
Vitalis - One

Huh where am I? I was sleeping and now I'm in this dining hall with just one really long table, with other people. They look just as confused as I am and there is this guy sitting down at the end of the table, on a chair that is fancier then the rest. He must be in charge or something.

"Hey-uh whats going on, I was asleep and now I'm here?"

He replied in a soft and calm voice, "Ill explain everything soon, why don't you all have a seat."

"Have a seat? Where am I?" This girl frantically screamed, she looked pretty plain looking, but I think Ive seen her somewhere before.

"Well if you want to stand, then go ahead, but there'll be no dinner for you, everyone else sit down if you want"

I sat down, because well what else was there to do honestly, I could stand, but I'm still a bit tired since I don't think I slept much honestly.

Everyone sat down except for the girl who spoke up just now and this guy with ripped clothes, and I don't wanna judge him without knowing him, but he looks a bit insane.

"Well now that most of you are seated, I will explain what is going on"

"You are all in what I call my world, I have the power to create worlds in other dimensions, although they are quite small usually. I have invited you all here to play a game. The 10 of you will be transported to a simulated world, where you will battle to receive the gift of creation."

I wanted to say something but that girl beat me to it "A game huh? What is this gift of creation, I might be interested"

For a second I thought I saw his face change into one of a greedy old man whose about to get what he wants.

"The gift of creation, is the power to create whatever you want out of thin air, this could be money, resources, whole planets-heck even whole solar systems, but obviously some things are more complex to create, and I don't think you humans have the brain to do so, so Id say if you win just stick to small stuff, like lets say 1,000,000 Tons of gold"

"A million tons of gold? Inst that more then has been mined in all of history" Some guy who looked, well not scrawny, but just not fit, and kind of nerdish, asked.

"Well yes, but I'm just giving you some examples of what you can realistically make, because visualizing that should be easy for humans right?"

"How about futuristic technologies that change the world, like lets say a infinite energy generator that can power the world, or a space craft that can travel to mars and back in a day?"

"Well if you can visualize it you can do it, its a bit complex, but I'm sure the top 1% of engineers can do it, and I'm sure you'd be able to do it as well."

The room was quite for a good minute, some people are taking this pretty well honestly, although there is this one girl who is freaked out a bit, she has almond colored hair, and looks pretty tall, I think even taller then me, she has brown eyes, and looks very sheltered. Many people say not to judge someone by how they look, but Ive found that judging people by their looks tends to work most of the time. "All right I'm not done explaining everything quite yet, I'm sure you've all played video games before, and if you haven't you know what they are. The world Ill transfer you to is like a video game, nothing is real, its a ultra realistic world I made using my power <World Create>. Think of the "people" as NPCs because well that's what they are. They aren't living beings like you and I."

I'm honestly curious why did he choose us, were all just going along with this, but why did he choose us, for what purpose, and who is he?

"Um excuse me, but who are you anyway." The girl with the almond hair said.

"Me? Aren't you asking a bit late, I'm Vania, the host of this game Vania's Sphere"

"Now Ill continue on with my explanation, the 10 of you will in the span of 5 years compete to be the wealthiest among each other."

What? "What do you mean by that?" I asked

"I mean the 10 of you will be teleported to a random part of the continent and will use the powers I grant you and your own knowledge to become the wealthiest. The wealthiest among the 10 of you will win. Of course you can fight each other, but if you die, there are no second chances."

"What happens if we die" I asked, a bit scared of what the response would be. Everyone eagerly waited for a response, and the guy who looked a bit insane seemed to be the one most interested in hearing the answer

"Nothing'll happen you'll be sent back to your world and wake up as if no time has passed"

"Wait does this mean no time will pass while were in the game? And that if win we'll wake up in our bed as if nothing happened?!" The plain looking girl exclaimed.

"Yes that is correct, you all will wake up in your bed as if nothing happened, you will also still have your memories, but unless you win you cant prove to anyone that you were contacted by me, although it wouldn't matter if the governments of the world believed your story, they cant do anything to me."

Everyone seemed happy, except for the insane looking guy, he looked happy, but disappointed at the same time, there was no risk, and the reward seemed great so it makes sense.

"Well now that Ive explained everything to you all Ill be leaving for a bit, please enjoy the food Ive prepared for you"

He's explained everything??? That's all? Well I'm sure he'll explain it more soon.

The two people who were standing up took a seat with the rest of us. No one ate tho, we all just stared at our food in silence, until the insane looking guy started devouring his food. I wouldn't say I'm the best at eating properly with forks and knives, but that's definitely not how you eat. Hes eating in such a vulgar and repugnant manner. Hes just slicing the meat and stuffing his face, and were all just staring at him. I guess he must hungry, because he didn't even hesitate at eating this strangers food. Who knows it might be laced with some weird drug. But I guess this guy just doesn't care or is so hungry its clouding his judgment.

