
Phase Two

Ajax/Childe. 11th Harbinger. Current State.... Foul Legacy.

Aether. The Protector. Current State.... Normal.

Childe stomped on the floor and it broke on impact. Actually the whole floor that they were standing on crumbled. Aether furrowed his eyebrows.

Golden fire wings appeared on Aether's back and he descended slowly and landed on the ground softly. He turned around to see a glowing dark purple orb slowly floating down. Smoke was covering the area so Aether couldn't see shit.

Suddenly a shockwave made all the smoke and the debris fly away violently. Aether narrowed his eyes.

Childe was floating. She was bigger than him and she got stronger with that transformation as well. The double bladed polearm flew to her and she caught it. It turned from lightning to water element in an instant.

"She can do that now? Shit this transformation is cool." Aether commented.

"You got to the Gnosis ahead of me, didn't you!? Did you simply move faster? Or... did you leak the information regarding the Golden House to me on purpose?" Childe demanded Aether to answer.

" Tch. No matter. Hand the Gnosis over. Now. Don't make me take it from you." She demanded him. Aether raised his eyebrow at her.

"Come and get it, beautiful." Aether goaded her. She appeared in front of him in an instant and swung her polearm.

Aether dodged just in time.


The ground he was standing on was easily sliced clean.

Aether was behind her and unsheathed Enma. He swung Enma in superhuman speeds. Childe turned around and blocked it. Aether kept on the attack never giving her room to breath.

"Grrr!" Childe created a shockwave and Aether was blown back. He stabbed Enma to the ground and it stopped him from flying back.

The polearm in Childe's hand turned into a giant bow. She shot it and a gigantic whale shot out from the ground and was directly above Aether.

Aether got up and looked at the blue whale without moving. At the last moment he blurred away and appeared beside Childe.


The blue whale exploded. Aether kept staring at her with Childe doing the same to him. Aether ran towards her while golden fire wheels appeared in front of him. He stepped on it and shot towards her.

Childe floated at him in the same speed. They met at the middle with their weapons raised.


It was like an earthquake in there. The pillars that were holding up the Golden House started to crack under the pressure.

A bright golden aura was around Aether whil Childe had a dark blue one. Their auras were clashing as well.

"Grrrrr" Aether growled. Childe kicked him and he dodged out of the way. He took the chance and punched Childe in the face. Childe flew away and hit a pillar.


Some parts of the pillar fell down. Aether floated while looking at her.

"You have to thank me that this building isn't falling on us." Aether said to her. He's still holding back. He's not killing a Harbinger. Not right now. It's still too early.

" Why are you holding back!? We're having a fight to the death here! I'm going to make you use everything you got! " Childe disappeared in a flash and appeared in front of Aether while swinging down her lightning element polearm.

Aether dodged easily and slashed at her with Enma that was covered in a bright golden aura.


Blood spilled on the floor. It wasn't Aether's. "If you really wanted to die. Then you should've said so." Aether smirked and kept going. Childe immediately retreated and appeared floating far away from him.

Childe's slash wound immediately healed and she was back to one hundred percent.

Aether shook his head and immediately was in front of her again. He swung downwards at her in a flash

By chance, Childe dodged to the side.

"Now!" She muttered and slashed at his chest. Two huge slash wounds were created by Childe.

"Ack!" Aether grunted and knelt down. He dropped Enma in pain which was a mistake. He went and tried to grab it but Childe kicked it away immediately.

Childe flashed and appeared meters away from him.

"You're too cocky. To think I was worried. Whatever, once I'm done Liyue Harbor will suffer." Childe said and raised his polearm. Two lights, purple and blue were shining on top of Aether. Aether raised his head and looked at it.

"Now you can finally die for good! Dragon Twins!" She shouted and brought down her polearm.

Two dragons made of Hydro and Electro shot down at him. They spun around each other in a spiral. Aether just stared at them. Two flashes can be seen for a glimpse.


A giant explosion dome was created after. It was dark purple in color. Childe looked on at the destruction in satisfaction.

"Finally. You're not in my way anymore....." Childe muttered. But she stopped herself from walking away.

" How are you still alive!?" She muttered to herself. The smoke cleared revealing Aether being surrounded by the Deities Of Protection.

The six hands were holding copies of Enma and the three faces were glaring at her. Aether got up. The slash wounds are still on his body. He looked at her seriously.

"Give up. You'll die if you keep fighting me, especially if I have the Deities surrounding me. " Aether warned her. Behind the mask, Childe gritted her teeth in anger.

The Deities raised their swords and a golden aura was surrounding them. Enma's blades, the ones the Deities were holding turned purple. Aether's eyes flashed a dangerous glint at her.

"Shit. My time in this form is up." Childe muttered. She slowly transformed back into her normal form

She was panting heavily. It seems the Foul Legacy transformation has made her like this.

" It seems the burden of the Foul Legacy Transformation was too great for my body. I lacked the opportunity to think this through..." Childe muttered angrily. She glared at Aether who was still looking at her with a serious gaze on his face.

"How can you do that? How can you use multiple elements at the same time. It's impossible." Childe asked him.

"....." Aether didn't answer.

"You already know the answer, don't you? I can see it in your eyes. But if that is a secret you wish to keep, I guess I'll just have to curb my curiosity." Childe mumbled to herself. She then grinned a little.

" The Exuvia was a fake isn't it?" Childe asked then she giggled.

"Zhongli you asshole. " Childe laughed. Aether shook his head and smiled a little. Childe looked at Aether and grinned.

"Well it seems I've failed. It's time for the backup plan." Aether saw a swarm of Sigils of Permission, which circled around her.

"I've already prepared the means to awaken it." Childe smirked.

"The Fatui made Sigil's of Permission. What are you going to do with those?" Aether asked narrowing his eyes and getting worried about what her next move is.

"Breaking the subduing might of the Geo Archon's spears for a time should be no obstacle. The Overlord of the Vortex will be summoned, the Geo Archon will show it's hand, and you as well..... That will be interesting. " Childe grinned maniacally.

" Wait no— *COUGH!* *COUGH!* " Aether tried to stop her but coughed out blood.

Childe disappeared in an instant.

Aether sat down and took some deep breaths.

"It seems that the adeptal energy that I absorbed from the real Sigil of Permission is causing harm to my body..... My mortal body can't handle the energy used by the god's. Hah! No matter, it has been summoned already..... I have to go... "

Outside of the half destroyed Golden House.....

We see typhoons and water tornadoes were spinning crazily at the sea. Citizens are running away in fear. The Millelith are staring at the scene in fear and shock. The Jade Chamber flies by, towards the storm...

To be continued....

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