
Ghost Hunters

Maika Tachibanana is not related to Mai at all! Mai and the others have nothing to do with Maika Tachibanana's story! However, it seems that Maika Tachibanana has the same type of story as Mai...... But just to let you know, they would not meet each other at all for their rest of their lives... Why? Because Maika Tachibanana is person whom has similar story to Mai, whom is from a anime called: ghost hunt, that she watch before... So this isn't a fan fiction! This story is created by me so any similarities related to the real world is a concidence! Give this story a shot! and if you like it, collect to your library! Even the book cover is I made it so no copying! All rights reserved. NOTE! If this is your favourite story that I am writing currently and you would like me to hurry and update, please tell me because I am the type who always type stories whenever I want..you could say I'm lazy even though I have already thought of the entire stories in my mind and I will type it out quick for you! Other Stories Of Mine: 1)Detective Police 2)Back to Life 3)Unknown Glory 4)Manaiac 5)The Unknown Poker Case 6)Sorcerers 7)44 degrees celsius is so cold~ 8) Amelia's life cycle

HappyFreeWriter · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

I'm Maika Tachibanana.

I like it when people call me Mai. At the same time, people won't know my real name. This is not because of the part-time jobs I'm having or I'm scared getting laugh at for my name...

But because people will ask whether if my parents is the famous couple of detectives whom died in a case which became unsolved for 3 years now...

Well, their guesses are indeed right. They are my parents.. But I hate it when people keep asking about what happened and give me a sympathy and pity look, sometimes, some people even look down on me for not having any family in my house.

Right, ever since my parents death, I became the only one left in the house... I have no relatives so I have to work on my own to pay off my house bills, I don't want to sell the house off just because I have to take up a lot part-time jobs and going to school at the same time.

Selling the house off means that I will lose the only home I ever have, it's the place where all of my precious memories with my parents are and I DONT want to lose it just because of stress from the time consuming jobs...

I make my very own timetable in order to co aid with both my studies and my part-time jobs.

Surprisingly, it went well.

Most of all, I realize I didn't need to study at all, except for completing all of my homework and listening in all of my lessons in school and that really help me to get enough sleep and I always get A2 for all of my exams and tests which I'm already proud of...

Maybe because I always get B3 and above for all my test, it's all thanks to my parents training.

Or it could mean that I am very smart because everything that I have seen before, always etched in my mind.

At that time, my parents said something like... It's a good thing you inherited mom's 'genes', my angel, you have photographic memory!

I was so happy back then when they say it but something about what they said afterwards has bothered me a lot.....

Father said, "Do you think she will also inherit one of my 'genes' as well?"

Not knowing if mom is answering or questioning but she said, "I don't think so.. although she inherited my 'genes' but she can't possibly inherited two right?"

Dad nodded in agreement.

At that time, I didn't know what was going on with them.. Until a few days after they died, the mystery is forever unsolved for me... I will never know what was going on with them...