
Ghost Hero

Two years passed since the Hero and the Demon King took each other's lives. In the middle of another looming threat of war, a rumor had started. "The ghost of the Hero Altrius has been appearing in the night. He will punish those who are corrupt and misuse their might. And just like the moon, he was gone come morning light." The story is about heroes. Those who untimely passed away. Those who unwillingly chosen. Those who obsessively want to help. Even those who are indisputably the strongest. Because those who will harm the world will endlessly exist. In a world without its Hero, how would people save themselves from those who seek harm?

Stobeni · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

You Should Believe in Rumors Sometimes


Most parts of Odrick University go the same way normal universities do. However, the most famous part of the University does things the way they think fit more.

The magic major in the University did things more like high schools, students have a full-day schedule from morning to afternoon. Also, Each class moved together to each lecture. So the bell ringing was more important to them.

"Thank you, Professor Joan."

"Be careful going home, now." She responded. "Going to work today too Mr. Del?"

"Yes. I have work every day."

"Oh my, it sure is busy working with the Cyntral."

"I don't work for them, you know?" Del left.

The magic major of Odrick University was inspired by the oldest magic academy in the world. Hence the use of the word "magic" while in reality, they don't teach magic, they develop [statistics].


Clink clank

"Oh! Here comes our boy. How is school? Nobody bullied you?"

Del entered his new office, the extermination team's. He didn't look too happy about the reception, but he never looked too anything mostly. His blank face only emotes with slight eye movements.

"You bring her again?"

"M-miss Erika... Mister Dusk told me to tag along."

"Oh welcome then, drinks?" Lemmy welcomed her. There was no option other than alcohol.

"Ah, I'm fine."

"She is a high schooler by age." Del blocked Lemmy's offering.

"And you are one by height! Ha!" Erika snarked. "Oh c'mon, you liked my jokes!"

The two escaped deeper into the office. Del needed to change his outerwear into his working suits, while Erika still had more reports to finish. Usually, the manager, Char, did it, but he went to Cyntral Corp. to hand in the last report personally.

E-mailing would have been more efficient. There was never any confidential information inside the report, so keeping it like that was a strange, almost stupid move.


"Mr. Cyntral."

"Char, take a seat, please." Eric welcomed."How's work?" Eric poured him a glass.

"Nothing much."

"Really? Your "nothing" usually doesn't exactly mean nothing, Char."

Tap "Haah... When you do this for as long as I did, Mr. Cyntral. Nothing of note happened too much."

Char drank his drink. Even with his small body, seeing him drinking will let someone peek at the hardened veteran soldier part of him. He swallowed the expensive drink in one swig.

"Euh..." Eric didn't love it. "So how about the boy, Del?"

"He's doing well."

"Don't pretend with the disinterest. Let's be honest, Char, I know he is exactly the type of person you are looking for. Natural who likes killing monsters, just your kind. You should thank me for him~"

"I won't pretend if you don't Mr. Cyntral. I know you don't own that boy, he owns you. You can give him little gifts like the university, but he can and will leave on a whim. There's nothing you can do about it."

Eric straightened his bent back and changed his lazy sitting. The veins in his forehead went crazy. No matter how wide of a smile he put on his face, Char knew it bothered him.

"I have told you before, Char. Call me Eric, Mr. Ctnyral is what you call my father."

"I don't think I can, Mr. Cyntral. You are our business partner, so I will treat you as one."

Char pulled out a metal box from his pocket and opened it like a book. He grabbed one of the cigarettes inside and started tapping it with his finger. He lifted the thing up, Eric nodded his head.

"I heard about a rumor going around that I don't like, Mr. Cyntral."

"Really? What did you hear?"

"Ghost Hero have been killing bad people."

"I don't like it even more, Char. From the public perspective, aren't I the badest person in this city?"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry if I were you."

"No, no, some of my men are in critical condition. For all I know, I can be the next target to be haunted by his ghost."

"Unaffiliated gangs died. Yours didn't. So, yeah."

"Come on! Do you think I would do something like that? Sending someone in a cosplay on a hit?"

"Yep, uhh." Char stood up from the chair with the smoke still on his lips. "It's been good seeing you, but I gotta go, Mr. Cyntral. My employees are not too good with reports."

"What a shame... Well, thank you for coming as always, be careful on your way back."


The old-sounding ringtone came from Eric's desk. Eric sent Char off with a little bow before picking up the clearly burner-looking phone's call-up.



"Yes, boss. I got it, Yes."

Wade was born in the middle of nowhere, unlike Teakwood, the amount of building higher than 100 metes could be counted by two fingers. In that kind of town, there were no work opportunities for uneducated people like him. Especially when Wade's real strength is his... strength.

"I never do any stinky job, there's no way someone smells us." He complained. "He got some chutzpah getting angry at me. Yeah, how about YOU walking around the city killing people in this costume!? It's like I just escaped the looney zoo-"

Bzz Bzz

[Don't let anyone see you.]

"Oh. My. God! This guy's insufferable." Wade screamed at the sky, but whispery enough that not one person could hear him. In particular, the man that was bringing a lady in an alley. That one DEFINITELY should never hear Wade.

"He's pulling it out! Alright big boy, that's it, I'm killing you." Wade jumped when his target started removing his pants.

Maybe not too big of a boy, eh?


Wade kicked a trash can to let them notice. He stared blankly as the lady screamed and ran vanishing deeper into the alleyway. The man tried to fend him off but there was no difference made.

Wade pulled out his phone to text his employer, Eric Cyntral.

[Finished, going home.]
