
Volume 1 - Gimmindiot World (1) - A stupid problem

Keywords: potato/chicken/alchemy/capitalism/light saber

It's been around 4 centuries since Gimmindiot struck it rich…

You'll ask how?

That's quite simple.

At that time, Gimmin Diot, the founder of the company, was a noble.

Not a rich one, but not a poor one too.

He was just… ordinary.

His daughter was a mage, studying alchemy, while he had his eldest son being a genius in magic, studying in a school in a faraway country, and his youngest son being a little vigorous guy, who'll surely become a great fighter.

His wife was beautiful and gentle.

The peasants in his territory were cultivating potatoes.

Everything seemed to go well.

And it WAS going well.

Until something happened.

It wasn't a long tragedy.

It wasn't a short too.

It was just… ordinary.

His daughter was beautiful, so the neighboring count wanted her for his personal amusement and lust.

You can guess what's next.

The men of the count came and kidnapped the poor girl.

Gimmin Diot was depressed.

With no way of knowing who kidnapped his daughter, he went to her room to cry.

Then he saw the impossible.

His daughter had a REAL and INCREDIBLE talent in alchemy.

On the table, things were transforming, there was a formula, and a plate.

She wasn't turning lead to gold, the territory didn't have any.

But she was turning potatoes into chicken… Already prepared and featherless chickens…

His son returned after creating the laser technology.

This technology allowed Gimmin Diot to grill chickens.

And this is how Gimmin Diot became the founder of Gimmindiot, the biggest company in the world, with their main domain being…


Rald finished his presentation, and asked:

-Any question?

-No Raldy!

-Why tell us what we already know?

-Yeah, it's true, Raldy, you already told it a dozen times already!

Rald cast an exasperated look at his students.

-You're students, you should be respectful to your teacher, as well as your elders. And I am both!

Life as a teacher truly is hard.

-That doesn't answer my question!

A student answered.

-First, sit correctly, then, I'll answer your question.

-Okay, okay, no prob' teach'!

Said the student without moving from a centimeter.


Another student added, provoking the laughter of the class.

-Be respectful…

Rald sighed… But answered anyway.

-We're studying alchemy, but history is also important.

-'been the third time this week!

-We have quotas… We need to study it three times a year anyway, and it's the last day. I decided to do it today, and we'll do it. Don't forget that this school is…

-Sponsored by Gimmindiot we know… We know…

-Great then.

The bell rang, and the students rushed outside…

-Don't forget to… work at… home…

He sighed once again and lowered his head.

-Rald Roswald… The professor with the least authority on his students of all history since Merlin and Vivien, and the best alchemist since the daughter of Gimmin Diot…

Startled out of his thoughts, Rald was surprised to see a man accompanied by three bodyguards enter the classroom.

This man soon added one thing to what he said:

-We need you to solve an important problem… Our competitors are catching up to us, prepared chickens aren't enough anymore and our furnace budget is skyrocketing! We need to find an alchemy formula to transform potatoes directly into a cooked chicken!

How keywords were used:

potato and chicken became the main theme behind alchemy.

capitalism is pretty easy to find.

For lightsaber, I couldn't make it into a star wars fanfic, so I thought about browning the chicken with a lightsaber, and this is how the cooked chicken came to my mind.

ClemCacreators' thoughts
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