


The smell of mint caught my nose in a drift, walking towards a plant that was beyond the sight of the picnic. I looked at the shiny leaf with pointed edges. Fresh dew slipped off the polished leaf, landing in the dirt it was sowed in. It wasn't long before I requested the urge to ponder in the making moment, but I picked it off the stem that held it together running  back towards the picnic.

"Mom! Mom!" I shouted, landing the leaf right in her face.

"Uh..dear...um..please put that down. That's poison ivy. I'm severely allergic honey." My mother's voice dripped with sweet honey.

"Oh. I'm sorry."

Placing the leaf down in the pond, I watch it go down the little stream that formed behalf of it. Smiling as it sailed off, I ran back towards my mother, wondering when father would join us. I was about to grab the sanitizer but mother took it, and put a dab on my hands.


"Yes?" She glanced at me, smiling brightly.

"When's father coming?"

"He's on some personal business right now Graye. He'll be home tonight though." Her curious eyes, filled my own with happiness.

"Ok!" I answered, stuffing my mouth with cheese and crackers. The salomy was amazing though! The rich taste - all including with sample bites of chocolate and cotton candy.


Waking up from the sound of thunder, my breaths became heavy and I could have sworn a trickle of sweat beaded down from the small strands of forming hair. Looking out at the window, my heart flurried like a whirlwind gathering speed. I reached over and flipped the switch to my desk lamp, grabbing my phone, I swipe it open - exposed with multiple messages from none other Sui Lu. He was my Asian guardian. My best friend, and has been around since we met which would be middle school.

He was the class clown, and I was the rebellious prisoner of my own heartbreak. We made a mean friendship back in the day, everyone was jealous. Even his ex girlfriend Mallory. She was trying to separate us, but thankfully, he stepped in and dumped her. He isn't a cheater, and we were absolutely nothing but friends. I had my eyes out for some other guys though, but even then she hadn't approved. She wasn't popular, she was well known and kinda hated. Especially by me.

Swiping the screen up, I saw the round green bubble up by his name, ' SuSHi '. I laughed lightly, as thunder roared in the background leaving faint trails of flashing light from the open curtains.

User: 'Hey SuSHi. I figured you'd be in bed.' I sent right as three bubbles danced around on the screen.

SuSHi: 'Nah, this storm is terrible. What are you up to?'

User: 'Just texting you.' I smiled, laying back after swallowing myself in my comforter.

SuSHi: 'At least I don't live with my parents still.'

User: 'Hey, you know why. They need me.'

SuSHi: 'Yeah.. well I have to go. Macy is up and got to deal with my ex. AGAIN 😭🙄. Catchya ltr <3 '

Seeing he still had contact with his ex made me laugh, Mallory wanted nothing more to do with him than the sex and his build for popularity - seeing as he was the popular one. Good hints for me which gained me some 'friends', but Sui and Louise were my two best friends. The friends that I'm happy to have in life and not another Mallory.

Sighing, I turn my phone off and head back to sleep, snuggled deeply into the thing called protection and love. The thunder died off, yet remained the continuous streaks of light bantering outside my window. It was going to be a long day ahead and that was for sure. Not a single clue to why, but that feeling steered quite well within me.

Drifting off, my brows pulled together as it felt like shocks were going to the center of my head. This pain I could say happened almost every thunderstorm, but the thunder was loud and the lightening was normally almost brighter than my future.

Suddenly I was in the woods, it was peaceful. Birds were chirping, the clouds hid the sun, the breeze moved the leaves on whole branches - everything was amazing. Strolling through the path made, some light ran through the clouds and past the open spaces of trees and there branches. It was almost like there hadn't been a reason to be afraid.

Butterflies flown past as birds tried to race each other in a Victorian lap after the rain had it's last drowning. Down in the pond, frogs hopped from their lilly pads to the ground as if a siren may reach up and prey on them. Life was full of fun and adventure, but the longer each persuades negativity will soon have a greater in pact on such an amazing establishment of nature.

I grazed around, bending down to pick a flower but a tooth came from it's bud biting right into my wrist, drawing just the faintest of blood, pulling back my breaths became heavy as I stomped on the flower. The skies turned dark with thunder roaring and the flower that was there was suddenly a wolf snarling and baring it's canines.

