1 New world

My previous experiment ended with a failure... As I was sucked into it's eternall darkness and now trapped in this strange dimension. I've already forgotten many things... How long have I been here? I don't want to stay here forever... My body is slowly breaking apart as it turns into a liquid substance, I don't even have legs anymore. My arms are already missing and the only thing left is my soul, head, and hands.

I was resting in the eternal darkness until I saw a blinding light...

' What is that...? ' I thought as I walked toward it.

It soon became desperation as I realize it could be my escape ticket, but before I realize I could see the light slowly disappearing every second.

' Dammit! I have to go now! ' I thought as I *ran* toward the light.

So, I entered it... Not long after, I could see many different things. I don't know where I am right now, but I could see... Humans? Where am I?

' What is going on... ' I thought as I scurried away from the eyes of the humans.

I looked around and found a door to escape to so I ran over to it and pulled on it and went inside and immediately slammed the door.

' Whew. ' I thought as I then looked behind me to find a messy room that had look abandond. There were many strange things sprayed upon the walls and the building appeared to be a lab.

I walked around and checked the cabinets, there were some microscopes, glass containers a small generator and a dusty laptop.

' I wonder how far the humans have advanced in technology. ' I pondered, as I grabbed the laptop and opened it. There were some sticky notes on the sides that held what appears to be passwords and some other notes. The password read as, " ProjectSolus. "

' Tch, humans are idiots, who leaves their computer password in the open? Oh whatever. ' I thought as I entered the password into the computer and immediately was bombarded with countless notes and theories on the phenomenon called souls.

' So humans have only been able to grasp only small bits about souls? ' I thought as I continued to search through the notes.

I saw some apps on the bottom and decided to click one, then appeared a screen that was called "google", strange name for an app but oh well. There was a search bar at the top so I searched up, "souls" and then the results came... Nothing. I then searched up, "humans" and appeared a bunch of information about humans.

Humans are a sentient species that are mammals and inhabits nearly the entirety of the world besides some other animals and insects. Humans are gifted with powers that we call "quirks". The word quirks had a blue name indicating a link so I clicked on it.

Quirks, the manifestation of one's abilities or super powers. It is unknown as how they came to be and how they work but nearly 80% of the world's humans holds a quirk.

' Interesting, humans that have powers like magic? Now this is getting interesting... ' I thought with a smile.

So, I began to reserach about the strange thing that humans have called quirks. Apparently there are people that are called "heros" as well, those one's you'd usually find in comics and books. Along with some villains too.

I grinned as I surfed the web, the internet for humans is filled with so many things. Strange animals, plants, chemicals, weapons, politics, people, and countries. So many things to study and test.

" Yes... This world is magnificent! " I yelled outloud.

-- Time skip a few weeks... --

I've been conducting expirements on some humans that have quirks. How would they react if I take away their quirk? Oh right, taking away quirks is quite simple actually. Using blue magic, I can tear it away forcefully and then implant it into something else. I had a volunteer and no, I didn't actually kidnap them... I did kidnap them.... Moving on, I removed their quirk which was the ability to create small winds and tore it out of their body... I looked at the quirk and it appeared as an orb that transparent and white, I then implanted it into a rat I had for experiements. Not long after, I could feel breezes coming from the direction of the rat.

I simply smilied at the experiement, which caused the rat to back away and shiver as well.

" This is so fantastic! " I shouted outloud.

So, I began to collect subjects and contain their quirks within glass containers to experiment with. Such as that one experiment where I merged 2 quirks together and both formed into one compatible one. I merged 2 different quirks together like plant and lava and it formed into inferno plants which was facinating. So of course, I wondered, " What would happen if I merged every single quirk in the world into one? " I grinned at the thought, but knew it would most likely be impossible to pull off so I held back on it.

Something else I've noticed is that every human never used magic, not even on the internet as there were only fakes.

As such, I began to steal quirks from other people now. I've gotten an easier way to actually steal it as I only have to use blue magic on them and tear it away from their body. Sure they die sometimes but who would know who did it anyone?

I continued to experiment and then I got the craziest idea, what would happen if I merged the quirks into my body? So I grabbed a quirk that gives the user to manipulate gravity and pushed it into my body. It felt strange and when I got it, it felt as if I had a new body part that I knew I always had but didn't have the hang to use. I used it on a heavy box filled with glass shards and it what do you know? It didn't float. Probably because the items within the box is weighing it down. So I removed each shard onto the road which caused some wheels to break for some drivers.

" Hey! Why the hell is there glass here! " Could be heard and, " Noooo my wheels!! " Could also be heard from affar.

I ignored them and continued my reasearch and applied 0 gravity onto the box again, this time it actually floated around! Interesting...

Oh right, I always wondered why I was capable of using magic on the quirks as it would only work on physical things and souls, but it appears the quirks have some sort of sentience when removed from it's host, and when put into a host it's sentience is removed.

Doesn't that mean that they're capable of feeling things? What if they can feel pain? How do they feel when they enter my body?
