

Andrew just got the approval to be discharged just after three days, which June still couldn't believe. Andrew was welcomed with a loud cheers as he entered the training facility. Everyone was glad to see that he was okay, but Andrew's eyes kept searching the crowd for a particular someone.

When Caleb noticed, the his smile on his face started turning worried. And then the dreaded question came.

"Where's Alisa?" Andrew asked to no one in particular, but when he saw Caleb's worried face, he started getting anxious "Why, what happened to her, is she okay?"

"She's fine" Caleb immediately reassured him. Then he snuck a glance at June, asking for help.

June saw Caleb's distress signal and just nodded. When Caleb saw June's answer, he faced Andrew again, calmer this time.

"She's at studio" Caleb said

"Thanks" Andrew said as his face lit up with excitement. He couldn't hold off his excitement to see Alisa that he immediately excused himself, and hurried to the studio where Alisa is.

"You sure that's the best decision, right now?" Caleb couldn't help asking June as they both watch Andrew head to the studios.

"I think we should let them handle it on their own" June just said, although his voice was also laced with worry.


As Andrew walked towards the studios, music filled his ears and knew that it was where Alisa is. So he followed the music as it get louder and louder, until he reached the very end of the hall, where he saw Alisa dancing passionately inside the studio.

Seeing Alisa dance never ceases to amaze Andrew. His heart soared as he watches her every move, every step and every breath, pouring out her heart and soul as she dances.

As the music stops, Alisa was catching her breath when she was startled by someone who started clapping. She turned to the source and her face drain of color when she saw Andrew walking towards her.

"Hey!" Andrew said, as he went for a hug but Alisa evaded him and took a step back.

"Hey. Oh, I'm sweaty you" Alisa reasoned back with a forced smile "How are you?"

Admittedly Andrew felt kinda hurt when Alisa evaded him, but it didn't last long as his smile returned "I'm feeling great, Amazing actually!" Andrew answered excitedly

"That's good" Alisa said, this time with a genuine smile, but she still made sure that there is enough space between them.

"That's it?" Andrew asked, confused as to why Alisa is acting very aloof.

"Uhhhh…." Alisa started but when she saw the frown in Andrew's face she said "I-I have to go, there's something Maria is asking me to do" then just left. Andrew tried calling her back but she didn't turn around because she knew if she did, she would cave. But she willed herself to be strong and continue walking.

Alisa already noticed that it's not very long before Andrew started asking questions on how strange she is acting, so she decided to end the conversation herself and leave. It hurt her more that anything, but she knew that she had to do it.

Once she's out of sight, the tears started streaming as she could no longer hold them.

Caleb saw her sister ran out of the training facility, no doubt crying. He tried calling her but she just kept going.

"I have to go to her" Caleb said, mostly to inform June

June didn't say anything as he knew that Caleb would still go no matter what he said. When Caleb's already out of sight, June turned his head to see Andrew walking out of the studio, with so much confusion and hurt on his face.

June's heart stung when he saw his brother's expression, so he went to him.

"You okay?" June asked, even though he knew that he clearly wasn't

"What happened? Why's Alisa avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Andrew asked, his voice almost breaking.

"She's not avoiding you" June said, trying to comfort Andrew

"She clearly is"

"Well…. Maybe she really just had to do something important" June said "Don't worry about it too much okay" Although then again, he knew that Andrew would for sure worry about it.

"C'mon, you still need to rest" June said and hooked an arm around his brother's shoulders and led him out of the training facility but Andrew removed his brother's arm around him and stood firm in place "You know something don't you?" Andrew asked his brother with suspicion

"What are you talking about? Of course I don't know anything" June said, lying through his teeth but Andrew saw through it immediately.

"You know, you've never been really good at lying" Andrew said, with hurt on his voice; not understanding why his brother is lying to him.

Andrew shook his head in disappointment and started walking towards the exit of the training facility, when June grabbed his arm.


"Forget it, I'll figure it out by myself" Andrew said, shrugging June's hand on his arm, then walked out.

At that moment June really felt really conflicted. Not knowing if he needs to explain to his brother or just let his brother be. In the end he chose the latter by staying in place, but his heart felt like it was being squeezed. It has that constant sting, but he willed himself to stay strong because, with all the situation, it's not his story to tell.


As the weeks went by, Alisa continued ignoring, evading and when she happens to be caught by Andrew with good timing, she's always ready with a reason to slip out of the situation.

