
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 116: Magic Car

Currently, Hilda's development progress is quite behind compared to the others, mainly because she's younger and started later. To catch up, Fei'erde, as her undercover servant, needs to give her a push. He can't directly interfere with Hilda's training, but he can provide some help outside of it.

"Kid, pay attention. I won't demonstrate this too many times," Uncle Mai said.

Then he raised his hand, and bright blue light shone from his five fingers.

Pure magic release!

Fei'erde's eyes widened instantly. He saw five streams of magic flowing from Uncle Mai's fingers, converging into his palm, then forming into a ring.

As the subsequent magic passed through the ring, it was pulled by the magic ring and suddenly expanded, turning into a huge magic curtain.

In the next moment, the magic ring contracted, and a thin blue beam burst out, piercing through the magic curtain.

In an instant, the magic curtain turned into a funnel, and after a brief moment, the originally thin beam turned into a thick beam, about a meter in diameter, rushing towards the distance.

Then a hole appeared on the grassy slope in the distance. Within the hole, melted rocks and soil dripped down, and one could see the scenery on the other side through this side of the hole.

Fei'erde was dumbfounded.

This isn't... magic?!

Indeed, it wasn't. It was simply the combined effect of multiple magic control techniques. By stacking multiple magic control techniques together, the multiplier effects added up, resulting in a power almost comparable to magic!

Of course, mastering this required much more control than simply casting a spell. But Fei'erde understood.

"Drink this," Uncle Mai tossed a bottle of blue potion over—Grade A Magic Recovery Potion.

Without hesitation, Fei'erde gulped it down, instantly replenishing his magic. Then he raised his hand, fingers glowing, converging towards his palm.

Just like Uncle Mai had done, after a moment, a thick beam of magic burst out, shooting hundreds of meters away and landing on the distant grassy slope. However, the final effect was just a crater about three meters wide on the hilltop.

A flicker of surprise flashed in Uncle Mai's eyes. This kid didn't disappoint him. Not only did he learn it after just one demonstration, but his magic control level was also not bad.

However, he was still a bit lacking. With Fei'erde's magic intensity, the power of the beam should have doubled.

"Awesome!" Fei'erde exclaimed with excitement. Although he knew he still had room for improvement, this made him feel thrilled.

It felt like casting magic, but cooler!

"What's this move called?" Fei'erde asked.

"It doesn't have a name, just simple magic control," Uncle Mai replied.

"Then I'll name it. Let's call it Magic Palm Cannon!" Fei'erde suggested. (Like Iron Man's repulsor cannon)

Uncle Mai: "..."

Ignoring him, Uncle Mai raised his hand again. Seeing this, Fei'erde knew there was more to learn, so he paid close attention, even calling Kiki over to learn together.

Uncle Mai didn't mind. The more followers, the better.

It wasn't until after four in the morning that Fei'erde and Kiki collapsed on the grass again, but Fei'erde's face was full of smiles, and Qiqi was equally delighted.

Although Qiqi could learn magic, practicing these complex magic techniques would also enhance her magic intensity and control, which would be beneficial for her.

With more practice, she would become more adept at using magic, making her more powerful. And for Fei'erde, the benefits were even greater.

It was like mastering pseudo-magic with slightly less power! This greatly improved his combat effectiveness.

After a night of practice, Fei'erde had become quite proficient. With more practice in real combat situations, he would soon fully master the technique and unleash its true power.

Uncle Mai watched Fei'erde with satisfaction.

If he could, he would have taken Fei'erde as his apprentice.

But he had already pledged his soul to the Scarlott family and sworn loyalty to them, so he couldn't. Thinking of this, he sighed softly and was about to leave. But the next moment, Fei'erde's voice came.

"Teacher, are you coming tomorrow?"

Uncle Mai was taken aback and turned to look at Fei'erde, who was smiling.

"I'm not your teacher," Uncle Mai said, still indifferent.

"You taught me magic techniques, so you're my teacher," Fei'erde said with a cheeky smile.

Uncle Mai chuckled. He could tell that this kid was trying to find someone tougher to rely on.

But he wasn't like those girls who could be charmed by a few words from this guy.

"No qualifications," Uncle Mai said, waving his hand, then flew off into the sky.

Fei'erde quickly got up and shouted, "I'll have the qualifications sooner or later!"

Uncle Mai didn't respond, disappearing into the night.

Fei'erde looked at the night sky, then spread his arms and lay back down on the grass.

Uncle Mai might not be interested in him now, but he definitely saw potential in him. So... he believed that one day, he would make Uncle Mai acknowledge him.

