
Gilgamesh Untold

As time passes, and Ages come and go, history holds firm as the reminder of humanity's story. Stories are passed down, immortalized, and never forgotten. One such story has stood the test of time, and is considered the very first, oldest story ever told... 'Though this history shall soon be forgotten, the Epic of Gilgamesh shall live on forever in my memory, as a sign of who I once was and the sacrifices I had to make.' 'I have learned many things, and have seen even more. I have lived fulfilling lives and accomplished great things. That story has long ended, but my story still remains unwritten!' 'So now, I write my own story! A story of the things unknown to all! The story of Gilgamesh, untold!' *Inspired by the Ancient Mesopotamian 'Epic of Gilgamesh,' and Based off of the work of iKissTurtles (Who I am working with to publish this fantastic take on the age-old character).*

iKissTurtles · Fantasy
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176 Chs

Executing An Outer Disciple

Gilgamesh said nothing more, and he immediately rushed toward Viktor. In an instant, his body burst through the cloud of dust and a single palm glided through the air.


With wide eyes, Viktor received a slap to his face before he could even tap into his power. He was sent reeling from the sudden shock and pain, and instantly spat out some blood and teeth.

Gilgamesh halted his movements, and clasped his hands behind him.

Enraged, Viktor let out a roar and glared toward Gilgamesh while letting his aura explode.

"For trash at the Peak of Condensation, you sure are brave. Sadly, you chose the wrong person to fuck with!"

The aura of the Establishment stage erupted from Viktors body, and he made his move.

His foot slammed into the earth and cracked it, but by then he was already above Gilgamesh, swinging his arms down from over his head.

Gilgamesh snorted coldly.

"Fuck off."

While Viktor's arms were still being swung down, Gilgamesh grabbed hold of his wrists and spun his body, then threw Viktor behind him with monstrous force.

Unable to stop himself, Viktor could only watch as he was flipped around and slammed into the floor, the impact alone damaging his internal organs.

He coughed up another mouthful of blood; the aura around his body was already weakened significantly.

"What is this? How can you be so-" While he was expressing his incredulity, Gilgamesh raised his leg and dropped it ferociously, slamming his foot into Viktor's throat.

"Little Groundhog and Little Rose. Do you remember them?"

Viktor could not speak- even taking a single breath was a struggle. Even so, the defiance in his eyes never subsided.

A strange glow slowly intesified in his pupils, and his aura suddenly started climbing again.

Gilgamesh noticed that Viktor was likely about to use some kind of technique or special move, so he scoffed.

He raised his foot again, and this time summoned even more power. His foot slammed into Viktor's face, breaking his nose on the first strike.

Then again, this time ruining even more of his teeth.

Once more, this time shattering more of the bones in Viktor's face.

After that, Gilgamesh forcibly circulated his true energy until it was rushing through his body at an insane speed. Whilst doing that, he raised his hand and prepared to launch a devastating punch to Viktor's abdomen.

Suddenly, he realized that Viktor's aura still hadn't diminished.


With no other choice, Gilgamesh had to evade. As he hurried to escape, a green, powdery energy rose from every pore on Viktor's body and spread out into the air around him.

Gilgamesh watched as the grass withered and died, and thanked his instincts once again.

Viktor was on his feet in a matter of seconds, and his disfigured face was already showing signs of restructuring. Gilgamesh's eyes widened, but he merely maintained a steady gaze and kept his arms behind him.

"I'll admit, you caught me off guard with your strength. Your aura is clearly that of someone at the Peak of Condensation, but your strength is a different story."

Viktor cracked his knuckles and his neck, then gave a sinister chuckle.

"Senior was right; you are quite amazing. You couldn't even stay dead."

Viktor raised his hand, and his smile widened until his pulverized teeth and gums revealed themselves.

Gilgamesh winced and averted his gaze with a disgusted expression.

"God! Close your fucking mouth, I don't wanna see that shit!"

Viktor: "..."

He closed his mouth as his glare intensified. With his raised hand, he gathered a large amount of poisonous true energy before it condensed into the shape of an orb.

"Poisoned Seeker-Orb!"

His true energy reacted explosively as the orb was launched from his hand, hurtling through the air toward Gilgamesh in the blink of an eye.

He evaded the first strike, but was struck by a sense of danger as he rolled to the side, barely dodging the orb's rebound attack.

Gilgamesh consciousness was barely able to keep up with the orb's speed, but his body was at a disadvantage. Even with his hundreds of cycles of refinement, he realized that his speed was lacking.

Viktor jumped at the opportunity to catch Gilgamesh at a disadvantage, and tossed out two more poison orbs.

