
Level Up

So far, I've not come across anything worth mentioning. Only some small fries such as Goblin generals and Ogre Lords.

That being said my level has increased significantly. I've already surpassed my fathers level and I'm approaching level 70.

Suddenly I feel a powerful being approach. I jump back just as the ground beneath my feet explodes.

I don't even have time to think about what's happening before I get attacked again. No matter where I dodge to the ground explodes. What's causing this?

I retreat into the trees and look around to find the cause.

An Earth dragon is attacking from the cover of the trees.

Surprisingly it's rather small. Only around the size of an elephant. Although its strength doesn't match its size at all.

[Name: ---

Race: Earth Dragon


Strength: 30,000

Speed 45,000

Magic: 90,000

Dexterity: 15,000

Intelligence: 90,000

Luck: 30]

What the hell is a monster this strong doing here. It's lowest stat of dexterity is even higher than my highest stat.

The dragon keeps on attacking, all I can do is dodge. This isn't even a full powered dragon.

Finally I fail to dodge and get hit dead on. The attack is on a whole other level. I can't win.

I land several metres away. I cough up blood into the mud below me. Is this where I die?

Like hell I'll die here. I rise to my feet, much to the surprise of the approaching dragon. However that is not enough to stop it's advance.

I clutch my scythe and swing. The blade creates a deep gash on the beasts eye.

The beast roars and lashes out. It's only a beast. It has no skill or intelligence. All I need is one attack to land and I've won.

I dodge the barrage of attacks from the beasts claws position myself above it's head. As I fall down, I bring my scythe down and cleave off the dragon's head.

[level up]

What is a beast of this caliber doing here though. Normally they stay in the mountains far away from civilization. If they hadn't humans never would have become the dominant race.

I store away it's body and check my status.

[Name: Amon Britannia

Race: Human?

Level: 372

Strength: 50,000

Speed: 55,000

Magic: 40,000

Dexterity: 49,000

Intelligence: 52,000

Luck: 250

Skills: God's appraisal, God's status concealment, Ancient Magic (X), Skill creation, Weapon master (X), Evil eye(V), teleportation (IX) future sight (VIII) Extreme Will (II) Item Box

Title's: The First Other Worlder, Other Worlder, Champion of Life and Death, Dragon Slayer]

My level increased drastically. Though I'm still nowhere near the level cap of 10,000.

Now that my magic has increased, I should probably make some more powerful skills.

[Space manipulation: the user can bend space to their will.]

Alright. I'm one step closer to completing my task. Next time I'll have to venture further than this forest.

With that I begin the 300 mile return journey.

I could tell my speed increased. The journey took an hour beforehand, now it only took 30 seconds running at my top speed.

I stow my weapons and armour and sneak into the palace. If all went as planned, nobody will notice I disappeared.

My injuries have already healed so there is no evidence I left.

I carry on my day as normal, playing with younger siblings and eating meals.

Days begin to pass, and nobody notices my constant leaving to fight monsters. I haven't come across anything at the same level as that dragon, those days turn to weeks, which turns to months, which turns to four long years until I finally find an opponent worth fighting.

I'm in the mountains facing a minotaur. It has stats around the same as mine.

We charge at each other, and our weapons clashed. We both get pushed back from the clash, though the axe barely withstood the clash. It's poor quality weapon is what lets it down.

The beast swings it's axe to my head. However it only slices my afterimage as I dodge and slice of its feet. Blood spurts over the snow, dying it a bright scarlet. Bone is clearly visible in the stumps of its legs.

The beast tries to swing its axe, though it can barely concentrate through the pain.

I bring my scythe down and slice it open, spilling fresh guts into the snow.

I turn and begin to head back. Tomorrow's my fifteenth birthday. I will soon be sent the academy.

Next chapter