Little did he know, when Uncle Mai said "no qualifications," he wasn't talking about Fei'erde. He was talking about himself.

"Fei'erde~" Fei'erde was lying on the ground, and Kiki slowly crawled over, then leaned against him, resting her small face on his arm.

"Are we going back, meow?"

"Too tired to go back. Let's just sleep here," Fei'erde said.

"Okay, meow... it's a bit cold, meow."

Fei'erde opened his arms and hugged Kiki.

"Still cold?"

"Not cold, meow!" Qiqi snuggled happily in Fei'erde's arms, even wrapping her tail around his arm. "It's warm, meow!"

"Then let's sleep. We'll go find Hilda at eight."

"Okay, meow~"

And so, Fei'erde slept outdoors with Qiqi for the night. Despite the presence of magical beasts, as they were only twenty miles from Grylla City, there were only a few harmless magical beasts around.

Even the Silver-level Grassland Direwolves, after casting a glance at Fei'erde from afar, didn't dare to approach.

Even when sleeping, a lion was still a lion, even if there was a little cat in his arms.

The night was cold, but Fei'erde regulated his breathing, so the temperature was no problem for him. Although Qiqi didn't sleep well, as a cat person, three hours of sleep wasn't enough for her.

"Fei'erde... so sleepy, meow..." Qiqi rubbed her eyes and said.

Fei'erde gently rubbed her short hair, then stood up and carried her in his arms. "Then keep sleeping. I'll wake you up later."

"Fei'erde is so nice, meow~" Qiqi leaned happily against Fei'erde's chest and soon fell asleep again.

I wonder what she's dreaming about... she even licked her lips.

"Feather stick... don't run, meow..."

Fei'erde couldn't help but laugh, then carried Qiqi and headed towards Grylla City.

At exactly eight o'clock, they arrived at the gate of Hades Academy.

"Did you come early?" Fei'erde greeted, walking over to Hilda.

"I came at seven thirty," Hilda said smugly. "You always say I sleep like a pig, but you're the one who barely made it on time."

Fei'erde grinned.

If a girl could arrive early after agreeing on a time, she was worth marrying.

"Has Qiqi not woken up yet?" Hilda looked at Qiqi in Fei'erde's arms.

Perhaps because Qiqi was so cute and petite, Hilda didn't treat her like a normal girl but more like a little girl who needed protection. So when Fei'erde held her, she didn't feel anything strange; instead, she was attracted by Qiqi's cute sleeping position.

"She and I practiced until late last night, so I let her sleep a little longer," Fei'erde smiled.

"Ah, I see," Hilda didn't doubt. After all, Fei'erde really was just practicing, and she had a face melted by cuteness, reaching out to gently touch Kiki's cheek.

"Mmm~" Qiqi made an unconscious sound, then snuggled into Fei'erde's arms.

"So cute, I really want to hug her..." Hilda couldn't help saying.

"How about you come and hug her?" Fei'erde suggested.

"No, I'd rather not. She wouldn't sleep comfortably if I held her, but your arms can be her pillow and cradle," Hilda smiled and patted Fei'erde's sturdy arm.

"Girls can also train their muscles, you know," Fei'erde joked with a mischievous grin.

"Although I can train, it doesn't suit me," Hilda giggled, then asked, "So where are we going now?"

"Kotomo Ore District. Let's rent a carriage from there. We'll be able to reach it by noon," Fei'erde said.

He mainly considered Kiki needing to sleep; a carriage would be more stable. Otherwise, if he carried Qiqi and ran over, she definitely wouldn't be able to sleep.

"I have a better idea!" Hilda said.

She didn't want to waste precious time here, then waved her hand, and a beautiful magic car appeared in front of Fei'erde.

Fei'erde's eyes widened.

He had been wondering if there were magic cars when he knew about magic boats

, and now he finally saw one.

Look at those four wheels, look at the streamlined body, and it's even a convertible!

"This is so cool!" Fei'erde couldn't help but exclaim.

In his previous life, he spent most of his commission on cars. After all, running errands on the wasteland was quite taxing on a car.

"Hehe, it's the new model of the Leyton Chamber of Commerce—the Lightning Type III. It has a floating magic array suspension sequence, so it can run smoothly even on sandy ground!" Hilda said proudly.

"It's really beautiful. How much does this cost? Where can I get one?" Fei'erde's eyes lit up.

"It's not for sale. It's a prize I won in a competition organized by the Leyton Chamber of Commerce. This one costs at least two hundred thousand gold, and I can't afford it."

"Two hundred thousand..." Fei'erde suddenly felt motivated to earn money.