

Days and weeks had passed; however, Tamitha has gotten no answer to her query. She has been looking everywhere to get an answer. She almost opened every book in their library, but all she got was a total nonsense. Or she just refuses to believe everything it says.

She only saw that if someone ever dreamt about something in their past, it means that person is still attached to your past self and if it is something about the future; it means you're a psychic. Having such information slowly losing Tamitha's interest in what happened to her.

'Probably it was just a coincidence. Maybe I positioned my ankle wrongly that day.' She thought as if trying to convice herself. When she's finally ready to let go of the said issue, Asteria confused Tamitha once again.

"Maybe it's just a fragment of memories you have long forgotten."

Tamitha creased her forehead while looking at Asteria as if asking what she meant by that.

"Well, you have been searching about dreams too many times already, yet you still do not understand what it means, or you just refuse to accept all the answers you got." Asteria was slowly getting into Tamitha's thoughts. But she would never give her that satisfaction. She would not let that happen. She knew that Asteria was just trying to make her mad.

"Not to be rude, but can you please mind your own business? Thank you."

"Woah, easy tiger. I was just trying to help." Asteria glanced at her with a teasing look on her face that made Tamitha's blood boil. She doesn't know why she felt that way towards Asteria, for all she knows is that she needs to get out of the library before saying anything more to the maiden. "Like I said thank you, but please mind your own business. Excuse me." Tamitha enunciated before walking away.

Asteria was left with a mischievous smile plastered on her face. 'Mission Accomplished.'

She doesn't know how Asteria does that. Pissed her off every time she opens her mouth. She's positive that she just met her now, but why does it feel like they met already and somehow made her life a living hell before. With just that thought, her blood boiled once again.

She knows that Asteria made an excellent point about her concern, but she doesn't know why she reacted that way. She knows it's rude of her to act up that way however, she can't help it, that girl really pisses her off. To calm herself, she strolled around the campus, letting her feet lead the way and not minding where it would take her.

Considering that she spaced out while walking she didn't notice how she slowly entered a peculiar facade of halls. Gradually, Tamitha is noticing how unfamiliar the place is right now. "Where am I?" She whispered.

While strolling around the area, she can't help but admire the place. The place is surrounded with different varieties of colorful and fully blossomed flowers. What made her more curious about the setting, was how the flowers slowly wither every time she touched it. "What the hell is this place?" She asked herself once more. As she examines the place, she didn't notice how she got lost into this magical yet somehow peculiar place.

Walking further, she noticed that she's with someone in here. That somehow made her relief, but not entirely though, for that person could also cause her some harm. "Hey, is anyone in there?" Trying to call that person's attention.

"T-Tamitha? H-How did you get in here?" Shock is surely clear in that person's face, making Tamitha give the same expression to that person. She didn't know that the campus has this kind of garden and unexpectedly it was also being taken care of by their Headmaster Damon.

"Headmaster? I-I'm sorry headmaster I didn't know this is a private area of the university. Actually, I didn't know our university has this type of place. It's fascinating. But forgive me for trespassing." She immediately apologized. "It's fine. You don't have to worry, I understand. However, can you tell me how you got in here?" The headmaster replied.

"I-I don't actua—" "On second thought, Ms. Hunter, I think it's time for us to leave the premises. Shall we?" Headmaster Damon cut her off and offered his hand, which Tamitha gladly accept. However, accepting it was not the right thing to do. She suddenly felt tired and lethargic, as if she just had a restless night. Making her close her eyes and straight off to sleep.

AFTER some time, Tamitha slowly woke up, blinking to adjust her sight from the light. She tried to get up, but her body is too weak to cooperate, giving her no choice, but to just lie back. "Finally, you're awake. Are you alright? Are you hurt?" The school nurse approached her. She took that as a hint to know that she's in the clinic. 'How did I get here?' She thought to herself.

"I-I'm alright, I just feel tired and sore, b-but how did I get here?"

"Well, the headmaster saw you fainted while walking in the hallway — Are you sure you're alright, hon?"

'Fainted? Why would I faint?' She can't seem to suppress what she's feeling. She's clueless about what happened earlier. The last thing she remembered was walking away from Asteria because of those nonsense statements. 'Is that the reason I fainted? Was it because I got frustrated with the conversation I had with Asteria? Ah! That girl is seriously up to no good at all.'

"M-My head is throbbing badly; can I have something to lessen the pain?"

"Oh, sure dear, I'll get something for you." True to her words, she handed her a medicine and water. After drinking it, Tamitha asked their school nurse if she could excuse herself from class because she just wants to go home and go back to sleep.

The school nurse allowed her to go home to rest, which she gladly obliged. She just texted her friend she got home early because she's not feeling well. On the way back to their dorm she bumped into an enigmatic fine-looking man, however, Tamitha didn't even got a glimpse of him since she's really not feeling well to even give her full attention to the unknown.

"I'm sorry." She slightly bowed and just left the guy dumbfounded with her action. The moment she arrived at her dorm she immediately slumped herself to bed and drifted to sleep. She's too tired to care about the people around her and she's not even aware why she's feeling this way.

After a few twists and turn she finally fallen into a deep slumber, she started seeing blurry images and hearing faint voices. As time progress she's slowly seeing herself in her dream crying making her sweat bullets.

"No! Stop! Please don't go. Please." She can see how she relentlessly begged that person not to go. Crying her eyes out. "Please. You don't have to do this," she stated once more. She can feel the pain, how her heart constricts just saying those words. Only her face seen, while the other character remains blurry to her sight.

"You're so stupid!" After those painful sights, her dream easily shifted to her teasing someone who threw his drink into himself making Tamitha laugh boisterously. "Shut up." The unknown person coldly stated, sending a shiver to her body, waking her up from her deep slumber. Her head hurts from the sudden wake.

"Another stupid dream." She frustratedly stated while wiping the sweats and tears because of those weirds dreams she's having.

Disclaimer: Some informations are not guaranteed to be true or real some are just taken from the internet based from the author's research.

strawberiacreators' thoughts
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