
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 101 Trap

Field wandered around with a bottle of wine, not immediately seeking out the Chamber of Commerce or merchants for trade negotiations.

You see, this event organized by the Merchant Guild is naturally aimed at promoting trade between merchants. The merchants here come from all over, including orcs, demihumans, and other races, and their specialties are also very popular on the continent. Therefore, the products of these merchants are not only aimed at the participants of this event but also at other merchants.

Merchants doing business with merchants will achieve the best trading results.

Now let's talk about something deeper.

Is this event organized by the Merchant Guild just to promote trade between merchants?

Of course not. If that were the case, it would just be a way to attract more merchants to join the Merchant Guild, with little benefit. As the largest merchant organization, the ambitions of the Merchant Guild are naturally more than that.

So if it's not as Field expected, the Merchant Guild's true aim is not these merchants. Instead, they want to use these merchants to attract the biggest buyers of this event, the official sponsors of the venue—Grilah City!

Another layer of identity for Grilah City officials is the Empire of Heiposi!

Doing business with the empire is the true purpose of the Merchant Guild!

Just like the companies and governments in my past life, the relationships among them were as intricate as a spider's web.

So the business event is just a facade. The real purpose is to be the bridge between the wealthy and the officials who collude with them.

They don't need to promote their products; they just need to hold their wine glasses, chat and laugh with the officials, and once they've struck up a good conversation, the big orders will naturally follow in the future.

So what they need is not just short-term transactions, but long-term cooperation.

After observing for a while, Field noticed that there were local merchants from Grilah City, as well as merchants from other regions, including some exotic ones. Oh, and he even saw people from the Wild Wolf Gang.

This is normal. The Wild Wolf Gang is involved in shipbuilding business, and since the sea is not far from Grilah City, they would naturally participate.

Field noted down the location of the Wild Wolf Gang's exhibition area and continued to observe.

Soon, he spotted a group of people—well-dressed, gathered together, discussing. From their attire, they should be officials from the Grilah City government.

This was easy to identify; their clothing bore the emblem of Grilah City.

At this moment, their conversation partners were all well-known big merchants.

Whether Field knew them or not didn't matter; judging from their extravagant attire, they definitely had some influence.

And those without influence could only stand nearby, smiling awkwardly and unable to get a word in, looking somewhat embarrassed and awkward.

But those "big shots" wouldn't bother with them.

Field smirked and walked towards the group.

Don't misunderstand; he wasn't trying to draw attention to himself.

He didn't have the capital to engage in direct communication with these "big shots" at the moment.

He came specifically for these merchants.

After approaching the group, he didn't get closer but instead turned his gaze to some other nearby merchants.

These merchants obviously also wanted to network, but it was clear that they had failed, so they could only chat or trade with other merchants who had similarly come back empty-handed.

Field found a small group and simply inserted himself into their conversation.

At this moment, the group of merchants was discussing the shipbuilding industry, which was also why Field had chosen them first.

"Look at the magic ships from Heromus, they're fast, but that's because they cut corners. They replaced the Sidenor steel in the hulls of the magic ships with cheaper and lighter Estenor steel. Ordinary people can't tell the difference, and they even tout it as a selling point!"

"But it can't be denied that their magic energy engines are indeed well-made. The Four Sequence Great Magic Energy Engine, the power it provides, ordinary magic ships simply can't catch up."

"If you mention that, I won't be happy. We've already cracked the Four Sequence Great Magic Energy Engine, but our ships still can't catch up with theirs. They must be hiding something."

"Damn Heromus Guild, they haven't finished eating Valore's cake and they're already eyeing the coastal areas of Heiposi. How are we local ship merchants supposed to survive?"

"Alright, buddy, let's focus on how to sell our ships now. Last time I went to the port, I was kicked out by the Wild Wolf Gang. I didn't even get to see their leader. They're not willing to cooperate at all. If this goes on, we won't even be able to pay our workers' wages..."


Watching these merchants sighing, Field almost laughed out loud.

Then he approached them with the wine bottle and interjected, "Damn Heromus Guild!"

A few merchants immediately brightened up at the sound of someone cursing the Heromus Guild. If you curse the Heromus Guild now, you're our good buddy!

"Brother, are you also a ship merchant?" asked a Mediterranean merchant.

"Of course, my family's small shipyard used to do well, but because of the Heromus Guild's market intervention, now we can't even sell a single ship!" Field said indignantly.

Upon hearing this, the merchants all joined in condemning the Heromus Guild.

"The Heromus Guild doesn't let us live. They have their fingers in every pie, from small boats to large ships, covering all aspects. They don't let others have a chance to survive. How can you do business like this?"

"Exactly! Luckily, I've already found a way out. Otherwise, I'd really be played to death by them!" Field said angrily.

The merchants were momentarily stunned, then they looked at each other and raised their wine glasses to Field, saying, "Alas, we're all pitiful souls. Here, brother, let's drink to our shared fate."

"Yes, let's drink!" Field raised his glass, acting like he was drunk.

Four or five merchants took turns pouring him drinks, and soon he had a red face, leaning on one merchant's shoulder, looking like they were brothers.

"Since the Heromus Guild won't let me live, then I... hiccup~"

"I won't let them off easy!"

Field waved the wine bottle in his hand.

The merchants were stunned for a moment, then they looked at each other urgently.

"What... what can you do to deal with the Heromus Guild? Just talking won't cut it," one of them, a high-nosed fellow, deliberately asked.

