
Get Rid of Him

Volume 5: The last volume for the main story (currently) Volume 6: Side stories (incoming) ---------- "For ten years, I have loved you in vain. Now, my love has withered." Liliana Xin was treated like wallpaper in her four years of marriage with her CEO husband Asher Shen, despite her best efforts to build a happy home. She thought she could endure his neglect, but when a miscarriage got her nothing but a cold shoulder from her husband, Liliana decided enough was enough! "Divorce me this instant." What's the use of wallowing in self-pity? Shouldn't she be her own boss and lead a life without begging for a man's love anymore? It was time for her to squeeze out massive alimony from this apathetic man and leave to become a successful woman on her own! On her healing journey, Liliana crossed paths with Lucas Liu. The younger man had the same forlorn look in his eyes, reminding Liliana of her misery. "Join me. I'll make you more powerful." She promised, wanting to save him to repay him for his kindness. He was there for her at her lowest. With Lucas and her friends, Liliana continued moving forward. She didn't look back at the people who had never cherished her. They were no longer important to her. But there's someone that wasn't happy with this new development. Asher reappeared, his frosty cold mask was replaced with deep regret and longing. "I was wrong. Please, come back! I'll do anything!" Liliana scoffed, turning her back on her first love. She won't repeat the same mistake of loving him ever again. ------------ WSA 2023 Entry: Billionaire/CEO/Mafia Exclusive cover by @khaizusan (Instagram) Tags: slowburn, weaktostrong, boss-subordinate, divorce Please note that the characters are not OP from the start. They will undergo character development and even make good/bad decisions during the period.

hansora · Urban
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662 Chs

He Was Often Overlooked, Treated Like Air


The next day at MoodSpresso.

Lucas didn't have any delivery to do right now. He helped to clean the backyard of the cafe. The clock showed a quarter to seven in the evening, fifteen minutes before his shift ended.

The snow was not thick but, Lucas decided to clean the yard as soon as possible. With a black winter jacket covering his body together with a pair of gloves, he shoveled the snow on the ground.

Lucas silently channeled his frustration with every movement of him pushing the shovel in and out of the snow. Gritting his teeth hard, his entire face flushed red with beads of sweat formed on his temple and forehead.

As how his mother ordered, Lucas returned to his parents' house after work last yesterday evening. He was actually reluctant but, he didn't have the heart and energy when his mother kept calling him while crying, saying he no longer had the family in his mind.

"Are you that snobbish now? Just because I always ask for your help, you hate to come home? The place where you grew up?"

In the end, Lucas dragged himself to go back to the house.

The Liu family home was a two-story house with a decent yard. The property was inherited by Lucas' father, Richard Liu from an old relative that didn't have any family members.

They had been living there more than two decades ago when Lucas was still a toddler.

Standing straight on the snowy ground, Lucas's gaze slowly lost its focus. His mind reminded him of the unpleasant time he had at the house last night.


<.Last night, Liu family home.>

After exchanging two buses, Lucas finally arrived at the neighborhood. He walked slowly on the icy road.

Lucas glanced at his smartphone, looking out for Daphne's text but, none came. She just left him on read when he mentioned going back to his parents' place for dinner.

"...maybe she's busy."

Lucas comforted himself with the assumptions. He also tried hard to forget their fight before.

This morning, Lucas got Daphne's favorite breakfast set from a nearby stall. The seafood congee and chicken barbecue bun sold by the stall had always been her choice, especially during winter.


"Haven't you learned anything? I don't need you to feed me."

Daphne left the apartment before Lucas could even say anything in reply. Her tall and slender figure disappeared behind the door which she slammed shut.

Lucas was speechless with the whole thing. He was too astounded to even give the smallest reaction.

The cold treatment by Daphne horrified Lucas. He tried to talk about it, to know if he really did something wrong to her but, it was to avail.

No... The answer was right in front of his nose. He just didn't want to admit to it.

