26 Part of the Family

Arisa and Harper are still out when Caleb and Alisa arrived, they both went straight to June's house after School.

June, Andrew, Caleb and Arisa are lounging at the living room, having a good time and giving Andrew some "Gifted" advice, when the front door flew open and Harper rushed in supporting Arisa, who's Breathing hard, pale from the blood loss and almost unconscious.

"Mom?!" June rushed to his mom "What happened?" He said looking at Harper for explanation.

"I'll explain later but for now we have to tend to her wounds" Harper said "Help me get her into her room" his voice urgent

June grabbed his mom's other arm and hook it over his shoulders, giving her more support. He helped Harper, leading them up stairs and into Arisa's Room while the rest of the gang tailed them. After they lay Arisa gently on the bed Harper turned to the kids.

"You guys can wait down stairs, I'll handle this" Harper said, calmly

"Are you Crazy?! I'm not leaving my mom! What the hell happened!" June protested

Harper grab June's arm so hard the it almost block the blood flow on June's Arm "You have to trust me" It was an order not a request, his voice calm but June can see the evident worry in Harper's eyes.

Harper let go of June's arm and turned to Arisa. June complied and walked out of the room.

Before June could close the door Harper said "You guys can wait on the living room, I'll go down as soon as I'm finished" starting to work on the wound

No one argued, June took one last look at his mom then closed the door and Harper heard the foot steps of the kids going down. Arisa turned to Harper and cupped his face.

"Take care of him" Arisa said with a raspy voice, a single tear falling down her cheek.

Harper held her cold hands tight "I'm not gonna let you die, Okay everything is going to be alright" cupping her face. "I promise, I won't let anything happened to you" He said his voice very soft and gentle. He kissed her knuckles and stood, taking his shirt off.


June kept pacing back and fort as the others wait quietly, anxious. When they heard the footstep coming down from the stairs, they all turned and saw Harper at the entry way.

"Well?" June asked, worried and anxious "How's mom?"

"She's okay now" Harper said making everyone sigh in relief. There are shadows under Harper's eyes making him look tired and much older than a couple hours ago. Also something changed about Harper that June couldn't exactly pin point but he doesn't have time to think about that, as all he could think off is his mom right now.

"Can I see her?" June asked

Harper smiled and said "She was asking for you"

June immediately took off and took the stairs three at a time. He opened the door and saw his mom on bed, having a little color now. Arisa turned to June and smiled that sweet motherly smile at him, making June rush to her and hugged her.

"I thought I lost you?" June said, choking up from his tears.

Arisa hugged her son back intensely "I'm okay, sweetie" Her voice gentle but still raspy.

June broke the hug "What happened?"

"Andrew's Dad was possessed by a more powerful Shadow than we expected, but don't worry it's just a scratch" Arisa said attempting to smile.

A small laugh came out of June "Understatement" He said in as soft voice, then it turned concerned "But seriously, are okay?"

"I will be" Arisa reassured June

"Why were you even there in the first place?" June said

Arisa sigh "About that" Then her face turned worried and nervous "What do you think of Andrew being your brother?" she said, looking at her and June's joined hands

"What do you mean?" June said, with a confused look

"What I mean is... I'm planning on adopting Andrew for good" Arisa said, now facing June. June looked a little shocked but kept quiet. "I did some digging on Andrew and his Dad after I heard Andrew's story, and apparently Andrew was sent to the hospital no more than 10 times, because his dad beat him up too much"

"That's awful" June said, his voice shocked "Why didn't the hospital report it to the police?"

"His Dad is a very powerful and influential man. And with the help of the Shadow possessing him, He can make things go according to what he wants and threaten anyone who dares to cross his path. That's why in the news, they said that Andrew ran away from the hospital which he didn't. As a parent I don't intend on letting this go any further and if there's someone he will be having a hard time against, it's me. If this goes out, his dad could go to jail for domestic violence and Andrew will enter the system, since he's still under 18. But After all he's been through, he's deserves so much better than that." Arisa explained, her voice raging from angry to caring

June was quiet and looking down making Arisa nervous. Arisa took June's hands making him look up.

