


Our minds were stressed out and jumbled, especially my betrothed Raynevere. So the next day, I scheduled a surprise date with her to ease our moods.

I woke up as early as four in the morning and immediately put on my best suit and leather shoes. For this date, I chose a gray coat, blue shirt, brown slacks, and high-quality lucky undergarments. This is the very first date we will have as a couple, so I have to put extra effort into this event.

At six in the morning, I immediately went to her condo unit. My sweet fiance gave me her extra key card so that I can freely enter and exit her place, and this is the first time I will be using it for a not-so-creepy purpose.

I am planning to serve her breakfast early in the morning. My mother cooked some extra sunny-side-up eggs, bacon strips, and garlic fried rice, so I prepared a box of it for my fiance to enjoy.

I rang the doorbell two times until Raynevere answered it from the other side.

"W-Wait. Coming!"

As the door opened, I saw Raynevere on her messed-up side. She only wears an oversized white shirt, making her milky smooth long thighs visible to my innocent eyes. Her long dark gray is still a mess, and she seems to have just woken up. She was rubbing her eyes before she looked at me.

"M-Mister Elzane!?" Raynevere cried with a blush.

"G-Good morning," I said with a wry smile.

"K-Kyaaaaaah!" Raynevere wailed as she immediately shut down the door.

"W-Wait!" I hollered.

It was rude of me to come here unannounced, so I was the one to blame for this turn of events. But my goal is pure! I just wanted to surprise her and serve her a wholesome breakfast, since she always eats by herself!

"R-Rayne!" I knocked on the door three times. "Rayne!?"

"I-I'm sorry if you saw me in such a state, Mister Elzane! I didn't know that you will visit me this early in the morning!"

"Ah! I'm sorry too for showing up unannounced!" I cried. "Can you please open the door?"

"No! It's too embarrassing! You're all formal, and I can't show you my looks with this! At least let me brush first!"

"O-Okay." I forced a smile.

It took a couple of minutes before Rayne finished brushing her teeth. When the door opened, I saw that her long hair is now neat, and her face looked fresh, clean, and moist, as if she just rushed splashing water on her face. She also had a clean white towel hanging on her left arm.

"Oh, is that our breakfast?" Raynevere asked with a happy smile.

"Y-Yeah. I thought you might want to eat together for this morning, so I had my mother cook an extra serving."

"That's great! Thank you, Zane!" Raynevere clapped her hands, and then she immediately kissed my left cheek.

"Eeeek!" I cried internally. I don't know what's happening to me since this is not even her first kiss to me, but I can't get over how sweet my future wife is to me. I should get used to it already since we are now officially and truly a couple in love with each other.

"I'll shower first! You go prepare our breakfast, please!" Raynevere prayed with her hypnotizing purple puppy eyes.

"O-Okay." I nodded with a blush.

As I entered the condo unit's dining area, Raynevere rushed to the shower room and started washing her body. I started preparing the food and then I heard the sound of water droplets sprinkling from the bathroom. It was the sound of Raynevere taking a bath. To add degeneracy to my thoughts, I can even hear her sweet, soft voice humming as she washes her body.

When I finished preparing the food, the door to the bathroom seemingly talked to me via telepathy. Come here, and open the door. It's what the shower room door tells me. This is clearly a devil's whisper, or maybe my inner perversion taking root.

I slowly walked forward. One step. Two steps. Three steps. Eight steps.

The doorknob is within reach. The sound of the sprinkling waters is now louder, and I can hear Raynevere's soft voice from the other side. I was about to reach the doorknob until-

"No, no, no!" I immediately retracted my hand and put it close to my chest. "I cannot do this! I know that I am a pervert, but this is way past my plans! Raynevere trusts me completely, and I cannot ruin the feelings she had for me just by acting like a degenerate!" I whispered to myself.

I took one, two, and three steps backward. Just before I could back off to a safe distance, the door to the shower room opened!

Raynevere revealed herself with her almost naked body, only having her white towel cover her private parts. But I can still see her bare shoulders and thighs. Not to mention, the smell of her fragrant million-dollar Victory's Secret shampoo was already mixed in the air.

"Zane?" Raynevere asked.


"What's the matter? And why are you beet-red? Are you feeling under the weather?"

"Ah, n-no!" I shook my head.

"Oh, okay. I heard you stepping closer to the door, so I thought you wanted to talk to me." Raynevere said, her metallic elf ears twitching with energy.

"It's nothing, really! I'm completely fine!" I said as I shook both of my hands in denial.

"I thought you were going to peek a little, which is fine by the way." Raynevere tilted her head innocently. "But you seem to have a plan in mind for this day, so I hurried to take a bath. Let's go eat our breakfast then!"

"Y-Yeah. Breakfast is ready." I gave a wry smile.

What a wasted opportunity.

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