

May 28, 2:00 pm

Kira's limo arrived in the driveway in front of the big house she was to be living in for a very long time.

After school ended last week, she spent most of her remaining days of freedom saying goodbye to her family and hanging out with the other kids part of her unit.

The door to her limo slid open and she stepped out into the 80 degree weather.

She stretches a bit, then walked around the limo to the trunk compartment. She types three digits into the keypad on top of the trunk and the lock and cover of the trunk disintegrated into nothing but thin air.

She grabbed the 2 suitcases and duffel bag inside and pressed the button just above the tire on the right side of the car.

The trunk and lock slowly came into focus like a black gas and hardened into a solid panel of metal and a small keypad.

She turned towards the house and walked leisurely towards the big steel doors. When she reached the porch, she pushed the doorbell and waited no more than 5 seconds before the door flew open.

"Captain, you're finally here!" Yelled Serenity. She stepped aside to let Kira in.

"Sorry I'm late, I was stuck in traffic." Kira says, walking into the house. "Where's the rest of the unit?"

"They haven't come yet, I arrived first." Serenity replies, running into the large kitchen directly to the right of them.

The theme of the kitchen, like most of the house, was metallic and had electronic appliances everywhere. Holo-TV's, GRAV-stabilizers making things float around, to name a few.

Kira followed Serenity into the kitchen and pulled herself on to the titanium counter-top in the middle of the room.

The two girls spent the next 5 minutes talking about random things and eating snacks that came with the house. Then they heard the doorbell chime go off.

"I'll get it." Says Kira, getting up before Serenity could even take one step towards the door.

'I wanted to get the door, but I don't want to leave my snacks so..' Thought Serenity, going back to eating her protein cookies.


Kira opened the door to Mason, Javes, Helix, Hede, and Zak. Helix was wrestling with Hede, while Zak and Javes cheered them on, Mason looked worried one of them would get hurt.

They didn't even acknowledge the door opened and ignored Kira; who was looked ready to smash their heads in.

"Get him Helix!"

"Come on Hede, show him who's boss."

"Guys, I don't think we should..."

"Quiet Mason, no ones gonna get hurt."

"I can think of 5 idiots who are about to get hurt real badly." Snapped Kira, who had had enough.

All cheering ceased. The boys stopped in their tracks.

"Wha-, why me?" Blurted Mason. "I was against them doing this in the first place."

"You know full well you could have stopped the fight whenever you wanted to, Mason." Kira bellowed.

"Yeah...but what if I hurt one of them in the process and..." The words died in his throat.

"They would have been fine, Mason. There not made of glass. Now, I'm not gonna ask how or why this fight started, all I want is for you to get inside and stop messing around. Is that acceptable to you guys?"

Judging from the look on her face, it would probably have to be a yes.

"No problem." "That's fine." "Sure." "Fine."

"Perfectly fine."

"Good, come inside." She stepped aside, the boys stepped inside.

"I call dibs on the biggest room!" Yelled Hede.

"What! No fair." Declared Zak.

"Quiet, you two." Kira sighed. "All the rooms are the same size, so there is no point in a dibs war."

Before she arrived, Kira memorized the layout and dimensions of the house. She knew exactly what she was talking. And everyone knew she did, so they didn't doubt her words.

"Fine, can we get a house tour then?" Hede asked.

"Not until the other girls arrive." Yells Serenity from the kitchen.

"Exactl-," Kira starts, but was cut off by the chime of the doorbell.


Zak runs to the door and opens it, letting 3 girls in; Wish, Lucy, and Pax.

At this point it was already 2:08pm, and all of the kids arrived before it even reached 15 minutes of an hour. The appointed time of arrival. It was natural for soldiers to arrive early to an event.

"Finally! We thought we'd never get here on time!" Breathed Pax.

"It's fine, you're early anyways." Says Hede. He turned towards Kira.

"Can we have a tour now?"

Kira sighed. "Let's go. Put your bags in the kitchen. We'll get them after we've picked our rooms."


They visited the living room first; which was to the left of the kitchen, the dining room was to the left of the kitchen. The electronics room was in front of it and the backyard was to the right of it. To the other side of the electronics room was the staircases that led to the basement and upstairs.

In the basement was their gym where they could train with various weapons and workout.

Upstairs were where the bedrooms and restrooms were, split into 2 sections. They picked their rooms.

The left section was the girls and the boys got the right. There were exactly 10 rooms and 10 bathrooms for each person.

Each room had a fingerprint-scanner which they configured to only open to that persons fingerprint and can be locked and unlocked that way. Inside each of the rooms were a single bed, a large closet and a door that slid open to the bathroom. There was also a medium sized Holo-TV in the corner, a small black couch facing the TV, and a desk that could be used to read documents. The rooms were bare, otherwise- the rest of the space used however the individual wanted.

They then went downstairs to grab their bags and went back up to set up their room.

The group had spent around 15 minutes setting up when they heard the doorbell ring.


Kira ran downstairs, towards the door and quickly opened, not wanting to keep their guest's waiting.

The door slid open to reveal 2 middle aged men in suits. One was built like a truck and he was taller than the other man, who was a tad bit chubby but still had a dignified air about him.

The taller man said, in a strong Old-American accent, "Captain Kira Ruse of the Sub-division 'Sub Z', we request a meeting with you and the rest of your unit."

Kira nodded. "Yes, of course General Turn." She turned towards the other man.

"And please, President Mores, come in."

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