
I may be crazy

My name is Aailn Grace. My name says that I'm calm. Which I guess to other people I am. My birthday is June 22 so I'm a cancer. I am crazy but hopefully in the best possible way. I've grown up differently than a lot of people. I see things in different way. Most of the time, I wear my heart on my sleeve like most people who are known to be a cancer and I am obsessed over zodiac signs if you couldn't tell by me just talking about it before.

I am the second to youngest out of eight. I have four sisters and three brothers. Three older sisters, Three older brothers and one little sister. I've only lived with to of them though. Most of my siblings are through my dad, Nanga who died when I was four years old. Right before his last child also known as my younger sister was born. Two of my older sisters and two of my older brothers have a different mom than me. One sister which is from my mom has a different dad. So technically there's only three of us who have both the same mom and dad.

As I've said before I may be crazy or possibly the world is for putting me in this spot. However this is why I'm writing this. It's not because I was suggested to do this either. There's so many people in the world that has a messed up world like me, I just want to see if anyone wants to really hear it. Even if you didn't, then why did you read this far so far?

I promise you my story is interesting. Maybe one day my story could possibly be on different shelves across different places. In different languages even, but who am I kidding. I'm just writing this for fun, all though that would be cool to see.

Imagine. The World Was Crazy. With a pretty cover just for you to actually hold in your hands. However I must ask you this. Please don't share my story. Please don't copy it. This stuff has actually happened. It may not be physically me because I am just a character, but it has happened. My name Aalin is just a cover because this stuff has actually happened. The person is just to scared to actually put her name into this.

Imagine the possibility. Losing your own actual real life story because someone like the idea and the concept except for the fact that, This was not an idea. Far from it. It never should have happened. Any of it to real people, it the person's point of view.

Please be mindful. Don't put rude comments.

Love Aalin or also me. "Whatever comes into the light please don't make it seem worse than its already known for."