The girl from before, the one who refused to sit down in the beginning stood up suddenly and said "We should all introduce our selves, Ill start, my name is Sakina Braxton, I'm sure a few of you have heard me correct?"

Oh that's where I recognized this boring, plain looking girl from. She runs the Braxton Foundation. The most famous charity in the world. Not exactly sure how shes so popular, not that I know much about her, besides the fact that she has 127 million followers on instazam and that her organization has spent a few hundred million to help the world. Sounds like a lot of money, but the world wont be fixed so easily, after all its a shit world we live in.

"Well if you haven't heard of me that's fine, all you need to know is that if I win, I plan on saving the world"

Well at least shes got a good idea of what she would do with the gift of creation, I'm not sure what Id do with that power, maybe Id save the world for fun, but I don't really got a great interest in doing so.

"Now everyone else if you may please introduce your self."

The girl who was shook before stood up and said "My name is Lesleigh Kennen, I'm a part of the Kennen family, Ive don't really care if I win or not, but if I do win, Ill use the gift of creation to further advance the position of my family."

She doesn't seem that shook anymore, guess it just took her a while to calm down and get situated. She sat down, honestly that was a pretty short introduction, I dont really know much about the Kennen family, except that there a billionaire family who excels at everything, and has for generations.

Some average looking girl stood up, no defining features popped up honestly, she wasnt really plain, she just didnt stand out.

"My name is Rachna Timo, I'm a secretary at a semi-large firm, I'm sure none of you have heard of the firm tho, although we are semi-large we provide services and products to other companies, so ordinary people wouldn't of heard of our company despite us being in the fortune 500."

Well honestly some of that information was unnecessary, but she seems ordinary, but also seems like she has a bit of experience so she has a decent chance at winning, although she was just a secretary, but I cant underestimate her.

"Also if I win, Ill just live comfortably, Ill make no major changes to the world."

Wow, shes willing to live an ordinary life, even if she wins, shes not only ordinary, but shes also the opposite of selfish.

She sits down and starts eating

The nerdy looking guy stands up and says "My name is Yahir Kaige, I'm 16 years old, I have an iq of 162 and I will win this game and start a revolution within the technology industry."

That was extremely short, he sat down after only saying one sentence, I feel like everyone so far doesn't really have any interest in befriending each other. I'm the same tho, I wouldn't mind befriending someone, but it doesn't matter to me honestly.

This guy with a really nice mustache stands up, he brushes his head with his hand, and says "My name is Seth Esias, I proposed to my fiance a week ago, and honestly we were just gonna have a small wedding, because well money is a bit tight, but I think that if I win I'm going to use the money on my wedding, and then I'm going to make the lives of the people around me better, then I don't know, Ill think about the rest once I win"

Seems like a nice dude, and it seems that if he wins he'll use his power for good and not evil.

He sits down and starts eating, he kind of eats like me honestly, he doesn't know how to use his utensils correctly, but he tries his best to eat properly.

This women stands up, she looks like a mom honestly and says "My name is Dahlia Sakari, I want to win this game so I can feed my daughter delicious food everyday and live happily, I want everyone else to be happy too, so I think Ill paint the world pink"

She seems like she has a good plan, I don't know about painting the world pink tho.

Not exactly sure how I didn't notice this guy before, but this chubby guy stands up and says "My name is Vicente Atley, I'm a professional gamer, Ive beaten tons of records, and am one of the top streamers on Twich. I'm a gamer, so that means I'm good at games, and this is a game, I'm sure I'll win"

I watch bit of Twich, think Ive seen him on the homepage, but Ive never watched him, he had like 200k viewers when I saw him on the homepage tho. Gamer's are not to be underestimated, he has a good chance of winning I think, and the guy said something about giving us powers, so he'll enhance us I guess? I dunno, but if that's the case, this guy being chubby wont affect him too much, I think?

The insane looking guy stands up, he licks his lips and calmly but in a loudish voice says "My name is Lisandro Vigo, I'm 28 years old, I was sentenced to prison for 45 years, but I escaped 2 days ago, and I was about to kill this one bitch when suddenly I was transported here, I thought it was God at first, but that wasn't the case I guess, if I win I think Ill… Destroy the world… Not sure honestly, because if I destroy the world where will I live, and besides that all the fun would be gone. Maybe Ill just go on a murdering streak, Ill be invincible, but I'm sure it'll still be fun, killing who knows thousands of people a day, maybe a few million on Christmas?"

Holy shit, everyone's just staring at him. Ive seen him on TV before not sure how I didn't recognize his face, but I definitely recognize his name, hes a famous murderer, who killed so many people in the span of a decade, that there still finding bodies all over the USA.