"Tch!" Gilgamesh did his best to evade each of the orbs, but in a matter of seconds his robes were slowly being melted, and he skin was being corroded, revealing the flesh beneath.

If this kept up, he would suffer a defeat by his opponent's first real attack.

'I guess the Establishment stage isn't that easy to deal with. Viktor's true energy nature is quite annoying.'

While Gilgamesh was frantically trying to both evade and formulate a plan, Viktor walked up to him and brought both his hands before him.

He made a grasping motion, as though he were gripping a bow, and his true energy reacted in order to create the shape of a bright green bow and a single arrow.

At that arrow's tip, the concentration of his true energy was even more exaggerated than with the orbs, and so it gathered extremely slowly.

Gilgamesh knew he would be in trouble if he was hit by it, and so he weighed his options.

He could get hit by the orbs and have his flesh slowly corroded, or he could get hit by the arrow and fucking die!

The choice was clear as day.

Letting loose and low cry, Gilgamesh rushed out of the space he had been trapped in by the orbs, uncaring about the damage they did as they struck him.

He made a straight dash toward Viktor, who was still gathering energy for his arrow, and leapt directly onto him.

Viktor's eyes widened in disbelief, and confusion took charge of his mind. He simply could not believe that Gilgamesh would rush toward and tackle him just like that.

As soon as Viktor's concentration was broken, the bow and arrow dissipated, as well as the true energy that supported it.

Gilgamesh quickly gained control of the situation and sat atop Viktor's torso, then fired a quick volley of punches to his face.

Viktor could barely utter a word as he was battered, then once the punches stopped and he thought he would be able to catch his breath, two fingers dug into his eyes.


Gilgamesh flipped Viktor over and got on his knees, pressing them onto the Outer Disciples back as he held his head and twisted with all his might.

Following the chilling sound of a fatal snap, Viktor's body fell limp and his aura faded.

Gilgamesh realized that if he didn't utilize his superior experience and go straight for the kill, he would have gotten caught up in a true energy battle.

In that scenario, he would have definitely died.

Seeing that Viktor was lifeless, the servants who were all cowering nearby slowly came out of hiding.

They gathered around Gilgamesh while he was catching his breath, and suddenly started laughing, smiling, cheering and crying.

A large number of these servants had suffered at Viktor's hands for years, and could scarcely remember what their life was like before.

Most of them did not even have lives to go home to.

Gilgamesh suddenly had a thought, and decided to point them in the right direction.

"Go to the Still Winds Residence where I live, and find Miss Nightshade. She will be glad to help you all out."

The expressions in the eyes of the servants quickly shifted to gratitude and reverence. They expressed their thanks to Gilgamesh before leaving, all-too eager to get away from Viktor's abode and the memories they had there.

Gilgamesh picked Viktor's corpse up by the hair and dragged it out of the gate.

Since Viktor's abode was in something of a secluded area, not a lot of disciples were around. Even so, a small number of them trickled by every now and then.

Not satisfied with the attention he was getting there, Gilgamesh dragged Viktor's body all the way across the sect, and brought him to the foot of the Forest-Gate.

By then, practically every disciple that was up and about had seen the sight of a heavily wounded Gilgamesh dragging an Outer Disciple that they could not identify.

However, once Gilgamesh brought the corpse to the gate, he seated him against one of the pillars. When he turned around, he saw that a crowd had followed him.

"Oh my gosh! He killed someone!"

"It's an Outer Disciple, no less. I wonder who it is."

Gilgamesh frowned and turned around, realizing that it was indeed a bit hard to discern Viktor's features.

So, he asked around and got a piece of paper and something to write with.

Once he was finished, the placed the paper on Viktor's body and put a few pebbles to act as paperweights.

Finally satisfied, Gilgamesh dusted off his ruined robe and went on his way.

Once he was well and good gone, the more curious disciples rushed to see what the paper said.

"What does it say?"

"Who is it?"

The discipes that hadn't rushed ahead to see were all prying, trying to figure out who it was that Gilgamesh had killed.

A male disciple read aloud what the paper said.

"Viktor is dead. Courtesy of Gilgamesh. Rest easy, Little Groundhog and Little Rose."

Enlightenment flashed in the disciples eyes.

"So it was Viktor, huh?"

"Ptui! Good riddance!"

"This guy Gilgamesh is like a fucking vigilante," a male disciple cheered.

When they looked off in the direction that Gilgamesh had headed off in, their eyes reflected a deep respect.

They all knew what kind of person Outer Disciple Viktor was, but the knowledge of his backer was too terrifying of a deterrent.

It was because of Gilgamesh apparent lack of fear in this situation that they felt such great respect for his actions.

He had done something they all wished they had the strength of character to do.