Andrew really is getting really sick of all that's happening around him, it's like he's walking blind. He knows that his brother and Caleb knew what was happening with Alisa but both had been very elusive about the topic whenever he tried opening it up. Alisa kept her distance away from him all the time, and what's worse he didn't even know why. He tried juggling his memory, to try and remember if he had done something wrong but as far as he knew, there's really nothing bad that he had done, severe enough for him to deserve how he's being treated by everyone that he loves. So by then, he started distancing himself to everyone as well.

He already tried everything he could do, but he was already at the end of his rope and his last chance of hopefully shedding some light to the situation, is by asking Maria. He knew that it was a stretch asking her, but he'll never know until he tries.

Since he's still in his resting period, while everybody's at the training facility Andrew headed to Maria's office.

Andrew knocked on the hardwood door twice.

"Come in" Maria answered from the inside.

Andrew shut the door gently behind him, then sat on one of the sits in front of Maria's table

"Andrew, how can I help you?" Maria asked upon seeing Andrew enter her office.

"I really need your help" Andrew said

"Well, looking at how miserable you're looking right now and how desperate you sound, I'm guessing this has something to do with Alisa?" Maria asked as she takes off her glasses

"How did you know?" Andrew asked in surprise

"Well, let's just say that I am a very well informed woman" Maria said, "So, I'm taking my final guess and say that you came here because of Alisa am I right?"

"Uhhhh…. Yeah, basically" Andrew said, slumping back on his chair.

"Well, It is not my story to tell" Maria said

Instantly all the hope in Andrew evaporated

"But, I will say this. You already knew something about Alisa's past. You can start from there; search deeply and I'm sure that you will find the answer that you are looking for" Maria said, "Now if you don't mind, I will have to ask you to leave. I still have a lot of work to do"

"Oh, sure" Andrew said, standing up in a hurry "Thanks for the help"

"You're welcome" Maria said with a slight smile on her face, before putting back her glasses on and started working again.

Andrew left Maria's room with more questions than he had before.

Andrew returned to his room and lie on his bed and stared at the ceiling. His mind went back to his conversation with Maria and started really thinking about what she meant.

"Alisa's past?" Andrew spoke his mind out loud

Then his mind started going back to the time they were at the Arena. Then he remembered that, that wasn't the first time she was attacked. She was also attacked, verbally at least, by a group of unknown Gifted on recruitment day. And the same group of Gifteds attacked them the other day, this time for real, which is why he ended in the Guild's mini hospital that day.

He then started piecing all the evidence together

"A lot of people were mad at her because of her... Parents?"

Which made a lot of sense since all of them kept falling back to the same cause, her parents.

He stayed lying in bed, not noticing how long he stayed like that, until the door to his room slid open.

He didn't need to lift his head to know it was June who entered his room.

"Hey, bro….. You awake?" June asked carefully

Andrew didn't want to answer so that June would just leave him alone, but he ended up answering anyways "Yeah"

June walked further into Andrew's room and sat on the foot of Andrew's bed. "You still mad at me?" He asked, keeping his head straight.

"I honestly.... don't know" Andrew answered honestly, because that is in fact how he is feeling "Not sure"

"I'm sorry" June said sincerely.

"If you really are, then tell me what really happened" Andrew said. He didn't shout but the bitterness in his voice was evident


"You can't" Andrew finished for June

"Andrew trust me I want to tell you, but-" June said as he turned his head, trying to explain

"But you can't, I get it" Andrew again finished for June, as he kept his eye on the ceiling.

June stared at his hands resting on his lap, thinking of way to reconcile with his brother.

Both of them stayed quiet for sometime. Andrew didn't really mind if June was going to say something or not; since he already set himself to figure it all out by himself, with or without help.

Thinking very hard, he figured that everything has got to do with her parents, but why was she avoiding him? He kept thinking long and hard before his mind wandered off to the day they were attack once again, for real.

Then something clicked, it was pretty presumptuous of him to think such things. He didn't want to end to that conclusion but it's already been weeks and he's pretty sure that he already thought of all the possibilities except this one, and it was the only reason left that he could think off, that makes sense, even if it doesn't.

Andrew suddenly shot up to a sitting position, startling June.

"Was it because of her parents? Was it because of them that she's blaming herself for what happened to me?"

Andrew didn't need for June to say anything, because his expression said it all. June was so dumbstruck that he didn't know what to say,

"So it's true then?" Andrew asked, still wanting the answer to come from his brother that he was correct.

Since Andrew already figured it out, there was no point in hiding it any longer. June nodded and explained "Alisa told us not so say anything. And since it was not really my story to tell, I had to respect her wish"

"Ughhhhh! All this time, and that was the only reason?!" Andrew groaned in frustration.

