
Chapter 1 : Deliver Us From Evil

The air grew heavy and pregnant with moisture as dark clouds began to gather. A faint rumble Of thunder echoed in the distance, these were signs that it was about to rain. Looking through the window of sacred virtue's orphanage was Kai, a frail looking teenager with pale skin and black eyes, framed by a mop of unruly jet-black hair

Kai had always been different from the  other children at the orphanage. While people tended to be dissatisfied with the rain, He found comfort staring at Gray skies and heavy downpour. His contemplative nature and keen observations always set him apart.

"Kai, sister agatha is calling everyone down for dinner"

A young girl named minny said, snapping him out of his daze

"I will be there in a minute minny" Kai replied with a quiet smile

Walking down the stairs Kai was welcomed by children laughter echoing down the hallways. In one corner a group of older children roughly around his age were huddled around the television. These were scenes kai had grown accustom to but they never ceased to put a smile on his face

However a frown soon appear on his face as he saw the breaking news that was being shown on TV

"we regret to inform you that infamous criminal and serial killer Richard Norman

Has escaped from the north valley penitentiary during the early hours of today

Reports say he killed 3 guards and escaped with several other unidentified inmates and is now on the run"

If anyone has any information about their whereabouts please ca-"

Jeremy a boy in glasses shivered visibly, his eyes wide with fear. " Wait a minute, North valley? Isn't that like really really close by?"

    Brad, another orphan, quickly tried to reassure him." oh come on Jeremy don't be such a chicken yes it's close by but there's nothing to worry about "

" Yeah" added another child, trying to comfort the shaken boy, "He's most likely

Trying to flee the country right now"

Kai, however interjected with a somber tone, "I read an article on him before. They say he's one of the awakened"


In a distant age, calamity befell the Earth. Portals, gateways to other dimensions, erupted across the planet, unleashing a multitude of monstrous entities upon humanity. These abominations proved impervious to conventional weapons, and the world's population dwindled to a mere fraction of its former numbers, teetering on the brink of extinction.

Just when hope seemed all but lost, a new breed of individuals emerged: the Awakened. Endowed with extraordinary and enigmatic abilities, they became humanity's last line of defense against the encroaching horrors. With their miraculous talents, they embarked on a crusade to restore peace and equilibrium to the world.

Though the rifts to other dimensions continued to sporadically manifest, an organization known as Guilds were founded. Comprising the most formidable among the Awakened, these Guilds were tasked with combating the recurring cataclysms. Distinguished by their striking ocean-blue eyes and formidable powers, the Awakened came to be known as 'the Gifted.'

Yet, as the years passed, a new wave of Awakened emerged—individuals with powers that defied conventional explanation.


Jeremy's voice quivered as he broke the uneasy silence in the room. 'That serial killer is cursed, isn't he?' he asked with a hint of fear.

Kai nodded solemnly. 'Yeah, sources say his eyes apparently glowed as red as blood.'

A heavy, suffocating tension settled over the room, casting a shadow on their young faces.All the children were affected by the ominous presence of those known as the cursed. They were a group of awakened individuals, marked by their crimson eyes—an eerie sign of their affliction.

But unlike the Gifted, who harnessed their abilities for the greater good, the cursed had succumbed to the allure of malevolence, their powers twisted and corrupted by their darkest desires.

In the hushed murmurs of the orphanage, the concept of the cursed loomed large, a chilling reminder of the thin line that separated the Gifted from those who had been lost to the relentless pull of Corruption.

The room stirred with anticipation as a woman in her early thirties graced its threshold. Her presence brought an immediate shift in the atmosphere, like a soothing breeze on a sweltering day.

'Good evening, Miss Agatha,' chorused all the children in unison, their faces lighting up as they noticed her arrival.

"Good evening, everyone,' she replied with a radiant and warm smile. With her golden locks and gentle brown eyes, this middle-aged woman possessed a remarkable ability to dispel the lingering tensions that had filled the room moments ago.

'I believe it's time for us to set aside these troubling thoughts, at least for now.' She strode gracefully across the room, her steps echoing elegance. Her hand tenderly patted Jeremy on the head and pinched his nose, a gesture that ignited laughter among the children.

'You children are far too young to carry such burdens,' Agatha reassured them, her voice as comforting as her touch. 'That's my job.'

'Alright, my little ones, why don't we gather around for some dinner?'

And so, the children eagerly convened around a grand dining table, their apprehensions momentarily forgotten in the embrace of a shared meal.

Kai had always held Miss Agatha in the highest regard. After losing his parents, she had become the closest thing he had to a mother.

As far as Kai knew, Miss Agatha hailed from an exceptionally wealthy family. Yet, she had willingly relinquished her fortune to establish this orphanage. For that, he held her in the deepest respect.

'Oh dear Kai,' Mrs. Agatha gently implored, 'would you be a darling and lead us in prayer?'

Miss Agatha's faith was unwavering. She believed that in this cruel world, the children needed something to hold onto. And the children, inspired by her conviction, gladly followed suit.

Kai began the prayer, 'Our Father who art in heaven...'

He was on the verge of completing it when he reached the line, 'deliver us from evil.' The room fell silent. Then, a chilling voice cut through the stillness. It was none other than the notorious serial killer, Richard Norman.

'And all of God's children,' he sneered, 'said Amen.'"

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