
The Lonely Hearts Club Chumps!

The Heartbroken Losers!


The Lonely Hearts Club Chumps!

-= Gears N' Grinding =-

"She loves me not… that's the story of my life boys…" Boss mutters sadly.

(I looked this up, that is the only name on the wiki associated with him.)

"Ours too Boss"

The short man paused for a moment, "The world can be cruel and heartless sometimes…"

He chuckled to himself grimly, "...and it's our job to spread the misery around."

The four began to grab heart-shaped grenades from the small repurposed chocolate box. They aimed, and they threw!

"This one's for Lucy!" Yelled Mopey

"This one's for Gretta!" Yelled Dismal

"For Terry!" Yelled Soggy

"For Merry!" Yelled Boss

"For Charlotte!" Soggy yelled once more, before Mopey interrupted him. "Soggy, Uh… you never dated Charlotte."

"Oh yeeeah… It's probably for the best. She would've dumped me anyway." he muttered sadly.

The roaring of Jet Boosters passed overhead, leading to a loud-


-In the street behind them.

"Alright, that's enough broken hearts for today, Boys!" Jenny quipped, activating her blasters.

The Gang responded with grenades.


"Scrap it, Boys!" Boss yelled. The five booked it to the park entrance nearby.

"How Ironic!" The short man huffed, "I finally get a girl to chase me," He skids to a stop, and the rest follow suit, "And it turns out, I don't like it." They swiveled their heads, scanning the empty park, before being grabbed by a pair of arms.

"Well, I wouldn't date you anyway, I'm already taken!" She answered, a smug smile on her face, "I hope you can find your love in jail!"

"Aw crud." The short man spat in despair.




"Thanks for the help Ma'am." The officer tipped his hat, before driving off onto the freeway with the Lonely Hearts Club Chumps in tow.

"Hah~," She sighed, "All in a day's work!" she wiped her hands.

But, she couldn't stop thinking back about the events of yesterday…

'All staff have the right to refuse service… to robots! And space bikers…' Mr.Mezmer, the man who works in the library part-time yelled.

'Now get out!' He yelled.

"What was his problem?!" She growled, still on edge from the fight (Well, more of a chase, she reasoned) "If he won't serve a robot… That's it!" She had a Eureka moment.

Ray, the amazing guy that he was, already upgraded her with the ability to switch to gynoid form and back, but hasn't given her a design because she was too shy to share it with him.

She couldn't help but blush when she thought about what she had in mind.

"I need to call him…" She muttered, and with a mental flick, a screen popped out of her stomach cavity.

"Ah… Hey Jenny. Why'd you call?"

-= Gears N' Grinding =-

I and Brad were on our way home, passing by the occasional Gas Station (And I still don't know why this town has so many Gas Stations) for snacks. "Hey, Brad?"


"Why the hell are you getting so many snacks? We've stopped by three Gas Stations." I asked, pointing to the large amount of bags sticking out of his backpack in a comical fashion

He turned his eyes to the bag, before looking back at me, "Oh, these? The gangs coming over for some Techno Tennis! It was released yesterday, so I thought I'd get everyone together for some proper hang-out time!" He smiled.

I groaned into my hands. "Brad, you know I can't go right? I have that thing with Jenny I've been telling you about all week!"

"You can at least tr-"

"I'll order ya'll a pizza." I offered.

He took it immediately. He stuck out his hand, the words 'Jackpot' basically oozing from his face. "Deal. Shake on it." I sighed, grabbing his hand and giving it a good shake.

"You just wanted me to buy you Pizza didn't you?" He didn't answer, instead opting to smirk in my general direction.

Well, two can play at this game! "...Good luck with Natasha!" I yelled, before booking it towards my house.

The only thing I heard in response was fading sputtering and yells.







My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and held it in front of me. The screen changed to a black and white Jenny. She looked rather nervous.

"Ah… Hey Jenny. Why'd you call?" I asked.

I was rather confused by this. She asked me to meet up in my garage, but it's been two hours with no signs of her…

"...Could we start on the Gynoid upgrade?" She muttered after a moment of silence, a massive blush plastered on her face. "Uh, Yeah sure. Do you have the designs?" She nodded.

She paused for a moment, doing what I assumed to be uploading the blueprints and design sketches through the uplink.

"I sent them over!"

And true to her word, there they sat. I tapped on the uploaded blueprint, a 3D holographic model being projected from the screen.

Thank you [Holographic Tech].

It was pretty close to the original Exo-suit design. Red hair in ponytails, blue dress, freckles. And some… added padding, I suppose.

I'll be honest, it was pushing a lot of buttons.





I swear I wasn't like this in my last life, but it seems that Past-Ray had a thing for Red-Heads.


…Wait stop getting distracted!

"*Gulp*, yeah, I got them. But Jenny, what brought this on? Did someone say something! I'll-" I started to get worked up, but Jenny piped up, interrupting me.

She sighed, her expression showing nothing but sadness, "Ray. It was that Ignorant Old Man…"

"The librarian?"

"Yeah, him. Turns out he is also a Manager at Mezmer's, the place where Brad's been working at lately."

"And you finally decided to give me the designs you wanted?" I raised a brow, happy that I can finally finish what I started. "Don't go all smug on me Ray!" She complained, but her smile betrayed her tone of voice.

"Yeah yeah. Just get over here so I can get this done."

"Yes Sir!" She saluted in excitement, and before she cut the call I could hear the whine of the Jet Boosters activating.

I shook my head in exasperation, but the smile never left my face.




*Knock knock knock!*

Rapid knocking broke me from my concentration, designs sketches scattered across my desk. I sat up from my chair, yawning as I open the door.

Rubbing my eyes, I peer into the darkness, "*Yawn~*, who is it?"

Two electric blue eyes stare right back.

"Oh. Hey- *Yawn~!*... Hey Jenny… what are you doing here so early in the mornin'?" I asked her, slightly slurring my words as I was still half-asleep. That, and the fact it was two in the morning…

"I'm here for the upgrade!" She said cheerfully. I sighed, "Oh yeah, you don't need sleep. Just-... Just get in." As it was so early in the morning, I was really looking to talk as much.

So I pulled her into the house, closed the front door, and gave her a peck on the cheek.

...I will never get tired of that blush.

"C'mon Jenny, let's get started."

-= Gears N' Grinding =-

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Dumby_3054creators' thoughts
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