"Oh but you guys dont need to be scared of me I wont do anything to you guys, not yet at least"

That disgusting smile, its all over his face he cant wait to kill us.

Everyone has a scared look on their face, but we cant do anything. Theres no visible exit in this room, and none of us look like we can fight, either way tho now is not the time to fight, all we can do is relax and ignore him

"Well um that's weird, we've been eating with a murderer this whole time eh"

This guy stands up, he looks homeless honestly

"My name is Jace Lavell, I live in a run down apartment, with my roommate Bob, its kind of hard for us to pay the rent but we make do, its not a big place, but rent is outrageous in LA, Im in debt like a lot and I think winning is my only shot at life."

Guess hes not homeless

"How did you get into debt" I was a bit curious so I asked

"I tried shorting Bitcoin, everyone said it was a bubble and it was gonna crash, but it didn't crash it rallied and kept climbing till it became a trillion dollar asset."

"Damn that sucks" I don't know what to say honestly, that just honestly sucks, I invested in crypto a bit too, but I only made a few thousand, because my investment was 100$, I did make a good amount tho. Although what he did wasn't investing in crypto, he bet against it.

Finally I stood up to introduce my self, not exactly sure what Ima say, but Ill think of something cool

"My name is Vitalis Kionte, Im 17 and uh I'm an orphan I guess, I guess winning is cool, but I don't think Ill win, of course that doesn't mean I wont try to win. Its just my chances are low compared to some of you. If I win I'm not exactly sure what I would do, I kinda like my life, but at the same time want to change, but I want to change using my own power not a power given to me"

"All right now that you've all introduced your selves its time to start preparing for the game, Ill give you all a bit of information, and let you guys roll a dice to decide your stats."

Well he came out of nowhere, he didn't even take long doing whatever he was doing.

No one is really surprised, you'd think people would react if someone just appeared out of nowhere, especially someone as flashy as Vania.

"The continent I will be transporting you all to is called Luslica, its the second biggest continent, but is the continent with the most wealth. I dont really advise you all to go to other continents, but your free to do so."

"Before the game starts Ill hand out smart phones to each of you. They have a few main functions

#1 They show you your net worth

#2 They tell you if someone comes within 1000 meters of your location, although they wont say who exactly

#3 If you meet up with someone, you can friend each other and message each other from whatever location, you can use the compass app to point you to where your friend is, and you can see approximately how many meters away they are. The only way to friend/unfriend someone is to be within 1 meter of them, although to friend the other person must accept the request

#4 You can see the status of other people, meaning you can tell if they are alive or not, and if you spend 500 credits, you can get the name of the city or region they are in. You can get 1 credit a day, and if you kill someone you can take there phone and transfer credits to your account. Although you don't need to kill them to do that, but its up to you.

#5 Your phone also has a map of the Luslica continent, although it doesn't have a map of the other continents. You can of course make your own maps and do all sorts of things with maps, but there is no GPS, so you'll have to find a compass or something, and learn how to read a map.

#6 You can even take pictures with your phones camera. I could of made the quality to be perfect but I was like eh that'd be overpowered, so the camera quality is equivalent to the best phone that came out this year in the human world.

#7 Lastly you can see your profile, it'll show you your stats and stuff, I'm not gonna explain this too much cause you'll figure it out when I hand out your phones.

"Ok now each of you grab a dice from the this table"

For some reason I hadn't noticed that there was a table right there, I don't think any of us did.

We all took some time deciding which dice to get, not sure why, they all look the same.

"Its entirely random right? Like our stats will be decided with this dice roll right, nothing else can influence it right" Not sure why Dahlia asked this, it seemed obviously

"Yes that is correct, but obviously you wont become too OP, in this world there will be NPC's stronger then you, plenty of them, its up to you to level your self up. You'll all start at level one, but your base stats will all be different, some of you might be pretty strong at level one, or pretty weak. Its all up to luck."

"Now everyone please gather around this camp fire"

That was definitely not there before, and why'd he put a campfire indoors anyway

"All right everyone please prepare to roll your dice into the fire, you'll all do it at the same time when I say to roll"

"But then we wont see what we rolled? Sakina voiced what we were all probably thinking

"Exactly, you wont know till you get transported, also I forgot to mention, but this roll will decide what your class is, like if you'll be a healer, an archer, etc. Of course there are non fighting classes, and you can get one of those"

Well I'm just hoping for something decent, it doesn't have to something good like a Swordsman, but please don't roll a gardener or something.

I'm also not sure how this will be decided, this is an ordinary dice with six sides. Does that mean there are only 6 options, I don't know, and I don't care to ask.

"All right everyone roll your die"

First chapter, releases will likely be Tuesdays and Fridays may change later.

Autoriuscreators' thoughts