Daphne began to dislike him for how useless and incompetent he was. After all, he was nothing like how most of their friends were; had good careers and brighter future paths.

Lucas threw the problem to the back of his head. He should ready himself to face his mother and younger brother soon.

"I'm home."

Faint footsteps echoed in the hallways before a middle-aged woman wearing an apron appeared in front of Lucas. Her shoulder-length black hair was tied up.

She was Linda Gu, Lucas' mother.

"Lucas! How come you've just arrived? Kevin and Amanda have been here since..."

Lucas quickly cut through Linda's nagging.

"Mother, I just got off work."

"Still, you should know not to make people wait for you," Linda didn't stop even though she saw how exhausted her son's expression was.

Lucas chose not to answer his mother. After putting the shoes away, he hung the winter coat before walking down the hallway.

In the living room, a young man and a young woman were sitting on the couch. It was Lucas' brother and his college girlfriend. Both of them looked up at him from their smartphones.

"Big Brother! You're here!" Kevin waved at Lucas, appearing so carefree, "Go and wash your face. It must have been so freezing outside."

"Hello, Elder Brother," Amanda bowed at the older man. Her chocolate brown-dyed curly hair framed her small face, highlighting her delicate beauty.


Lucas just cordially greeted them before rushing to the washroom nearby the kitchen. He just planned to have dinner and hand the money to his mother.

Even though Daphne was still mad at him, it was better to be at the small apartment than this spacious house.

"Kevin, Amanda! Come now! Dinner's ready!"

Linda's shouted from the dining room. The two youngsters hurried there while Lucas silently walked out of the washroom. He washed his hands once again before joining the others.

When Lucas' eyes fell on the array of dishes served, he could only smile bitterly.

All of them were Kevin's favorite dishes. His mother didn't cook even one of his even though she said she would do it.

'Stupid, Lucas. Why do you've to be sad over such a thing?'

Lucas kept telling himself that. With his age now, it was a shameful matter to be upset with his mother about.

After all, Kevin was always busy studying. Being in the computer and technology field meant that his path was a turbulent one. No wonder their mother paid more attention to him.

Only the four of them were seated at the rectangle dining table. Linda's husband and the young men's father; Richard was always busy at his workplace.

As someone who occupied the assistant director position of the Planning Department, he often went on business trips or meet potential clients or collaborators.

"Isn't your trip should be in July? Why does the uni bring it forward?"

"We don't really know. But, heard it's because the head dean wanna adhere to the alumni's schedule."

"Oh? Why?"

"Something like they are coming to give a talk. The dean of business faculty is their mentor I think. So, they are willing to spend some of his precious time with us."

"Wow! Kevin, isn't that good? Shouldn't you..."

From the start to finish, the conversation at the dining table was dominated by Linda and Kevin. Occasionally, Amanda would chime in. Only Lucas remained silent while swallowing the food.

Past experiences had taught Lucas a lot. No matter how much his effort was, his mother often overlooked him and only paid attention to Kevin.

After finishing his dinner, Lucas quietly brought his dishes to the kitchen to be washed. No one spared a glance at him.

Seeing that there was no point in him staying any longer, Lucas brought up the money envelope from the inside of his jacket pocket. He put it inside a cabinet in the living room.

Linda preferred to get cash instead of the money wired to her bank account.

"Mother, I'll leave first."

Linda and Kevin were still carried away by their conversations before they realized what Lucas was saying.

"Already? Isn't it still early?" Linda looked at the wall clock. The needles were pointing to eight-thirty.

"I have work in the morning," answered Lucas with a faint smile. He already wore his winter coat, "Mother, what you need is in the living room cabinet. I'll go now. See you again."

"Wait! Lucas!"

"Big Brother!"

Lucas gave them a light bow before he quickly turned around to leave. His mother's and brother's shout grew more distant.

Ignoring everything, he ran out into the wintry darkness.