
ghostly Inlove With You

Author: DaoistmU1Xdg
Fantasy Romance
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What is ghostly Inlove With You

Read ‘ghostly Inlove With You’ Online for Free, written by the author DaoistmU1Xdg, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is:


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Zesther (Thinking that most women don't like men that know a lot about make-up trying to make Sereena dislike him): Wait, are you using the Sweet Red lipstick from Alferra Cosmetics? I have always wanted to owe one! Sereena (The owner of Alferra Cosmetics that likes men with no fragile masculinity taking out the bag of her company products that she always brings in case she had to advertise them): Do you want to have one? I think Sweet Pink would suit you better instead of the Sweet Red shade. Zesther (Trying hard to make himself sound like a fuck boy): Actually, I am very into doing the 'deed'. I'm afraid I cannot be faithful if my... n-needs are not satisfied. Sereena (Seeing through Zesther's clumsy act that can't even say the word 'sex'): Is that so? Then, I just have to make sure that your sexual needs are always satisfied. Don't worry, I am confident and good in that aspect. Zesther (Flustered and blushing hard): H-how can you say s-such l-lewd things in p-public! ---- Zesther Callisto is a hopeless romantic guy that wished to someday have a sweet romance with the woman of his life. He yearned to have a romantic love story similar to the dramas he enjoyed watching. He is the type of person that dates to marry and a person that made sure to avoid women that he instinctively knew are not up to a serious relationship built upon love. Sereena Alfierra is a strong and independent woman that has peculiar taste in men. She likes men with soft personalities, especially those that look sexily cute while crying but while she would date them, she never took these men seriously. In terms of physical charms and personality, Zesther is definitely her type but her upbringing made it so that she was not the type of woman that could love someone easily. When Sereena decided to marry someone to make the only family member she cared about happy, her path crossed with Zesther. One side wanted to have a casual marriage while the other side wanted a serious one causing the start of a long chase. Will our leads find a happy ending with each other?

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Hobby and the inner mind

شاب يمني من اصل حضرمي يسكن محافظة عدن. إنه عازف كمان. تمت دعوته للمشاركة في حفل أوركسترا شباب حضرموت بمدينة سيئون. حصل هذا الشاب على دعم معنوي من كبار أساتذة مدينة حضرموت وعدن. الكمان الذي يمتلكه والذي سيعزف فيه في الحفلة الموسيقية ، وقد توصل إلى حل لتشغيل الآلة ، وعندما حان وقت رحلته ، التقى بشباب من حيه كانوا يقاطعون في الأسواق بسبب نهب ودارت بينهما محادثة: _ الرجل السيئ / إلى أين أنت ذاهب ، أيها الموسيقي الخاسر ، تعال وألعبني قليلاً حتى أكون سعيدًا وبقية الأشرار ضحكوا وضحكوا الموسيقار الشاب / انا ذاهب الى حفل كبير وان شاء الله سأكون متميزا وهوايتي ستأخذنا الى القمة. الرجل السيئ / احترس ، تذهب إلى المجاري بدلاً من القمة ، وضحكوا على بقية البلاط. اكتملت مسيرة الموسيقي الشاب. عندما توقف عند حاجز المكلا ، استقبله الجنود هناك. أكمل طريقه إلى Seiyun. عندما بدأت أيام البروفات ، كان المايسترو قائد الفرقة ، قاسيًا وقاسيًا للموسيقي الشاب حتى وصل الشاب إلى مرحلة اليأس ، وعندما كان في غرفة تغيير الملابس ، ظهر له أجنبي. خاف الموسيقار وقال له ما أنت وماذا تريد مني. رد عليه. أنا هنا لمساعدتك وأجعلك تعزف بشكل رائع على الكمان. وافقوا ، وواصل الشاب رحلته وتحمل قسوة المايسترو. الجمهور وبعد الحفل كانت نهاية سعيدة حيث حصل الموسيقي الشاب على عرض في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. من ناحية أخرى ، انتهى الأمر بمطاردة البلطجية وقتلها من قبل قوات الأمن. سافر الموسيقي الشاب إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ، وعندما كان في المطار قال له الأجنبي: "طريقي انتهى هنا وسأتركك وشأنك. ذهب الأجنبي في طريقه وواصل الشاب رحلته" الاستنتاج / الفكرة التي تظهر نهاية الشخص الذي لديه هواية ونهاية الشخص الذي يسير في اتجاه سيئ وأيضًا أنه لا ينبغي لأحد أن يقلل من عقله الباطن ومهاراته وقدرته

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The Star Emperor Games Book 1

"What is his name?" An ancestor asked. "Augustus Devati Felix." His father answered. Augustus was staring at the prompt in front of him. [Star Conqueror system binding...] [Celestrial System binding...…] [Binding to host.....] [10%….35%...68%...80%...100%] [System successfully binded] [Celestrial System [Personal Details] [Quests] [Rewards] [Inventory] [Shop] [Tutorial Beginning] [Personal Details] [Name: Augustus Devati Felix Age: 1Day old Gender: Male Cultivation realm: Occupation: Prince Affliction: Moonlight Kingdom Area conquered: - Population: - ] [Main Quest. Quest details. - Becomes the richest individual in the Kingdom in 10 years. - Conquer a city or a marquisate or a dukedom from one of your neighbors in 10 years. Rewards: A Silver grade army formation and training manual. -Conquer a kingdom alone in 15 years. -Become the crown prince in 15 years. Rewards: A Gold grade army formation and training manual. - Become the army Marshal general in 20 years. -Become the King of the Moonlight Kingdom in 20 years. Rewards: A legendary grade army formation and training manual. Failing a single quest will result in death] [Rewards. Congratulations on binding successfully. Rewarded with A mystic grade starters pack. ] [Inventory [Starters pack] -A mystic grace cultivation technique; Imperial Monach Cultivation technique. -A legendary grade sword technique. -A silver ranked growth type battle armor and sword. -A war game to enjoy with Friends and system. -A bronze ranker formation and training manual. ] [Shop Can not be opened right now. Complete the first two quests.] A reincarnated Phd holder born in the era of Great wars. He is born a prince and his birth is celebrated by the universe but the strange thing is people don’t know he is special except for a few. He was born with the Celestial Emperor’s star as his chosen. He is born as the fifth prince of the Moonlight Kingdom. Follow along his journey to the great games of the Star Wars.

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