
Mondstadt Pt.7

"So why am I here? Is it about that dragon sighting or something? I wasn't here when that happened." Aether asked.

"That's what we're discussing in this meeting." Jean confirmed.

"I'm not sure why I'm here. " Aether said.

"You're here because we're underhanded and the Knights don't have the strength to deal with the problem. You understand now?" Kaeya sat down and sighed.

"Kaeya don't say that!" Amber slapped his arm but he didn't care about that.

"Alright. I'll help. But I'm only doing this so the dragon won't destroy me one day while I'm doing commissions. And you better give me money after this. I'm not doing this for free." Aether said sitting down beside Kaeya and looked at Jean.

"Aether! You don't talk to Master Jean like that! That's disrespectful." Amber chided in.

"It's alright Amber. I believe his annoyance is logical. Since he is dragged into this so suddenly. I believe great compensation for him and his friend is plausible." Jean smiled at Amber. She nodded reluctantly forgiving Aether.

"You better keep your word about the rewards, Master Jean. I don't want to save you guys without getting anything back. Do we have a deal?" Aether looked into Jean's eyes seriously. His eyes are glowing and the surroundings are getting darker a little bit. Just a little bit. The crystal is influencing him again.

"Why am I sweating? I'm not even scared of him? How weird. But I better keep my word. Barbatos forbade he switched sides." Jean thought.

"Alright. You have a deal." Jean smiled.

Aether calmed down.

"Thank you." Aether smiled a little bit.

"Yay! We get Mora!" Paimon flew around excitedly. Aether chuckled and patted her head.

"Yes yes. We'll be the richest adventurers in Mondstadt when this is done." Aether smiled. Amber pouted jealous because she didn't get any head patts. Lisa raised her eyebrows at Amber.

"Aether. After this meeting can we get some Sticky Honey Roast at Good Hunter?" Amber asked. Lisa giggled at Amber again.

"Asking me on a date already Amber? We've only known each other for about a week." Aether got closer and smiled.

"J-just accept it already! Or else I won't treat you to food anymore!" Amber stuttered. "So close....." She thought inside her head.

"Ufufu. What a forward man. I like it..." Lisa licked her lips seductively. Aether looked at Lisa then looked at Kaeya for help.

"She looks like she wants to ravage me and leave nothing left." Aether whispered to Kaeya.

" Hopefully that happens. " Aether thought in his mind.

"Lisa's always like this. Overtime this will become normal." Kaeya shrugged.

"I'm not sure if that's going to happen." Aether looked down at his Zhongli's Pillar. "It hurts so bad. How long is it? I'm not going to find out with my pants getting ripped." Aether thought panicking a little bit. He knows these pants that he is wearing are VERY durable. It survived 500 years of imprisonment after all.

"You know I can hear you two right?~ Especially you cutie.~" Lisa said behind me. She was breathing into my ear. "Get it together boi. Don't lose control in front of them. Just stay calm. And is she in heat?!" Aether didn't react but this is happening inside him.

"Bro you're gripping that chair so hard right now." Kaeya said amused.

"Yeah~ I wonder what else is hard right now?~" Lisa whispered seductively beside my ears. Her breathing really made Aether act up.

" I swear my pillar just hurt even more." Aether thought a small blush appearing on his face. But he still didn't react.

"Hey! Don't get so close to him!" Amber said pulling Lisa away. Aether let go of his grip on the chair and sighed in relief.

"Oh? And why should I get away from this cutie? Are you jealous that I'm stealing your man?" Lisa asked Amber getting closer to her. Amber got closer to Lisa as well.

"Jea—Jealous! I'm not jealous! It's just that you don't know a thing about boundaries! " Both of their boobas are now clashing together now. Kaeya immediately looked away. But he stole a glance from time to time. Aether just got harder.

"Ufufu~ Just face it Amber. You're jealous that I might steal him from you and be his first time~" Amber blushed even harder. "Lisa is such a pervert like him! I'm going to teach her a lesson!"

"Amber. Lisa. Stop this please. Let's get back to the meeting shall we." Aether smiled and looked at them. Amber huffed and looked away pouting while Lisa held a triumphant smirk.

"Fine!" Amber walked away and sat on her own chair again.

"U-uh w-well thank you for bringing us back to the main discussion Aether. As we were saying, the Stromterror threat is still looming over us. The Fatui are using that against us to offer assistance. They are pushing the Knights to an awkward position. They want to kill Stormterror." Jean said somberly. Aether remained in thought.

