
Ch 28-How to train a dragon

A/N: Took a while to make and write down the skills, I had to watch through the boss fights to get them all right. you will know what I'm talking about once you read the chapter.


"<Satelite >," Meliodas said as he summoned two ball-looking light familiars on his side. He rushed towards Dan Hang as he also made Saber out of condensed light.

Dan Hang seeing this merely waved his hand making a few spears of water and sent them towards Meliodas only to be intercepted by The <Satellite > familiars that automatically sent a small Laser at them fully desintegrating his water lances.

'oh?, those seem to be some sort of summons that attack anything within a certain range, looks like I have to take him more seriously or my attacks will get fended off' Thought Dan Hang internally.

Dan Hang once again waved his hands as multiple kinds of weapons made of water though this time he sent them zigzagging midair as it made the <Satellites > have more difficulty tracing and taking them down.

A few weapons got past them but Meliodas simply parried them with his Saber of light. 

Finally getting closer he swung his blade only for Dan Hang to sidestep and send out a wave of water making Meliodas get pushed back.

Mliodas used <Aura Burst> as he concentrated light energy inside of him and burst it out as all the water got pushed away from him even making Dan Hang take a little step back from the aidden burst of energy.

"Dam your water is annoying!" Meliodas screamed out in annoyance only for Dan Hang to chuckle.

"Well those summons of yours make it hard for me to get close to you, even though I'm merely using five percent of my power," said Dan Hang as he created a dragon out of water under him, elevating him into the sky.

Hearing this Meliodas got a cold sweat knowing that this was only five percent of his full power but decided to ignore it for now and took to the sky.

Meliodas was still a bit below Dan Hang in the sky so he sent out a few waves of weapons.

Dan Hang thought that Meliodas would dodge and go straight at him but weirdly enough Meliodas seemed like he was struggling. No like he was purposely trying to dodge all of his waves not knowing that Meliodas was using the <Wings of light> unique skill that boosts all his stats each time he does a perfect dodge.







These were the only words that rang through Meliodases mind as he perfectly dodged all the weapons. He could already feel the increase in strength as he dodged them. Until suddenly they stopped. Looking up he saw Dan Hang looking at him with narrowed eyes as he raised his hand and 10 Truck sized Chinese water dragons manifested and went towards Meliodas.

'Shit he must've noticed that something was wrong' Meliodas panicked inwardly as he speeded through the first 5 dragons only to feel danger from above and flawed his wings bringing himself to a halt midair. As he did a water dragon dived down in absurd speed. Sighing to himself because he barely dodged that one, Meliodas sensed danger again and did a back flip midair and dived down only to see all the remaining 4 water dragons crashing into each other where he was before.

"I'm surprised you dodged that, it seems your sense of danger is good but... not good enough!" He said as he stepped midair and cleared in front of Meliodas with his super speed.

"<Wave >," said Dan Hang as a ball of water materialized in front of his hands bursting out in front of Meliodas sending him crashing down to the floor.



As the smoke cleared a crater with Meliodas in it was revealed "*Cough* Fuck only a week here and I've been sent to the ground two times!!" Grumbled the injured Meliodas.

Coming down from the sky Dan Hang went up to Meliodas and said "Fufu ~ let me guess Jingliu was first" Asked Dan Hang earning a nod from him.

Suddenly Dan Heng shivered as a dark aura surrounded Meliodas, he was worried at what was happening only to see Meliodas grinding at him.


Pov change Meliodas-


Crashing down onto the ground I could already feel my body taking severe damage

"*Cough* Fuck only a week here and I've been sent to the ground two times!!"

As I saw Dan Hang approach the crater that I was in he asked "Fufu ~ let me guess Jingliu was first"

Hearing his words I only nodded.

[Ding! Bahamut completion rate has increased to 40% you can choose your next Eikon]

'Huh? Already I thought I would unlock until I got a 100%' I asked

[No host to unlock the next Eikon you must get 40% completion with your latest Eikon.

With Bahamut you will get your next Eikon at 40%, [priming] at 60%, [Terraflare] at 80%, and Ultimate Skill [Zettaflare] at 100%]

'But didn't I get to 40% percent too fast?'

[No host at the beginning you had a natural 10%, after fighting Stormterror it raised to 28%, while fighting Jingliu it went up to 33% even though the only skill you used is <wings of light>, and right now you got it to 40%]

Hearing this I could only grin.

[Now then host please choose your nex-] Before he could ask me I said 'Give me ODIN'

hearing this the system only hummed in aknowledgement at my words and a dark energy started to creep up inside my soul. Unlike the feeling when I integrated with Bahamut, Combining with Odin felt different. As if I was drowning in an ocean of complete darkness it didn't hurt or anything but it felt... comforting it is an odd sensation but it felt cold and lonely as if I was the only person in that drowning darkness.

As the procedure ended I came back to reality and saw the panel in front of me

[Ding! You have obtained Odin]

[Odin Completion rate: 30%

Locked Priming Abilities:

-Priming: Woden Worhte Weos(SS) Mastery(0%)

Description: Embrace the never-ending darkness and Harness the Full power of Odin. includes [Knight of Darkness: Odin], and full use of every ability.

-Dark steed(S) Mastery(0%)

Allows you to summon a Dark horse that can gallop midair allowing you to take on Arial battles while mounted.