Andrew understood what June was saying, but he still couldn't help but feel annoyed. He was kept under the dark, just because of a simple thing that could've been talk over, at least that's what he thought. He just felt like, so much time was wasted, but he also knew that it must've been hard for Alisa. He sympathized with how Alisa felt but the feeling of being vexed was still there.

"You also have to understand that it wasn't easy for Alisa as well, she thought that staying away from you would protect you from being hurt again, because of her." June said

"That's the thing, I don't want her to stay away from me. I already told her, I don't care about her past." Andrew argued back.

"Well, if that's how you really feel, then tell her again" June said, like it was the only obvious thing to do

"I would if I could. She's ignoring me, remember"

"You're a creative guy, be creative" June only said

When he said that, the wheels in Andrew's brain immediately started turning.

June saw that Andrew was in deep concentration, so he didn't want to disturb him. He was not sure if his brother has forgiven him fully, but he's happy with the progress that they made, so he didn't want to push too much.

As June was about to leave, Andrew spoke making June turn.

"Hey bro" Andrew called, as he sat up


"We're good" Andrew said with a full genuine smile, which made June smile as well.

"Thanks" June said, before leaving.

June felt the heavy weight that he's been carrying for the past weeks has finally been lifted and now he could finally breathe easily without worrying too much. Now what he'll have to do is support his brother in anyway he can, to the best of his abilities, just like any brother would do.


For the next days, June really thought that everything will be going back to normal little by little but now, not only is Alisa ignoring Andrew but Andrew's doing the same thing to her. It's like whenever Alisa entered a room, Andrew always excuses himself. Whenever the group is one room, Andrew goes and sit with his brother, rather than sitting with Alisa, like he usually do.

The way both were acting didn't escape everyone, and everyone started feeling weirded out. The awkwardness every time Alisa and Andrew are together in a same room was on an all time high.

At one point June have had it and couldn't take it anymore, so he went and talk to his brother in private.

"What the heck is happening?" June said as soon as he bursted into Andrew's room without even knocking, which startled Andrew; who's currently sitting on his bed, his back resting on the headboard, writing something on his journal.

"What happened?" Andrew asked in confusion.

"I don't know, you tell me" June said almost sarcastically "At first I thought everything's going to go back to normal, since you already knew what Alisa is going through, but now you decided to ignore her in return, are you taking revenge on her?"

"Wha- I'm not following, you're talking so fast" Andrew said, his accent getting deeper.

For a second June forgot what he was going to say, remembering that his brother is actually British. But then he frowned once again.

"You…. Ignoring…. Alisa….. All... Awkward!" June said each work with emphasis.

"Oh…. that" Andrew said, finally realizing what his brother was talking about, but didn't give any further details.

"That's it? That's all you have to say?" June deadpanned

"I have a plan trust me, everything will go back to the way it's supposed to be" Andrew said, reassuring his June.

"Well, if you have a plan, I hope you do it now because there's not much time before everyone will start asking" June said slumping down on his brother's bed, closing his eyes.

"It's not that easy yo-" Andrew was saying but when he turned to his brother, he noticed that June was already asleep.

A soft smile appeared on Andrew face as he returned to what he was writing in his journal, not wanting to disturb his brother.


Alisa knew that she deserved how Andrew's treating her, but it still hurt her. Deep down, every time Andrew passes her like she doesn't even exist, broke her heart little by little and little by little she sunk further into depression.

It was pretty obvious that Alisa is no longer happy with her life. She kept having nightmares of the day Andrew protected her and got hurt really badly. Every time she sees Andrew, there's nothing more that she'd like to do than run up to him and just let him hug her, comfort her and tell her that everything's going to be okay. But she couldn't, she didn't want anything happening bad to the people she loves, so she decided to stay away. Was it really the best decision or was she just being carried away by her emotion? She doesn't know, but she's already way in too deep, and she couldn't turn back time even if she wanted to.

Feeling like that world is going against her, she sat on one of the benches at the Garden, wallowing in her own misery, when a shadow casted over her. Looking up, she saw Isabelle standing in front of her with a big smile.

"Hi!" Isabelle greeted brightly

"Hi Isa, what's up?" Alisa asked

"I really need help right now with something… I was just wondering if you would be able to help me?" Isabelle asked

"Uhhhhh.. Sure, What can I help you with?"

Then Isabelle, grabbed Alisa's arm and pulled her "You'll know when we get there" Isabelle said with a wink.

Alisa was confused as to what was happening but she decided to just follow along, also wanting to have something or anything to distract her from her depressing thoughts.

Isabelle stopped in front of wooden double door, which Alisa instantly recognizes. It was the music room, where Andrew always spends his time.

