
Chapter5 ( investigating pt 2 )


Melissa : wait this one this its him I am sure its him

 I said as I pointed at the screen at a man wearing a black outfit with a black mask covering his face and a pocket knife attached to his pants


Kim and Amilia in 1 breath : who is this


Melissa : he was in my room yesterday he was trying to kill me I swear and when I told the nurses thy told me it was hallucinations


Amilia : yes but why would someone want to kill you ?


Officer 1: there are so many people willing to get rid of you miss Melissa


Melissa : whooooa am I that important


Amilia : wait but how I have been her friend for 7 years now and have never notice any one stalking her or trying to get rid of her in any way


Officer 2 : yes and that is because they lost track of her after qher parents changed her identity to protect her oh and they where responsible for your parents death


Melissa : wow and that is the cherry on the top that is what my drama was missing I said to myself

Melissa : officer then what is my actual identity


Officer 1 : you are ( Alexandra brooke )


Kim talking


Kim: suddenly a flash back came to my head of Alexandra brooke the girl I loved the most since the first time I saw her and I have never forgotten her even after separating for 10 whole years and obviously she will not remember me any sooner because of her memory loss I said to my self while trying not to hug her


End of kim's speech


Melissa : as we left the police office I asked Amilia for hoe long was she staying


Amilia for about 4 days and ill have to go back to france to finish up and pack my stuff then I will return it will be approximately a 2 month stay don't worry


Kim: hey Melissa since the hospital is now not a good option for you to stay in and there will be no one to take care of you in a couple of days so why don't you and Amilia move in to my house for the time until you are better and then you could move out again


Melissa : I looked at Amilia


Amilia : he has a point I will be going to france it 4 days and you will have no one to take care of you so I think you should do as he said


Melissa : ok . kim ok I am down to stay at your place I hope that I am not interfering a lot in your life but will your girlfriend be ok with it .


Kim : haha I don't have a girlfriend and no you will not be interfering

So lets go get your things from the hospital and pack some things from your house


Melissa : ok