(05/24/2023) Oh god a new fanfic? when will I update my others fanfics though.
(05/20/2023) Been Inactive for a few days. I got burnt and decided I should've probably took a break. So I'm back.. Kinda, Since I do random updates hope I didn't keep ya'll waiting (I probably did).
Name: USS Mysterious
Height: 6'4
Gender: Male
Human Appearance
Length, Width, and Height.
-534 Meters In Length-
-56 Meters In Width-
-61 Meters in Height-
Main Armament's And Armor.
-41.6 Inches or 1056.64 Millimeter Hull Armor-
-Superstructure: 8-18 Inches Armor-
-28.4 Inches Deck Armor-
-Turret Armor:
Face: 21 Inches Armor
Sides: 16 Inches Armor
Rear: 9 Inches Armor-
-18 Phalanx CIWS(20mm)-
-10 DS30M mounts(30mm)-
-M242 Bushmaster Autocannon (25mm)-
-Various Machineguns-
-Mortar or Peg Launcher- Meant for armor penetrations (80mm) "The one from the movie battleship"
-9 Mounted Main Guns (25-30Inches)-
-Other 67 Secondary Guns (8-14Inches)-
-6 depth charge launchers-
-Standard Missiles, Anti-Submarine missiles, Anti-ship missiles, and Anti-Air missiles-
Engine, Speed, and Weight.
-Dual Nuclear Reactor Powered Battleship-
-Maximum Speed: 41 Knots-
-Weight: 156,000 Tons-
-A single reconnaissance Seaplane at the stern of the battleship-
Invisibility Wtf.
The ship is fitted with invisibility technology. And yes I'm not kidding, I'm referring to the entire battleship going invisible. Why? Because Mysterious Stranger style baby~
A secret army of manjuus hidden inside his battleship