"Isa, what are we doing here?" Alisa asked in confusion

"You'll see, c'mon" Isabelle said, before entering the music room dragging Alisa along.

Alisa stumble into the music room, and it took a few seconds before she regained her bearings. But when she did, she was surprised that the room was full of people. Everybody in the guild was there, including Maria. She looked around and when her eyes landed on Andrew, standing in front of the grand piano, smiling at her; her heart squeezed tightly.

It hurt so bad that she turned to leave but Caleb blocked her path.

"What are you doing Cay?" Alisa asked, as her eyes welled up in tears

"I think it's time that you let go of the past A" Caleb said, looking into her eyes "It's not only you and me now, we have a lot of people that loves and cares for us"

Tears silently fell down Alisa's cheeks as she stood in front of her brother, in shock.

"You don't have to carry the burden that you're carrying anymore. You not only have me, but you also have everybody here. They love you, and most of all I love you."

"What's happening Cay?" Alisa just asked, because hearing what his brother felt nice. But that was not the point for Alisa.

Alisa was always haunted by what their parents did, and as the time goes by she already lost all hope of it going away. Losing all hope, she accepted that it was a curse, punishing her for all the people that their parents killed.

"Andrew asked us all to be here because he wanted to say something, especially to you" Caleb said

"I thought, he was mad at me"

"We all thought that, but apparently he's not. And I think what he wants to say is an important one, so just give him chance and listen okay?"

Alisa contemplated, but she knew that everybody's eyes was on her and they were waiting for her answer, so she nodded and said "Okay" softly.

She turned and faced Andrew once again who's still smiling, making her heart flutter. Andrew's smile was really something that she couldn't compete with, always making her heart melt. Which was ironic, since Andrew's Gift has nothing to do with fire but the opposite of it.

When Alisa thought that she could already handle the situation, Andrew spoke making her heart thump so hard. She loved his voice so much that for the past days, every time that he's in a room, talking and laughing with someone, she left the room immediately and cry in her room.

"Hi A, I prepared something for you. I've put my heart and soul into it, so I hope you'll listen very carefully" Andrew said, before sitting and placed his hands on the hard ivory keys of the grand piano.

He took a deep breath, then after letting it all out, his hands began playing.

The melody was beautiful that it filled Alisa's heart with so much emotion. It was not only her that was affected, everyone in the room was affected. They all felt something welling up in their hearts.

Then out of nowhere, a beautiful voice started singing.

"I remember all of the things that I thought I wanted to be"

Everyone turned to the source and was in deep surprised to see that it was Ji Soo. He had a very soft voice that felt like a cloud just listening to it. His eyes was closed as he sang with all his heart.

"So desperate to find a way out of my world and finally breathe

Right before my eyes I saw that my heart it came to life

This ain't easy it's not meant to be

Every story has its scars"

Then when everyone thought that they were surprised enough, Chen started singing.

"But when the pain cuts you deep

When the night keeps you from sleeping

Just look and you will see

That I will be your remedy"

His voice was so soulful, that everyone everyone had goosebumps listening to him.

"When the world seems so cruel

And your heart makes you feel like a fool

I promise you will see

That I will be, I will be your remedy"

Then the surprises just kept on popping. This time it was Nadet.

"No river is too wide or too deep for me to swim to you

Come whatever I'll be the shelter that won't let the rain come through"

His rich baritone voice filled the room with so much emotion.

"Your love, it is my truth

And I will always love you

Love you"

The chorus hits again, it was Shiro who sang this time, with his high and powerful voice.

"When the pain cuts you deep

When the night keeps you from sleeping

Just look and you will see

That I will be your remedy

When the world seems so cruel

And your heart makes you feel like a fool

I promise you will see

That I will be, I will be your remedy, oh"

Andrew's fingers dance through the keys of the piano with so much grace and precision. He passionately played with all he has, trying to convey all his feeling through the music.

When Andrew started playing softer, one by one the four guys walked to the grand piano as they sang

"When the pain cuts you deep" - Ji Soo

"When the night keeps you from sleeping" - Chen

"Just look and you will see

I will be, I will be" - Nadet

"When the world seems so cruel" - Shiro

"And your heart makes you feel like a fool

I promise you will see

That I will be, I will be, I will be~" - All four

"Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~" - Shiro

"Your remedy, mmm hmm, mmm hmm" - Ji Soo

As Andrew played the last note, the room was so silent that a pin drop could be heard.

Alisa felt her heart shatter, then got put together again. The song was like a love letter to her. Andrew wanted to convey everything through a song, and she felt every ounce of passion from every word and melody in it.