"I know it's all very sudden and I understand if you're not ready yet. I understand, I'll-"

"Mom" June said, making Arisa stop and look at him. June smiled and said "I've always wanted a brother"

This made Arisa tear up "Really?"

June nodded

"So it's really okay for you?" Arisa said, just for confirmation

"I'm more than okay, besides I already feel like he's already my brother" June said

Arisa smiled a teary smile and said "That's good, I'm so happy"

"Me too" June said, hugging his mom

"But how are we going to adopt him?" June asked

"That was the reason I went with Harper and a good thing too. If I wasn't there, the shadow may be still possessing Mr. Snow until now." Arisa said

"Wait, So the Shadow's no longer possessing Drew's Dad?" June asked, "If that's the case then his back to his old self right?"

"It's much more complicated than that. Your Dad told me that if a Shadow inhabits a human for a long time, It may cause severe damage to the host's brain and body if the Shadow is killed." Arisa said

"So what happens then?"

"We wait until Mr.Snow shows up, but until then Andrew is staying with us" Arisa said "and Sweetie, let's just keep this talk between the two of us for now, okay?"

"Sure" June said


A week later

A week went by since the visit with Mr. Snow. After June talked with his mom, he let her rest and went down. Harper then explained to everyone what exactly happened. It was a long and exhausting day, emotionally and mentally, especially for Andrew. Knowing what might happened to his father but couldn't see him because of the risks Mr. Snow is still to Andrew, which is taking it's toll on him. Harper offered June and Andrew to join Caleb and Alisa in training, teaching them about being one with their Gifts and Educating them about the History and dangers that comes with being a Gifted.

So as the week went by, After school they all go straight to Harper's mansion and train in their state of the art training facility complete with everything you can think off. They started training and learning about the basics of being a Gifted. The types of Shadows, How Shadows grow, The power they have on people and Gifted, and a whole lot more. Which they learned why people are so afraid of Mr.Snow and the weird change of the student's view on them. Its because of the power Shadows have to be able to manipulate people's emotions and use them to their advantage.

They also trained being one with their Gifts and how to use them properly. Also Harper thought them basic combat skills and how to fight.

Everyone's doing great, Caleb and Alisa being more advance than June and Andrew, June's just a Natural, and Andrew's getting the hang of it. Everyone seemed to be enjoying, which is a great thing having something to occupy their minds and not worry about the things that happened lately. Also Arisa is back in full health which is a big relief for June.

June and Andrew went home earlier that the usual since Harper had to go to Hollywood to Choreograph for a show, So he'll be out for about a month or two. Caleb and Alisa are left with their house keeper Maria.

June and Andrew were laughing when they entered the house. As they both pass the living room they saw Arisa talking to a man in a sleek suit. He looked like he's in his mid twenties, early thirties. Reddish perfectly styled hair, strong jaws, green eyes, perfect nose and mouth. Everything about him just screams, intimidating.

Arisa saw them at the entrance way and smiled "Hey you're both home" she stood and gave them both a kiss on the cheek, which surprised Andrew at first but he's use to it now. "how was training?"

"It went great" June said, then he notice the man looking at them "Uhhh.... Mom, who's our visitor?"

Arisa was about to answer but Andrew beat her to it. "Atty. Jared Fox, My dad's lawyer" Andrew said, his voice strained.

"Andrew..." Atty. Fox stood nodding at him, then he approach June and extend a hand "Atty. Jared Fox"

"June Summers" He shook his hand, unsure of what's happening.

June looked at his mom, silently asking "What's going on?"

"Atty. Fox just came shortly after you guys arrived, and said that he wanted to talk to us, especially to you Andrew, about something important" Arisa said, explaining

"I hate to keep you from your busy schedules, so shall we get on with it?" Atty. Fox said, haughtily. As if he can't wait to get out of there.

"Uh.. sure" Arisa said, and they all went and took a sit

Atty. Fox opened his briefcase, taking out an envelope. He undid the string closure and took out a bunch of legal looking papers.