My pulse quickened, and I was off to the races. The dirt that was under my feet felt as if it was turning into quick sand, making each step harder and harder to bare. Lightening crashed the course behind me, catching up as I was slowing down. The wolf seemed to be catching up, stalling at the sand before pondering to make it's jump. And just as I had assumed, the wolf jumped. But, it wasn't before I was pulled out by a stranger.

"Graye..." The voice spoke, shaking me.


                "Graye." The voice repeated.


Jumping, my body jolted forwards looking around the decent sized room. Glancing over towards the worried figure, I smiled lightly realizing just who it was. "Mom.." I whisper lightly.

"Another nightmare?" She questioned.

Nodding, I pull the comforter on the opposite side of my body, swinging my legs over I make a stand and a very relaxing stretch. It's been a bit it feels since I last made a stretch that restored at least a bit of my energy for the morning. My figure wasn't flawless or skinny - nor did I have weight. I was in-between weight. Bloated one day, flawlessly perfect the next. Although pelvic pain was a killer, acne was even worse. Especially throughout college.

I watched as my mother left, and got dressed before heading out of the decent sized room out of two others. We did have a two bedroom, but mother is expecting anytime so we needed an extra for a little pair of hands. The house was well sized, each room a decent size. The furniture was all new; as for carpet, painting, roofing, and kitchen appliances. The kitchen was next to the dining room which led straight into the living room. The living room guided towards the master bed first, then the second bathroom on the right, leaving my room and the new babies room the only rooms on the left.

My father worked in a company who is experiencing different flavors for different things like syrup; bacon, meat, vegatables, sugar, and sweets. Each flavor so far that he has invented and brought home as both tasted delicious and wonderous. Although, the peanut butter flavored steak sauce wasn't the best experience. It wasn't as good as my mother thought. After pregnancy for sure, I know that it would change everything. My mother on the other hand is a doctor - working as a midwife OB. But of course since she's expecting in less than 10 weeks, she took a maternity leave.

"Smells good in here." I smile taking in a whiff of strawberry waffles, toast with avacado spread, and some blueberrie syrup on the side.

"Of course it does." Sui chuckled, glancing my way.

"Wow. Ok. What are you doing here?" I teased, shoving him in his seat before taking my own.

"I smelt this food and had to stop in."

Rolling my eyes, I began eating, kind of scarfing it down. I was starving, but of course I was too sick to eat last night so it's only normalized to have such an increased appetite afterwards. Sui watched me with a goofy face causing me to choke slightly on the waffle that was being swallowed - not savored.

"So how's your mythologist degree coming?" My father asked, sitting at the far end with my mother.

"It's going good, me and Sui finished our project yesterday morning. Practiced for hours. So..." I shoved my mouth with some more waffle chunks, "we'll ace it!" My muffled tone earned a scowl from my mother. Swallowing down my food, I apologized. Despite being twenty, I was still treated like a child in their house. But, I believe it's fair since I'm living under their roof it's polite and respectful to do so.

Looking at the time, my eyes wide ed slightly. Guzzling down the orange juice I grab my coat and glance towards Sui. "I know the foods good Sushi but come on. Class starts in twenty. It's nearly an eighteen minute drive." I rushed out, leaving him in there.

Jumping into his car, I hadn't noticed the little rain drops coming until five minutes after when Sui managed to finally come out. Sometimes I think he was just trying to steal my own family away. But what are best friends for right? I watched as he got in, and I turned the radio down.

"Nice getting wet huh?" I asked.

"Oh shut it you shit head."

"Me the shit head? Look at your face."

We broke out laughing as he started the car, pulling out he played some of our favorite music and we jammed out. And when I say we jammed out, I mean he jammed out - hard. I couldn't ever do this with the other bunches of so called friends I had. All they were was a social media boost to my followings. It was a sad hopeless reality, but in the meantime it was all good for me.

"Ow God." I mumble, leaning over I hold my head where the scar was, wincing I rock myself.

Sui noticed and turned down the radio, placing a hand on my shoulder he began rubbing. "It'll be ok. How long has it done this?"

"About three days now." Groaning, I sit back up squeezing my eyes shut before digging in his counsel popping in two ibuprofens, I guzzled down his O.J on the go from the so called diner called my parents house. But I couldn't blame him. We had a greenhouse so we planted when we had the chance, especially a orange and lemon tree out back. Fresh oranges tasted better than no other.

Here we were.

The place most feared of not fitting in and being bullied.

Arizona State University.

Many wondered why I grabbed a coat if Arizona was hot. But let's get one thing right. The classroom's we're freezing as hell.

Next chapter