
Am I looking down or am I looking forward?

(A random descriptive)

Clouds like cotton candy. That was everything around me. A thick fog concealed the environment, seemingly coagulating into a cream-like mist. Not a single recognizable feature about where I was could be seen except the undulated concrete floor. It was like I was afloat on a piece of concrete in the sky.

It was warm, soft and fluffy. Nature's zephyr brought about a pleasant feeling of ascending to heaven. The clouds circled past me like a torrent. They dispersed, slowly floating away, revealing rubble and debris all around me. I was atop a half-baked abandoned building which didn't make it past its construction era. The tools lying at the corners looked ages old, and the tiffin boxes on the rusted metal beams, eons. I looked down from the vantage point, the people at the nadir, walking several miles below, looked like ants.

I felt as if I attained Nirvana, as if I was one with the wind. I extended out my arms, which creaked slowly while opening. I opened my mouth, trying to breathe in more air. The more I looked down, the more I felt sick, but never in my life had I felt so alive.

A cirrus of clouds hugged me with its warmth. They floated past me but its warmth lingered. I ran after the clouds, pursuing the peace that had just escaped my clutches.

But alas, a step further would spell my end. I looked down one last time. I felt so small even though I was at the peak, the zenith. I felt so small looking at the people below, living their daily routine lives. Their problems, so meager, so trivial. I felt detached from the world, alienated from the harsh human life. A final angelic cloud floated past me, kissing me goodbye. The fuzzy warmth in my heart that I hadn't felt in ages, left me. I felt a hand gently pushing me, encouraging me to follow it. I left everything. I had to pursue that fleeting warmth which I never could attain.

I was floating my whole life, until I wasn't. I woke up on grass. Lush green grass, pricking me gently all over my body. I felt myself completely drained of my life force. I mustered up all my strength and rolled over. The sky was orange, even though there was no sun in sight. No clouds or birds were endowing the calm sky up to the horizon. The wind blew past me, ticking my ears, playing chords, an entire melody resonated within me, connecting with my entire being, sending me into a state of euphoria and bliss.

I felt a surge of energy, making me feel more alive than ever before. I enjoyed my time on this heavenly plane. I ran around and rolled all over the grass. I felt fulfilled. I felt droopy, as if intoxicated. In my reverie, my eyes felt droopy, I slept. I was dying. Was it bliss? It was like a dream.

Well? Is it good?

Gehrman0_0Sparrowcreators' thoughts
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