
Shadows Lurking

"I'm Alisa" Alisa introducing herself, extended her hand to Andrew.

"Andrew" Andrew said shaking her hands.

"Since we're introducing and all, I'm June" I said but he was not paying me any attention at all, he was still looking at Alisa, still holding her hand.

Caleb cleared his throat for the second time this meeting, making Andrew look at him. Caleb smiled but you know that it was forced.

"Caleb, Alisa's Brother" Caleb said, sounding intimidating, making sure to emphasize on "Brother".

Andrew quickly released Alisa's hand and extending it to Caleb "Nice to meet you Caleb" his British accent sounding much deeper.

Caleb shook Andrew's hand briefly, then Andrew turned to me, waiting for me to introduce myself.

"Really?" Raising one eye brow, "But I just introduced myself"

Andrew didn't say anything, but the look on his face was apologetic.

I sigh "I'm June, and you better hear me this time because I ain't repeating it" I said.

Andrew extended his hand to me, and I shook them.

When he released my hand, a group of girls pass through our table.

"Is that Andrew? What is he doing with the Freaks?" one of the girls asked.

"You know him, he has a good heart. He's just hanging out with them because he feels sorry for them." One of the girls said.

"Awwww, that's so sweet. He's the best, He will be the best husband ever." another girl said.

When they pass, the three of us looked at Andrew. Andrew just heaved out a breath and just covered his face with his hands, Looking so frustrated right now.

"Dude, If your trying to make them go away by sitting with us, I think your failing." I pointed out.

"Nice meeting you guys." he said tiredly. He stood up gather his things and left without another word.

The three of us continued to watch him until he enter the school.

"Well it was nice meeting him." Caleb said, continuing with his sandwich but Alisa just kept starring at the door where Andrew entered.


After Lunch the three of us went to class.

I always stayed at school a little late so I can do some advance reading and do some extra curricular.

The halls were practically empty when I finished my work for the day. While I was walking, I have this uneasy feeling that someone is following me but when I look back, no one was there. I walk a little faster but the feeling is still there. I walked faster now but the thing that's following me move faster as well, I'm practically running right now, running from I don't know what.

When I saw the double doors, I ran faster. Then I heard a hiss, I looked back and saw something coming at me real fast.

"What the-?!"

The thing lunge at me, I shielded myself with my arms just in time.

The next thing I knew I literally flew back, hitting my back on the lockers. The air left my lungs and I felt dizzy. It was painful but bearable, whereas if its a normal person, bones would definitely be broken.

I shook my head trying to clear my head but I didn't even get the chance to breathe because the thing charged for me again. I rolled to dodge just in time when the thing attacked. In the past days after the thing that happened at Luke's house, I felt like my body has upgraded or something. It's not just the outer but also the inner as well. Lately I can carry a lot more heavier things, I lasted longer than before, my body also felt light enabling me to move quick, and a whole lot more.

I can't list them all because if I do, Its going to take forever. You get the point right?..... Thank you.

I stood up quickly and got a better look on the thing. Its a huge pitch black figure, Its like a bear but it has a long neck, the head is narrow and its eyes are glowing yellow, It has long sharp teeth looking nasty as heck, Oh... and the thing also has sharp claws. The thing oozes black smoke all over its body.

The thing looked at me then roared, It advanced again and although it has a big body, It can move fast.

I felt a heat coursing through my upper back, My hands went on auto pilot like it did the last time. My hands reached to my back, pulling out a huge sword.

The thing went for the kill but I blocked it with my sword.

"Man this thing is strong"

The thing hissed and roared, pushing me to my limit. I gritted my teeth giving every once of energy and strength to push back.

With a shout I pushed harder, and thank God it worked. The thing jumped back and roared again I think its already pissed that its dinner is fighting for his life.

It charged at me again but this time I charged too, I swing and slash and block with my sword like there's no tomorrow. We went like that for a while, and my body's feeling the exhaustion now. The thing went for an attack but I dodged it and finally found an opening. I swung my sword, slicing the thing in half. The thing screeched and thrashed on the ground, then the thing disintegrated.

I'm panting, trying to catch my breath. What was that thing?

"Mr.Summers" a familiar voice called.

I turned and saw Miss Kage. My blood went cold.

"Miss Kage!" I yelp in surprised, clearly not expecting her to be here this late.

Her gaze dropped on my sword, then she looked at the hallway. I turned to look at it as well and let me tell you, it is a mess. Its like a bomb went off, there were slice marks and claw marks on the lockers, the tiled floors were smashed, windows were shattered and pieces are scattered everywhere.

I turned to her again. I open my mouth to try and explain but no word came out. I don't know how to explain what just happened with out sounding insane.

My sword erupted in golden fire and then vanished.

"No need to explain Mr. Summers" Miss Kage said in understanding but it just confused me.

"Wait, you're not gonna let me explain? I'm not in trouble?"

"Yes, now go before anyone sees you here looking like that." She said firm.

I looked at myself and saw that my shirt has a huge rip on it.

I looked at her again, " Wait... How are you not freaked out?" I asked because my teacher just saw me holding a sword that erupted in golden flames then vanished, and in the middle of a destroyed hall and she's all calm about it.

"No time for explanations, now Go!" She said again in her signature firm voice.

I quickly grab my things, "Thanks Miss Kage" I said before sprinting out of there.

I arrived at my car, I frantically look for my keys. When I found it, I opened my door in record time. I got in and start my car, put my car in reverse, then drive off.

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