakes business can't offer me the amount of money I need for my mom's surgery I have to find a job to support my cupcake business.<br/>I got up and hurriedly went into the kitchen to prepare my cupcakes after it was ready I prepared rice cakes which I put into the food flax and send to the hospital for my mom alongside her drugs after which I went to the bathroom to take my bath, I quickly dress up and hurriedly left the house.<br/>I got to the subway where I got a bus first I was going to deliver the cupcakes to my client I got there earlier so I have to wait for a while, I waited for two hours but there was no sign of them not even a call I tried calling but it was unreachable I was baffled and frustrated at the same time<br/>"oh! No not today, God please help me " I made some silent prayer within myself, and a few minutes later I received a call it was my client <br/>" Hello Miss Emma am so sorry I won't be able to make it today, please you can deliver it tomorrow" <br/>" alright ma" I replied, I quickly left for the hospital I took a taxi to the hospital and took the food to my mom who was asleep I quickly keep the flax on the table and left, I was going to Victoria mansion ( the biggest mansion in the city) and taxi stop right at the gate, it's beautiful I exclaimed, I walk through the massive gate all alone as u tried to find my way to the sitting room.<br/>I got to the sitting room it was magnificent...., I tried my best not to stair, and I sat on the couch waiting for Mr Nicolas after a while an old lady came walking towards me she had an apron on her<br/>" pardon are you miss Emma "? she asked as if she was expecting someone different.<br/>" yes, I am " I replied trying not to be nervous but the fact was that I was already nervous I bit my lower lip my whole body was hot I found it hard to breathe, I was wishing for the lady to leave who was she, why was she asking me questions? I asked myself over again I was expecting Mr. Nicolas, not an old lady she stared at me from head to toe<br/>" our boss is super handsome not fall in love with him," she said as she walked away in another direction.</p>

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