
Multiverse Museum System

It hadn't been long since the Stormterror incident was resolved, and thankfully it didn't take long for people to finally get back to their usual daily lives. It was no surprise that the incident had affected them in more ways than one, but it all worked out in the end.

Aside from a happier atmosphere, nothing too much had honestly changed from what they were all already used to, it was as if the Stormterror incident was nothing more but a long-gone dream. In any case, life in Mondstadt was back on its tracks.

At the present time though, a rather large building could be seen standing within the streets of Mondstadt. It was quite easy to spot as it towered over the other buildings, and its architecture was rather unique as well.

Unlike the wood and stone buildings around it, this particular building looked to be covered with clean white panels with the spaces in between coloured black. If that wasn't eye-catching enough, the blue-tinted glass panes that made up the front entranceway really gave it a modern feeling.

With how out of place this modern building looked amongst the medieval-style street, there were quite a number of people who were gathered in front of it while giving the building curious looks.

The outside aside, the inside of the building was massive with white walls and ceilings. The ground was also neatly carpeted with black soft material, and upon entering, you'd find yourself welcomed by a long light-coloured wooden front desk at the end of the front room.

Above the receptionist area were large bold letters attached to the wall, coloured in solid black and read out the words 'Multiverse Museum'. Unlike the majority of the building, this front room had treated wooden floor tiles, along with a black carpet that lead towards the hallways leading to other sections of the building.

Of course, aside from all of this, there was much else to the building.

More importantly, there appeared to be a young man no older than eighteen currently standing in one of the larger main rooms holding his chin in thought. The male had slightly pale skin as well as smooth straight bluish-black hair, along with a pair of sharp grey eyes.

His clothing style was very modern casual, only consisting of a simple pair of sleek long black pants, a pair of white running shoes, and also a white and blue t-shirt that stuck well to his lean yet athletic frame.

This young man was Niall, a recent isekai victim, and the owner of this whole building.

"Hmm, let's see here..." Niall muttered to himself as he waved his hand, which prompted an icy-blue holographic screen interface to appear in front of him. "First thing to do is decide what theme the exhibit should be, and I'll need to consider what I can and can't do right now."


『Multiverse Museum System - Details』

● Branches: [Mondstadt]

● Employees: [None]

● Museum Level: 1

● Maximum Points: 1,000/1,000 (Refreshes After Successful Exhibit)

● Total Income: 0 Mora

● Completed Exhibits: 0

● Overall Rating: N/A


『Current Exhibit』

● Status: Closed

● Current Theme: (Select Theme)

● Total Visits: 0

● Total Point Cost: N/A

● Venues: (Select Venues)


After having pulled up these two separate screens, Niall's eyes calmly shifted between the both of them as his face retained a contemplative expression. He was currently making a very difficult and important choice, that choice being what his first-ever exhibition was going to be.

After all, if he wanted his museum to succeed, he couldn't do something boring.

The only issue was his current points, everything he decides to add to the exhibition would cost a certain number of points depending on various elements. He was just starting, so he only had a total of one-thousands points he could spend on his first exhibit.

He honestly had many ideas he wanted to implement straight away, but he knew that it just wasn't possible with his current budget. Museums weren't all just portraited art pieces and videos, there were also massive statues, interactive experiences and more!

"Oh well, guess I can only start off small." Niall eventually sighed as he accepted the situation. With his current points, he could only put the basic stuff like artworks and possibly a video or two as well. "The question now is what theme I want to do..."

Niall wasn't ignorant of the world of Teyvat, he knew a thing or two about this world, even though it was from a gamer's perspective. This was a fantasy world, one without much modern technology, with a few exceptions of course.

In a pretty much medieval world, he had quite a wide range of choices when it came to something interesting. He could either go for modern or sci-fi, or he could try and stick with the medieval theme to ease things in.

Of course, it still needed to give a real impact.

The good thing was that the topic didn't need to be an existing thing, he could entirely make up a concept and make an exhibit out of it, it'd just take some creative thinking. Initially, he had been intending on displaying histories and significant elements of various worlds he knew from fiction.

However, since this was just the start, perhaps he could make something up himself first.

"Perhaps I could make an exhibit based on one of my own life stories? It doesn't necessarily need to be completely accurate, it could just be inspired. If I'm not mistaken, Mondstadt is also called the City of Romance, hmm..."


"Alright, I got it."


A few days went by in the blink of an eye as a certain traveller at this very time could be seen walking through the streets of Mondstadt, accompanied by what looked to be a child-like fairy floating beside them as they walked.