-Dark Dividing(SSSR) Mastery(0%)

Concentrate all your darkness into your sword elongating it and send out a slash that can cut anything even someone stronger and opposing concepts of slash. Can not be blocked by the enemy unless in stronger by a super significant amount or is dodged by them. Can only be used in full Priming form and not Semi-Prime

Base Abilities Unlocked:

-Semi-Prime(SS) Mastery(0%)

Partially Transform into Odin with a Dark Armor while Boosting Dark Based Powers by 10%. Also includes Ablity [Dark Knight]: which Summons forth Odin's dark armour giving the user increased strength, speed, and reflexes.

-Darkness Manipulation(S) Mastery(0%)

Manipulation of Darkness

-Ather Manipulation(A) Mastery(0%)

Aether is the land life force and the origin of all magic of FF16. Gives the Ability to Manipulate and emit Ather from one's body.

-Dark Arms(Ex) Mastery(0%)

A skill that allows you to create weapons out of 'Darkness' special skills can also be bestowed upon specific Dark Arms.

. Zantetsuken: a curved one-sided blade that Allows you to stack up attacks with every attack that lands on an enemy body you make on your enemies until you release it all into a single attack in which the strength of the attack depends on the number of stacks you made with each attack. Also has the concept of 'Slice' allowing you to slice through anything and everything no matter it's defence except a weapon of equal power or opposing concept.

-Zan Metter- a meter that is needed to fill up to create stacks of Zantetsuken. Hitting an enemy with Zantetsuken normally will fill up a percentage of the gauge unless you use a weapon art that fills it up more than it usually would.

Zantetsuken Weapon Arts:

-Ultimate skill/Dancing Steel-Mastery(0%): increases speed by 60%, senses by 100%, and Summons two Zantetsuken swords to charge a dancing furry of attacks and combos to almost all of the enemies within a certain range. It also fills up the Zen Metter significantly even if you only have one enemy within range. At the beginning of the charge-up, you are invulnerable for 3 seconds and the first attack after the charge-up needs to land on at least one enemy, or Dancing Steel and buffs won't activate.

-Great Divide-Mastery(0%): A lesser version of Dark Dividing in which you elongate Zantetsuken and send out a single dark slash that will travel far in a single direction.

Circle of Malius-Mastery(0%): Summon two Zantetsuken swords and spin at tremendous speeds along with the power of darkness allowing you to fly while becoming a flying disc of death

-The All-wielder-Mastery(0%): charge up energy around Zantetsuken and swing downward to send out a burst of dark energy.

(A/N: Basically a mana burst like Artoria Excalibur from Fate)

-The Lord's Measure-Mastery(0%): allows you to pre-trace slashes anywhere in a range with darkness. once you slash Zantetsuken from any distance, you activate each line of darkness that was traced there from any distance and fully cut anything that is within those lines. The lines that are placed can be seen by any person so it is easy to dodge.

-Blinding Steel-Mastery(0%): charge up a single attack that will send out a flying slash imbued with darkness at a quick speed.

-Flash of steel-Mastery(0%): when dodging an attack you can counter immediately with a Single quick slash no matter the position you are in.

-Steel Counter-Mastery(0%): when 'perfectly' parrying an attack from an enemy your speed will increase by 25% for 5 seconds making the perfect buff for an instant counter it also fills up the Zan matter a bit more than a normal slash would in the duration of those 5 seconds.

-Heavens cloud-mastery (0%): A skill that allows you to instantly speed to an enemy and attack 7 times with blinding increased speed. But the first base speed normal attack needs to connect. Depending on how many hits you get in, it increases the Zen Metter decently with each hit.

. Gungnir: a two-sided spear that has the power to draw in enemies with each swing it makes called Dark Nebula, can also increase the Zen Metter.

Gungnir Weapon Arts:

-Dark Vortex-Mastery(0%): A Skill art in which you fashionably spin Gunir around you causing a pulling vortex that brings in enemies close. Also significantly fills up the Zen Metter depending on the number of hits you get as you perform the Weapon Art.

-Spear surge-Mastery(0%): A skill in which you throw or stab Gungnir into the ground creating a small domain of Dark energy immobilizing enemies in that certain Range.

Dark Skill Art: normal applications of darkness tuned into battle skills.

-Rift Slip-Mastery(0%): Allows the user to use the natural increased speed of Odin and darkness to create the perfect dodge allowing you to phase through any attack whether your jumping, in the middle of attacking, or even under the sea. After dodging your senses will be increased by 100% for 5 seconds making it look like time slowed down giving a chance to think of your next move after dodging. But once you dodge you will appear in the same place and will take a chunk of your stamina.

Quieting-Mastery(0%): Charge up dark energy inside you and burst it out at once sending back everything within range.]

'Holy shit!!!' I screamed internally at the number of skills I obtained. 

But as I did I also saw the worried face of Dan Hang in front of me.

Getting up I stretched out my hand conjuring [Zantetsuken]. I got into a stance and said.

"Ready for round two," I said with a smile only for Dan Hang to smile as well

"Of course but you have to tell me what happened just now after I finished wiping the floor with you," he said with a mocking grin.

All I'm glad for is that he didn't immediately try to kill me after seeing the darkness.

Next chapter