

It was Sunday morning when Kate came home early in the morning from a spot . Bloom was asleep at that time , it was still dawn and dark. Kate kept knocking at the door like a mad lady. Kate was not like this , really . In the past Kate was a talented , most upright girl of all times. Old days back in school she used to be so popular . Kate knew most of the stuff regarding school . She was street smart but also book smart. Firstly , she was a great singer and a dancer . She knew how to create a vibe. Her sudden change happened after her mom passed away. Everyone always happen to question themselves what happened to our next Mrs Genius South Africa .

Anyway sometimes being too clever kills . Kate used to be that donkey without a harness. Her mom before she kicked the bucket she had left Kate with nothing but debts. Unfortunately, Kate was solely faced with this problem all alone as she was the only kid. Kate left school at standard 8 in order to look for easy money , and guess what . The easy money led her to drop out as money was drowning her mad , she literally looked for it high and low without boundaries.

Kate began to fall in love with this handsome, great looking guy who she used to pass when she was gallavanting looking for that opportunity to make an income. She used to feel free when she was with him . His name was Mark and he trully was remarkable. He went to that university that most of us would kill for it but as you know in this world it seems as if rich people become richer . Let me not dwell too much on it. Obviously after a couple of few days , Mark wanted to just follow his gut and just spill his heart to this amazing star he is always seeing passing him . He had set his mind on Kate and on that day he approached him with only one goal on his mind , " that's my woman" .Kate was playing hard to get but eventually agreed as this passionate young man was determined to persuade her. Kate forgot her strive against her mother's debts and just enjoyed life.

There came a day where Bloom was conceived. Trust me , Kate 's life was filled with flowers. She was living a lavish lfe , but you know only time will tell. In Autumn she had given birth to a beautiful daughter, Mark named her Bloom. Their lives were filled with laughter and happiness. Ohhh and I forgot Mark was a Neurologist. What a remarkable career is that 😲.

When Bloom was turning 3 years old things began to take a big turn. Mark was already married to a coloured woman , Neer . Kate found out and Mark was feeling cold and hot at the same time as he was questioned, judged . There was anger , trepidation and hate inside but at the end the child suffered. Bloom's father abandoned her and went to look after his household.

Back to the story :

As Kate was busy knocking, Bloom just went to open but she was so furious you could even think she might explode. She opened ,"Miss Kate don't you know that we are trying to sleep and you are busy shouting like you have been witchcraft."Bloom said to her Mom.

I am tired now yorh but tmrw ut is darlings

Boipelo_Modipanecreators' thoughts