
Who Are You?

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to stare, and I thought I was dreaming." Gavin stuttered while answering the woman in front of him in a low voice.

"You mean, nightmare." She sneered at him as she picked up the apple and knife from the table.

"No, nothing like that. I'm really sorry." Gavin again apologized to the woman in front of him. He tried to move and sit up as he feels really sore all over his body.

"You are pretty polite for a prey." The woman rested her back on the chair and crossed her legs. Her satiny, perfectly shaped legs showed as she was wearing an ultra short denim skirt.

It mildly distracted Gavin, but he still managed to ask her; "Excuse me, what do you mean prey?"

"Aren't you a game for the mafia? I mean, aren't they hunting you down, that's why you went all the way here?" The woman said it all, as if she really knew what happened to him. Gavin suddenly became uneasy.

"A-are you one of them?" He swallowed nervously as he asked the woman. Gavin's street reputation is impeccable, he hasn't lost a fight. But a woman this beautiful is his weakness. He can't even imagine landing a hand on her smooth skin.

She chuckled, clearly entertained by intimidating Gavin. She suddenly extended her hand to Gavin.

"I'm Sofia, but you can call me Aya." She said with a smile. Gavin could not understand his self but his cheeks turned red when he saw her sweet smile. Aya completely captivated Gavin, the very shy and picky Gavin.

He carefully raised his hand to meet hers. She squeezed his hand hard. "Aaahhhh!" Gavin screamed in excruciating pain. This petite woman has incredible strength.

"Tsk, I thought you are a tough guy." Aya pouted her lips and shook her head in disappointment. "Such a shame, I am easily attracted to tough guys." She continued to tease the obviously hooked Gavin.

"No, it's just that my hand is still sore from last night." Gavin explained his side, trying to preserve his macho image to Aya.

She giggled at Gavin's reaction. "I was just kidding, silly guy! By the way, what's your name?" She asked the dumbfounded guy in front of her.

"Gavin, Gavin Knight." He answered unhesitatingly, even if he is not sure if the woman in front of him is an enemy.

Aya instantly knew what Gavin was thinking, "Don't worry, I am not your enemy, and to calm your nerves down, I'd like you to know that; you are safe here." She assured Gavin. She smiled at him cheekily.

Gavin is already smitten with Aya's smile, he can't help but smile too. "I'm sorry, but where am I and how did you know about my involvement with the mafia?" He asked Aya in a calmer tone.

"Hmm, I think this is what you guys call, 'the forsaken grounds', but for normal people like us, this is Hudson. Do you know Danny the consigliere?" Aya asked Gavin, who looked tensed again after hearing that name.

He nodded and tilted his head down. "The right-hand man of the Boss, Danny Monroe." Gavin added.

"Yeah, that Danny. He is my brother-in-law." Aya said it point blank that Gavin's mouth fell open.

Gavin contemplated to himself. "I'm good as dead now." He slapped his head with his hand.

"Chill, Gavin." Aya chuckled again at Gavin's desperation. "I've told you already. You are safe here. Why don't you tell me what happened to you so I can decide whether I should tell Danny?"

"Well, I am just a small-time gangster. But they wanted me in and I refused. They wanted me to murder someone for them." Gavin took a deep breath as his tears started falling. "I mean, I don't mind hitting another criminal but killing an innocent person. I can't do that." Gavin could not even fathom why he became emotional explaining his stand to Aya. He has never cried in front of anyone before.

"Is that the only reason why you are running away from them?" Aya wanted a confirmation from the disgruntled looking man.

Gavin wiped his tears and answered Aya. "I am a criminal, but I am not evil. They tortured me, and I heard the underboss's order to eliminate me. So I did my best to escape them. I knew they cannot cross Hudson's border. I took my chance." Gavin looked at Aya with all sincerity but left out important cues to protect Max from Danny..

Aya felt in her heart that Gavin is indeed telling the truth. "Okay, I believe you. I don't think gangsters can act well, so…" she said in a tone filled with sarcasm.

Gavin snickered at Aya's weird attempt to make him laugh. "Hey, you are underestimating lowly criminals like me. That's discrimination!" He added, which lightened the mood altogether.

Suddenly they can hear heavy footsteps getting near their place. Gavin's heart is pounding, and he is starting to sweat he cannot be wrong; the footsteps are of many people walking up the stairs. He is too weak to fight again, this time he might not survive it. And then suddenly the front door swung open.

Gavin braced for the worst as he saw six men coming in to the door. He raised both his hands in surrender. His body cannot handle more beating; he might as well just get shot directly to the head to end his suffering quickly.

Gavin slowly went to his knees and placed both his hands behind his neck. "I'm sorry, sir. Can you just make it quick? I can't handle anymore beating." He was brave enough to admit his defeat. He humbled himself to his killer.

A bulky man walked towards Gavin, he was wearing a black gym shirt and a leather pants. "Oh, Darling, I like my men on their knees but I don't like to make it quick." He said in a flirty tone.

"I'm sorry, please just kill me now and make it quick." Gavin asked the man in front of him. He chuckled and sat beside Aya. It filled his eyes with questions. Will they torture him again? Will this be the end of him? Is Aya one of them?

"Silly guy! You're not that young to not understand me, boy!" He mocked the confused Gavin.

An older man walked forward and sat beside Gavin. His face is serious. He checked Gavin's face. "Tsk, Aya, I told you to take care of this young man. His face is badly swollen, it needs to be iced."

"I'll get it, Don!" A younger man said as he walked towards the kitchen to get some ice inside the fridge. All the others were just standing there, staring at him. All of them have a welcoming aura, except for one who seems like he does not want him there.

"I'm Don, Aya's brother. Don't worry; we will take care of you until you recover." His voice was compassionate, not like what Gavin expected earlier.

"I'm Dobbie, I was just kidding earlier. Don't take me too seriously." The man beside Aya said as he playfully winked at Gavin.

"I'm Harry." He handed Gavin a pack of Ice. He smiled at him. He seemed genuinely happy.

"I'm Tyrone and I'm too tired for this shit. I'm going to bed now, goodnight!" Another man said as he yawned while he walked towards his room. He looked too sleepy.

"Achoo." Another man covered his nose as he sneezed. "I'm sorry for that, my name is Steve," He blew his nose after he introduced himself.

"I'm George, and I'm not interested in your pep talk. I'm gone here." He harshly said as he left the others and headed to his room.

"Is he mad at me? He seems a little too grumpy." Gavin mumbled to himself.

"Danny will arrive in a few minutes. He will decide what we will do with you." Don said in a tone filled with conviction. Gavin swallowed hard, thinking of his last few moments on Earth.

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