
Chapter 2

I wake up. And for the first time I'm glad I woke up because I never thought I would wake up again. I first check my stomach where the wound was but I find that my hands are tinier than normal. I quickly look around and find I'm in my old bedroom from childhood. Panic rises in me as I rush to the mirror, I nearly scream at what I saw in the mirror. A child's face stares at me. It's my face for sure but a child's nonetheless.

I take a look at the calendar next to the mirror.

Seventeen years ago. I died and went back seventeen years. Back to when I was only four years old and on my first day of school no less. "Lena" a voice calls to me. Who else could this belong to beside my mother. She walks in. "Why aren't you ready? We're going to be late. Your old enough to dress yourself."

"Yes mommy I'll be done in a flash." I respond even though my mind still reeling from all the information that's running through my circuits. I get dressed quickly pulling out a cute summer dress with tights and flats. I call to my mom and we get on the road before I'm late. In the car ride I'm silent. As I sort through everything that's happened. So I died. That much is obvious. But why did I come back to this time, to this specific time?

I decide to just go with the flow and make a plan at school. The best thing I can do now is figure out my next move.

When we arrive at school, the kids already starting to line up in front of the teachers. Anxiety courses through me as I remember that this was the day that I made a complete fool of myself. After subsequently making a fool of myself the kids proceeded to bully me out of what I assume is spite. As I line up with my mom by my side I tell her "Mom, I don't want to go." This was one of the worst days, an embarrassment haunting me for years to come. But all she did was look at me and say with a tender voice, "Baby, we have no choice. You have to go to school. We talked about this, everything will be fine. You'll make friends and eventually have fun. Think of all the kids you will play with."

My mom never got that that was the problem. The other kids. I was thinking about them and it brought shivers to my spine. Even though I lived through worse than kindergarten, including but not limited to my own murder, the thought of interacting with my peers still gave me anxiety.

I still smile at her and tell her okay, determined to make this a good day. After all I got a second chance, maybe I can make my life more fulfilling than the last one.

As soon as I hear the bell ring all the kids start wandering inside with there teachers. My mom pulls my teacher aside and tells her something I can't quite hear but I'm sure it's about my emotional problems. Like the fact that I have a social phobia and agoraphobia and a couple other phobias. My mom always has to give the layout of these problems when it came to new people. It helped when getting special accommodations so I don't freak out on people.

I ignore their conversation and look around to what I assume is my new classmates. That's when I spot the devil; Drake Barlow. My ultimate enemy at four years old.

It's then I realize this will be a long day.

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