The fairy aside, the traveller was a male with long blonde hair tied into braids, along with wearing a set of rather exotic clothing consisting mainly of dark brown and yellow colours. This was none other than Aether, Mondstadt's resident Honorary Knight.

"Aether, let's get something to eat!" Paimon quickly spoke up as both her hands rested on her stomach. "We've made a lot of Mora over the past few days after doing all of those commissions. How about we treat ourselves to a large feast? We did solve the situation with Dvalin after all!"

"As usual, food is the only thing on your mind..." Aether spoke in a rather dull tone as his face showed a deadpan look. Paimon was a glutton, that much was obvious to anyone who knew her, and he himself knew the most. A majority of their funds usually go to Paimon's culinary needs. "You should only eat as much as you need, not can."

"But the food here is so~ good though!" Paimon began drooling a bit... okay, a lot as different kinds of food started appearing in her mind. "Let's head on over to Good Hunter! Let's order some Sticky Honey Roast, and some steak too!"

"What am I gonna do with you...?" Aether could only shake his head helplessly after seeing Paimon. "Alright, it's almost time for lunch anyway... huh?"

"Hey, it's Amber! What is she doing?"

Both Paimon and Aether stopped in their tracks as they caught sight of a familiar brown-haired outrider, who at this time appeared to be standing with quite a number of people, surrounding and looking at something that was attached to one of the walls.

Due to the number of people, neither of them could really make out what it was they were all looking so curiously at. Giving each other a look, they both quickly made their way over to see just what the situation was all about.


"Hm? Oh, Aether and Paimon!" Amber quickly reacted upon hearing her name being called. When she turned around, she watched as both Aether and Paimon made their way over with a wave, to which they soon gave a curious look to the gathered crowd. "How are you guys today?"

"We're good!" Paimon responded. "We just finished up some commissions over at the Adventurer's Guild and were about to go get lunch!"

Aether then asked. "What's going on here, Amber?"

"Well, everyone is currently worked up over this poster." Amber answered with a bit of an unsure tone in her voice. She then shook her head before gesturing to the area behind her. "Why don't you take a look yourself? It's one crazy advertisement."

Although confused, Aether and Paimon did as told as they managed to squeeze themselves through with Amber following close behind them. Once they were able to see the supposed poster, they were surprised by its rather artistic design.

"Woah, Paimon's never seen this poster before!"

"That's because they've only recently popped up this morning." Amber responded after hearing Paimon's statement. "They can be found all over the city, and they've certainly been catching a lot of people's attention."

"Let's see here..." Aether muttered as they began reading the contents. "A museum?"


『Multiverse Museum』

● Come and join the fun over at the Multiverse Museum! With the upcoming grand opening, all tickets will be sold at a 50% discount during the opening day! With great wonders to see, come and explore the exhibit about a different world's love story that is sure to bring you to tears

● Upcoming Exhibit: A Shell of Memories

● Exhibit Open Days: October 10 - October 13

● Museum Opening Hours: 0800 - 1700

● Ticket Cost: 1,500 Mora (50% Discount Applied)


"Multiverse..." Aether's eyes widened a bit, he was very familiar with the term. He doubted anyone in Teyvat aside from himself knew of what a multiverse was, aside from his sister, wherever she may be. "Does Mondstadt have a museum?"

"Paimon hasn't heard of it..."

"I haven't either, though if I were to guess... it might have to do with that big building that recently popped up." Amber suggested as both Paimon and Aether gave her curious looks. "You know, the big white one? That's most likely this supposed museum that's being advertised."

"Oh, Paimon definitely remembers that building! It just went poof and appeared a few days ago!" Paimon nodded her head as she seemed to recall. "Though, aren't museums supposed to show historical artifacts and treasures? This says it's showing a love story. Doesn't sound like a museum to Paimon."

"Not necessarily." Aether interrupted. "Museums most of the time focus on historical contents, but there are different kinds of museums. Whatever the case, it seems like it'll be opening up tomorrow. Should we go?"

"Paimon doesn't mind. It sounds interesting!"

"I don't mind either, but are you guys sure?" Amber couldn't help but give them a bit of a doubtful look as her hands were placed on her hips. "Weren't you guys planning on leaving for Liyue soon? Do you really have time for this sort of thing?"

"It's fine! Paimon remembers hearing that the Rite of Descension isn't due until at least three weeks from now. It'll only take us a week at most to travel to Liyue, so we should have plenty of time to check this out."

"If that's the case, why don't we meet up at that building tomorrow?" Amber suggested as the other two gave simple nods in response. "Alright then! You two were getting lunch, right? Let's head on over together, it'll be my treat!"

Aether gave a grateful nod in response. "Thanks a lot, Amber."

"Yay, Sticky Honey Roast!"

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