"They want to kill one of the four winds. They sure are confident. But surely Barbatos won't allow that to happen." Kaeya said in his serious mode.

"Barbatos has disappeared for a millennia Kaeya. There is a chance he could come back. But from outsiders and our view, that chance is very slim. I don't know how much you guys believe in the Anemo Archon. But in my opinion, the Stormterror incident shouldn't even have happened in the first place. " Aether spoke out his opinion.

"That gives us a thought. You all know that Stormterror is one of the Four Winds. Being one of the Four Winds means that he has a lot of contact with Barbatos. Barbatos would've stopped him when he appeared in Mondstadt looking all evil." Lisa gave the group her opinion.

"But he didn't. Which is a red flag in itself. But we can't jump to conclusions yet." Aether added. The people in the room got chills imagining Barbatos and Stormterror attacking Mondstadt.

" Cutie's right. And I have thought about a theory. We could theoretically weaken Stormterror if we destroy the ley lines in the other three winds temples. " Lisa gave her idea.

"That could work. " Jean thought."We'll give it a go. Lisa you should go to the Temple of the Lion. Kaeya you can go to the Temple Of The Wolf. Amber you will go to the Temple of The Falcon." Jean ordered.

"So I guess I'll accompany the three of them separately?" Aether asked getting up.

"Yes." Jean nodded.

"Alright. I'm going to train at one of the training grounds now. You better not send any Knights. I don't want a scene like last time to happen again." Aether said. "Ah shit....." He thought.

"Last time? There was a last time?" Jean asked suspiciously. Kaeya looked away. Aether smirked.

"Well. No one was using one of the training grounds so I decided to go train there. Just now, a knight approached me saying that he's taking me in because I violated a rule. I taunted him, which was a stupid move for me. Barbatos knows why I did that. He raised his hand and did a sign then more knights came out pointing their weapons at me. I don't know why they did that but I took it as a challenge. We fought." Aether explained.

"You fought!" Jean and Amber shouted. Lisa just licked her lips. Which raised Aether's Pillar again. "God fucking dammit. I really need to fix this "getting hard" problem." Aether's thought.

"What happened next?" Jean asked Aether impatiently and beckoning him to continue his story.

"Well one guy has a broken and burnt leg and a bloody and broken nose. One guy has a bruised face. Another one has a flat jaw with the kick I gave him. There were a few left. I charged up an attack to kill them." The people except for Kaeya and Paimon were widening their eyes with every injury Aether was listing off. And when they hear that Aether was about to kill them, they were shocked.

"Do you know how much trouble you would've been in if there were witnesses and other knights find the bodies! You'll be sent to jail forever!" Amber shouted.

"I haven't finished." Aether said.

" Please explain yourself Adventurer." Jean said narrowing her eyes at me.

"And then this motherfucker comes out clapping his hands and says that this was all a fucking test! Bitch I broke bones and was about to kill people! You should've stopped me when I even took out my weapon!" Aether pointed to Kaeya and shouted. They looked at Kaeya shocked.

"Huhuhu. How interesting...." Lisa said giggling.

"Look I know what you all are going to say. And I agree. I should've stopped him when he pulled out his weapons. In fact I shouldn't even have tested him like this anyways. But I must say, he shouldn't have pulled out his weapon either. A lot of problems could've been avoided if Aether didn't do that." Kaeya pointed to me.

"Yeah it was also kinda my fault. Mostly Kaeya's fault for thinking that this idea of his is okay." Aether said. But he stopped himself when he saw what's happening in front of him. Amber and Jean literally have red eyes.

"Kaeya open the window. Paimon can you disappear to my mind. I don't want you to get eaten by them." Aether warned Kaeya who moved from his chair to the window beside him.

"Huh? You sure they will eat Paimon?" Paimon was confused about the situation.

"They look like demons from hell right now. So I'm sure anything is possible." Aether said.

"Haaaaahh whatever. Don't blame Paimon for getting hurt." Paimon disappeared.

"Yo why are you still standing there c'mon they're taking their weapons out already!" Kaeya shouted and jumped out of the window.

Aether jumped out the window immediately after Kaeya jumped out. He is now free falling to the ground.

"GET BACK HERE!" Amber and Jean shouted angrily. Jean ran out the door while Amber jumped out of the window.

"Hihihi. Cutie's so manly. I wish I could eat him up. I wonder how sensitive he is to my nibbles?" Lisa... is just being Lisa.

To be continued....

(What the fuck is this ending)

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