

Lightning struck behind the headmaster and thunder shook the windows.

In a flash of thunder the day was gone so was the storm and along with it five years had passed.

In a room a woman stood beside an old man and a child layed in a bed in front of them.

The man said

"Have you injected the virus?

The woman responded

"Yes sir three hours ago."

The man acknowledged her response and continued

"Did you turn off the Nanomachines"

The woman once again responded

"Yes sir an hour prior to the injection just too be sure"

The man nodded in acknowledgement and said

"He sure is special even after the injection of such a potent virus he is still sleeping comfortably other children would be sweating, boiling up and having spasms some would even bleed from their facial orifices yet this guy is taking a nap. The porpuse of this virus is to train their immune system, resistance, their body and most of all their mind. Let's leave him be will come back to check on him tomorrow."

They both left the child and the headmaster returned to his office.

Micheal was waiting for him inside.

"Michael contact Mrs.Smith ask for everything she has on the child. If she refuses. Tell her that I will send the Walkers if necessary but I will get my hands on those files."

Micheal responded

"Immediately sir" and left out the door

The same night the Old man got a phone call from Mrs. Smith. She specifcally stated her dislike of being threatened but she had sent the files anyway.

The Old Man looked at a computer screen that came out of within the desk as he slowly read the files that he had received.

The old man spoke to Michael

"Michael I had once said that Gray had been extremly unlucky for ending up here however this file here proves to me that this child has incredible luck and he is blessed by the heavens."

Michael a bit confused asked

"Sir why would you say that "

"Tell me Michael what do you know about genetic engineering."

"Highly researched topic; however, even now it is still in its infancy stages. They at most have been able to alter specific traits of animals; however, the few human trials have all 100% ended in disaster. All patients have died not long after and not only death a very painful one. With their cells  eating at each other. However none have had natural deaths. All victims commited suicde in hopes to end the suffering."

The old man said

"Exactly, however this child is a product of just that. It says here that not long before they brought Gray to us, they found a lab  after a raid at the Phantom Organization hideout. Their they found the child after looking through the data they found that the scientists had been kidnapped and forced to work in the lab they had no contact with the outside they where just given a task. They just tried their best without hope of success however they succeded. From one of their trials where they genetically engineered a fetus at its earliest stages. That is where Gray came from. Luckily after their success they new they couldnt allow their research to be used by the wrong hands so they sent out an encoded message sneakly but they where still found out. Before they where killed they fried the entire system everything all the research was gone.The only thing was left was the child. However eventhough they where found out the message still got out. As how the raid came to be. After the child was secured and taken back. They found the only computer that hadnt been fried was an uncharged laptop that the scientists had used as a personal diary as how they know how things happend. However thats not all according to the little data left all the reserchers changed in his DNA was his body they left his mind alone as they didnt know how the mind would react. However this child not only survived, he was also born with an incredible mind. When the  government researches saw that his mind had as much neuroactivity as a fully grown man they new he was destined to be an incredible genius. They estimated his IQ once he grew will definatly be over the 200s. After this was taken to the higher ups they decided to implant him with Dr. Morgans XGen NanoMachines. Which are one of a kind. They than proceeded to send him here and ask for my instruction."

Michael was dumbstruck for a while

"The success of genetic engineering on fully grown adults is almost nill. However genetic engineering on a fetus had never been tried before. It could be said that this was the first time this was ever attempted. Also over the past 500 years recorded IQs of over 200 can be counted on one hand if we guess the unrecorded ones maybe two hands. Those two things alone would make him unique and unmatched.  Even then he was then injected with XGen Nanotech. Including his natural biology and the technology in his body he is nothing but a miracle if I do say so myself he will be fearsome existence if his training under your instruction goes well headmaster."

The headmaster just remained in thought

After a couple minutes he reacted

"Send the Walkers after Smith's organization tell them to destroy all evidence of Grays existence including all those who know it. We can't let this information fall into the wrong hands before Gray grows up.

Michael responded

"Immideatly sir I will do so right away."

Next chapter