Yes, the moment was full of surprises, but Alisa's eyes were glued to Andrew.

Andrew stood and walked towards Alisa and stop right in front of her.

"I don't know how many times I've said this to you, but I want you to listen to me very carefully so what I'm about to say can sink into that pretty head of yours" Andrew started "I don't care about who or what you're parents did, Don't blame yourself for something that they did. Forget about it all. I don't care if you keep your distance or keep ignoring me, because I'll still be by your side wherever you go. Whether you like or not, you're stuck with me because you know why? it's because I Love you!"

Synchronized gasps could be heard in the room. Everybody was surprised with the confession, but no was more surprised that Alisa.

"Wha-" Alisa couldn't form any words because her brain was so fried to think straight.

"I love you, A. You're it for me" Andrew said with so much love, as he gently cupped Alisa face.

"I-I love you too" Alisa said back, like the world around them doesn't even exist anymore.

"Good" Andrew said with a boyish smile before leaning in to kiss her, making the room erupt in cheers.

"You go Andrew!" Alex shouted. His arm is hooked around Pearl, as Pearl's arm are wrapped around his waist.

"Whoooooooooooooo!" Jordan shouted in excitement, then as his head turned to the side he saw Fleur wiping tears from her face. "Are you crying?"

"Hell yeah I'm crying!" Fleur shouted back

"Hey, I was just asking" Jordan said, lifting both his hand in surrender.

Kissing Andrew felt like a dream, Llike it wasn't even real. Alisa thought that Andrew was mad at her, but now he's kissing her. Kissing him made her realized that she really is in love with Andrew.

After kissing Alisa, Andrew didn't pull away and stayed close to each her. Their foreheads touched as they both look deep down in each other's eyes, grinning like no tomorrow. That moment was indeed a moment that Alisa and Andrew will never forget for the rest of their lives.

Isabelle was so excited that after waiting for the love birds to do their thing, she ran to the happy couple and hugged them both.

"You guys are going to make me cry, I'm so proud of you both!" Isabelle said with happy tears welling up in her eyes.

Since Isabelle already did it, Fleur was the next one to jump on the happy couple and hugged them tightly. Some approached the happy couple, while some sent their support from where they stood.

The last people to congratulate them was their siblings.

"I'm proud of you Drew, looked like I didn't have to worry after all" June said, hugging his brother then faced Alisa "Please take care of my brother, K?"

"I will" Alisa replied with a smile, before June hugged him.

Then Caleb was next, who went to Alisa fist.

"See, I told you. You don't have to be scared anymore, you have Andrew with you now" Caleb said, who looked like he was holding back his tears

"Thank you, Cay! I Love you" Alisa said hugging her brother, as tears fell down her cheeks once again, but this time they were happy tears.

After Caleb hugged his sister, he turned to Andrew and smile at him "Just like June said to my sister, Take care of her for me okay?"

"I will" Andrew replied before Caleb pulled him into a hug.

Everyone was just filled with joy, that they all ended up staying in the music room and bonded with each other. Also it was Saturday so they have all the time in their hands.

Alisa and Andrew were clearing up what was happening between the both of them for the past weeks, since some were eager to learn the story.

"-So yeah I figured out that she was blaming herself for what happened, so I decided to surprise her with this" Andrew said as Alisa blushed beat red from embarrassment.

"It's the most romantic surprise ever!" Shawi said to which everyone, but most of all the girls agreed.

"Speaking of surprises, Can we talk about how amazing JiSoo, Chen, Nadet and Shiro's voices are" Miayaka praised, as she clapped in their direction making them blush.

"I wasn't really that good" Chen said bashfully

"We really weren't that good" Nadet said, to which the other two nodded their heads in agreement.

"What are you guys talking about, You guys were really amazing" Minjae agreed with his wife

"How did you know they could sing? I think nobody knew they can sing" Pearl asked Andrew

"Actually, I also didn't knew they could sing that amazingly. It was actually Isabelle who suggested them to sing the song while I was preparing for it" Andrew said, making everybody's eyes turn to Isabelle.

"Eheheheheh…. Well, you see it was also by accident that I discovered these amazing gems" Isabelle said "It actually happened while things were happening between these two." pointing at Andrew and Alisa

The song they just sang was actually a song by one of my all time favorite artists, Adele. If you haven't already figured it out, the song is entitled "Remedy" by Adele. The song just spoke to me the moment I first listen to it, so I really wanted to put in here.


I don't own the song. All right belong to the artist. No copyright infringement intended. It is all for reading and enjoyment purposes.

harpdance26creators' thoughts
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