"First order of business" Atty. Fox said, then proceeds to read what's on the paper "Mr. Snow has decided to give up all his parental rights over his son Andrew Snow and voluntarily giving it to Mrs. Arisa Summers. That is if you want to have him, If not he will be put to the system." He said, emotionless. Like its just another case for him

Silence filled the room. Arisa and June turned to Andrew, who looked so stunned at what they just heard. Both his hands are formed into a tight fist, making his knuckles white.

"I bought all his legal documents from childbirth, as it is stated here that Mr.Snow doesn't want anything to do with him anymore. Also here are all the legal documents stating that Mrs. Arisa Summers will have full custody and rights over Andrew Snow. Mr. Snow already gave full financial support and is stored into a private account that you can utilize whenever you please. Also Andrew Snow is forbidden to see or look for Mr.Snow at any cost." Atty. Fox just kept going at it without even considering anyone's feelings . "Also I was asked to give this to Andrew." He took out a another envelope and slid it over the coffee table "This is Mr.Snow's last will and testament for you and you can use anything that is written there as you please. And lastly, All of Andrew's belongings are stored in a private storage and he can take it whenever he wants" He said, putting the storage key on top of the envelope that contains the last will and testament.

"Wait are you saying he's just throwing away his son without even the nerve to show his face?" June said, his voice a furious

"Mr. Snow is a very busy man, and As far as Mr.Snow and the Law is concerned, Mr. Andrew Snow is no longer his son. Andrew has no longer any relation with Mr. Snow what so ever." Atty. Fox said, calmly

June was on the edge of ripping the lawyers head off, when suddenly the room's temperature started dropping.

Arisa rushed to Andrew, hugging him while Andrew just sat there like a statue.

The lawyer shivered from the sudden drop in the temperature, then he said "That is everything I came here for. So if you don't mind I will be taking my leave now"

"Please do" June said through gritted teeth, give the lawyer a deadly glare.

The lawyer quickly fix his things and got out of there as soon as he can while still attempting to look calm and collective, which isn't very successful, noting that he almost tripped on his way out.


After the Mr. Snow's Lawyer left, Andrew ran to his room and locked himself in there for hours.

June knocked on Andrew's door as music comes out from his room

The music stopped as Andrew called "It's open"

June opened the door and saw Andrew on the piano. "Hey, dinner is ready" June said, his voice soft

"Would you accept me as your brother?" Andrew asked, turning around to June.

June was taken aback by the question, but answered without a second thought "Of course, why'd you ask?"

"I mean you guys barely know me, I'm practically a stranger. How could guys accept me so fast without even a second thought?" Andrew said, Marveling at the fact the June didn't even second guess himself before answering.

"Well I know you enough to say the you are my brother, and that you are already a part of this family whether you know it or not" June said

Andrew dropped his head, looking at his joint hands

"I'm really sorry about how it went for you and your Dad. No one deserves to be treated like that and I know it's been really hard for you lately but I just want you to know that me and Mom are always here for you. You're welcome in this family" June said, smiling warmly at Andrew

Andrew started to cry, but it was a quiet cry as the tears just flows freely from his eyes "You know?" Andrew said, looking up, wiping his tears "Hearing my father disown me didn't made feel bad at all, I know it should but it didn't. I felt almost... relieved and free" Andrew said, with a sad smile "But does that make me a horrible son?"

"I think that what your feeling right now? You deserve it. You deserve to feel relieved and free, Free from the person that held you like a prisoner and not a son. Free from the person that held you back when you want fly, and a whole lot more but most of all you are free from the guilt that you've been forced to carry all your life. So no, your not a horrible son for feeling relieved and free" June said, Sounding very brotherly

"You know? You already sound like my big brother " Andrew said with a warm smile

"Yeah, because I'm" June said, with a huge grin "Now, let's go before dinner gets cold"

"Coming brother" Andrew said, standing. June hooked his arm around Andrew, both laughing as they head downstairs.

Next chapter