Field frowned slightly, feeling annoyed. "Who... who said I'm all talk and no action?"

"I've already taken action!"

"I have some connections with the Wild Wolf Gang in Heidu. The Wild Wolf Gang's size isn't much smaller than the Heromus Guild's!"


"Then what?" The merchants looked at Field eagerly.

"Hehe, they like market competition, right... I'll... hiccup~"

"I'll raise a fat one and go to war with them!"

"Luo Ge, the woman from the Wild Wolf Gang, also doesn't like the Heromus Guild. She's thinking of having a

 fight with them!"

"I'll take the opportunity to package the shipyard and all the ships together and sell them to the Wild Wolf Gang!"

"All sold?!" The merchants were shocked. "At the current price of ships, wouldn't that be a huge loss?"

"Hehe, not selling now would be a huge loss. When both sides start fighting, there's no way for a small shipyard to survive!"

Field exhaled alcohol and spoke bluntly.

"And the Wild Wolf Gang is eager for war, they need ships."

"Although it's a bit lower than market price, it can still be sold... hiccup~"

"Recoup some funds, and I'll directly switch to the magic ship repair business. Anyway, there's already a connection, and the masters in the factory won't lose too much. When both sides start fighting, hehe... by then, it won't just be a trade war, I'm afraid it'll be a real fight at sea!"

"At that time, we can also negotiate with the Wild Wolf Gang and the Heromus Guild, take the damaged ships for repair or buy them back at a low price. Either way, we won't lose!"

Suddenly, the merchants' eyes lit up.

It seemed... that was indeed the case!

It was like two empires fighting a war, and the merchants inside were all making a fortune.

Now that two forces were fighting, it was more or less the same thing; their small merchants could participate!

No matter which side lost, the other side wouldn't be able to completely take over in a short time. These small merchants could pick up the leftovers and still make a profit!

For a moment, the merchants looked at Field as if he were a fat fish!

And Field, with his head down, a sly smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The dirty tricks he learned from the past and the company...damn, they're really useful!

"Ugh..." Field retched as if he had drunk too much, dry heaving twice.

Two nearby merchants patted his back, looking concerned. "Take it easy, brother, take it easy~"

"Thanks." Field seemed to have calmed down a bit and raised his hand in acknowledgment.

At this moment, the Mediterranean merchant leaned in and asked, "Brother, do you really have a relationship with the Wolf King of the Wild Wolf Gang?"

"Definitely. Roge invited me for drinks a few days ago," Field said, swaying his head.

"And besides, I'm planning to switch gears halfway, tinkering with magical devices. Isn't that more profitable than magic ships?"

With that, Field looked proud and waved his hand, producing a three-meter-long magical sniper cannon, eliciting gasps from the merchants.

"Look, this is the authentic craftsmanship of the Wild Wolf Gang, so exquisite!"

"My people have learned some techniques. When the technology matures, the Heromus Guild is nothing!"

"Hey hey, don't touch it. This is a sample. I worked hard to get it from Roge. I have to dismantle it when I get back!" Field swatted away a merchant's hand that was reaching for the cannon.

The merchant grinned awkwardly, then exclaimed excitedly, "Brother, this is great! You can replenish your losses and make money. There will be other business opportunities in the future!"

"Exactly!" Field laughed heartily, looking smug and ecstatic.

"Bro, can you... share some of your connections with me?" The Mediterranean merchant asked, wearing a flattering smile.

This middle-aged man, forty or fifty years old, calling a sixteen-year-old young man "brother" was quite something.

"Share with you?" Field raised an eyebrow, looking at him, then waved his hand. "No can do."

"Don't rush to refuse, let's negotiate..." With that, the Mediterranean tried to stuff something into Field's pocket.

Field turned his head to look, and it turned out to be a large sapphire. It must be worth at least ten thousand gold coins. He really dared to go all out. It seemed he was really desperate.

So Field closed his pocket and pretended to ponder.

Seeing this, several other merchants quickly followed suit and stuffed things into Field's pocket.

Before long, Field, who had an empty pocket just now, now had a bulging one.

Qiqi, who had been called over by Field to observe secretly, almost burst out laughing.

"Cough cough, that's enough, it's not good for appearances," Field said, pressing on his pocket.

The merchants chuckled, then looked at Field expectantly. "So about this matter..."

Field shook his head, as if trying to clear his mind, then fell silent for a moment, showing a serious expression. "Sharing your connections with you is fine, but you can't go directly to the Wild Wolf Gang. You have to go through me as the intermediary."

"You understand, the Wild Wolf Gang only trades with familiar people."

"We understand, we understand!" The group nodded.

After all, they had also been to the Wild Wolf Gang before, and the outcome was clear. The business didn't go through, and they were kicked out.

"And you guys have to offer enough profits. If it's just one or two small ships, I won't even bother, let alone the Wild Wolf Gang!"

"How big of a profit are we talking about?" one merchant asked tentatively.

"At least twenty ships, medium to small, worth over thirty thousand gold coins, preferably bundled with the shipyard." Field said.

"This..." The group of merchants looked hesitant.

Bundling the shipyard with the ships was impossible because the shipyard was their entire business. They couldn't just throw it all in because of Field's words.

And Field's goal was not their shipyard but their ships.

Seeing their hesitant expressions, Field said, "But I have a way... Does anyone have a sobering potion?"