
Chapter 3 : This mission too simple ?

As Snake watches Geralt read the document, he tells him

"It's a pretty complicated mission for a first mission, so if at any time you feel in danger give up and come back"

"What are you talking about old man? Are you worried about me? "

"Shut up and listen to what I told you, this mission is not easy for the first time"

"You worry me too old man, have you forgotten who I am? I am Geralt of Rivia, no one scares me "

Saying that I turn around and start to walk out of the room

(1 pov Snake)

<He keeps saying he's from Rivia but I don't know where it is, I looked everywhere but I couldn't find a city that is named like that, and every time that I question him, he tells me that he will explain it to me later, I find it really weird>

"Wait, take the letter on the table next to the door, it will help you with your mission, there is a map with the target on it, with some money and a photo of the target"

<Maybe I'm worried too much? it is true that he is strong, stronger than a normal adult although he is still only 15 years old, and with his "powers" I am sure he will be able to do his mission>

(1 pov Geralt)

It was dark, it must have been 1 to 2 a.m., while I was standing in an alley a few blocks from where the shed is where the target is, I was finishing my preparations, I have a handgun , a Tokarev TT 33, on my back I have the sword that Snake gave me, the claymore, I wear a black outfit, I have a vial that contains a white liquid in my hand

I remove the cap from the flask and drink it, after drinking it if you look closely I have some red vein on my skin that appears but it is very little, it's the cat, it allows you to see in the dark

I had a hard time doing it, because I don't have access to magical creatures like the old Geralt, but thanks to the mountains and the forest next to the old man's mansion I can have access to several resource, so I assembled a diamond dust with an amethyst dust, and I was able to make water essence, for the dwarf brandy I used vodka, the effect may be a little different but in the end it is also an alcohol so I think it will work, and for the berberis fruit I used a cloudberry

I still haven't tried the potions I made, so I don't know if they work well or not

after drinking the potion, I start to see my surroundings more clearly

<As in Geralt's memories it really doesn't taste good, I understand why he doesn't like to take them>

Now that I'm ready, let's start the mission

In front of the hangar there are two people guarding the entrance, the two guards had an AK-47 and talking to each other, he did not pay attention to their surroundings, they were not professionals I can tell by their gestures

I take out my sword and i decide to approach discreetly towards the right guard, once at ten meters I use the axii sign on the left guard

the left guard starts to lean forward and hold his head, the right guard noticing him turns to him and asks if he's okay

I get close enough ready to touch him but he still hasn't noticed me, pathetic, although I'm behind him he should have sensed my presence, but no, so I decide to cut his waist with my sword, afterwards that it was cut in half, I take care of cutting the throat of the left guard cleanly

now that the two guards are dead I decide to go inside

As I entered the hangar I saw several containers were lined up and stacked, at the back of these containers there was a table with 5 people playing poker

I see them talking loudly and laughing while playing and drinking alcohol, I decide to approach them without hiding

Once close enough, before I speak, one of the guys notices me

" Who are you ? What are you doing here ? "

although he says it, he just sits there waiting for the answer, I think he has been drinking well, the same for the other 4, they sit there watching me waiting for an answer

" I ? I'm Geralt of Rivia I've been called by your boss I'm a friend that's why your friends at the entrance let me in, or is he? "

Saying that I use an axii sign to make him believe me

" Is that so ? I don't know you but if you're a friend you're boss it's okay then he's in the back room "

one of the guys next to the first one gets up and starts yelling at him

" What are you talking about ? how can you let him see the chef like that! look he has a sword, and look at his outfit, he's not normal! "

" Shut up ! he is a friend of the chef I know! so shut up and keep playing it's yours! "

looking at them not paying much attention to me and going back to drinking and playing, I walk past them and stand in front of the room

(1 pov Dimitri Aleskei (bandit leader))

As I count the next profits I will make from my next sale I hear someone walk into my room

I get ready to get up and yell at the guy who walked in without asking permission in the room but the moment I see the person who came in I shut up

I see a young man of about 1m74 in a black outfit, ash / white hair but the most shocking part of it all are his eyes. They are not human, who is he? no rather what is he?

(I don't know how tall the original Geralt is, in the books it says he's an average height so between 1m75 and 1m80, I think it's quite small for someone like him so I decided that when he is an adult he will be 1m87 which for me is a size that suits him better)

" W-who are you ?  "

As I ask him, he looked at me, he answers me in a cold voice

"Are you Dimitri Aleskei? "

Although he asks me I instinctively knew he already knew the answer, so I could only nod my head.

"Good now bye"

I see him reach out and a strange triangle-shaped sign appears in the air, at which point everything has gone black

(1 pov - Geralt)

<Was it that simple? >

As i watch the head cut off my target i thought

I took the guy's head and put him in a bag I had prepared, I come out the door and see the 5 guys who continue to play

The first guy I had spoken to turns around when he hears me go out

"So already finished? I can see that you won something good "

he tells me as he looks at the bag I'm holding

"I won a lot more than you think, now I'm going to go bye"

I can go out this time without difficulty

<Was it really that simple? I can't believe it, why did he warn me so much if it was that easy? So he thinks I was that weak?>

(in the mansion - 1 pov Snake)

<what the hell is this?>

"Geralt why did you bring me back the target's head? Do you think we are in the middle ages !? The person who gave us the contract only wanted him dead, he doesn't need proof, only my word is enough, do you think my word is crap? if I tell him that the mission is over, then he will believe me, it's like that with everyone, if he doesn't ask you for proof then you don't need to bring any, you need some credibility to to be a mercenary. On the other hand, I advise you not to lie when you are given a contract, because you will lose all credibility and therefore no one will come looking for you for a contract "

"It's good old man you didn't tell me, how could I have known? And then it's okay if I took his head "

" You wear me out ! get out of my office now! "

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