
Gaselirot: Union - part 2

Waking up from some kind of harsh sound, Ivan climbed out of the barghest and directed his spear with his trembling hands towards the alleged enemy.

Two bright red dots shone through the darkness, between the trees. An eerie crackle broke the silence of the surroundings. Ivan shook and almost broke into a run, but he looked at his spear, rusty, after blood. the blade gleamed from the rare rays of the sun breaking through the leaves and branches of the tall trees. He forced himself to stand, he turned to face fear. The veins were going crazy, but he did not retreat. He did not have a developed body, or at least a reaction. Just a spear in his slender hands gave confidence. Ivan shouted: "Come on! Come out!" Something in the darkness stirred. The crunch of branches and the rustle of leaves were heard around the neighborhood and seemed to overtake Ivan at a fast, steady pace. And so it jumped out of the darkness. It seemed as if it was rushing straight to Ivan, with incredible speed, and there was no escape from him. He gathered all his will into a fist, sweat poured in a stream, all Ivan's determination merged into one and splashed out. It was the peak of Ivan's nervous tension, he used every muscle in anticipation of this monster. Here it is! It was the BUNNY.

Purple fur and long ears, on top of his head, with small tassels at the ends, looked extraordinary, fabulous. "I ... I, I was afraid of some pathetic bunny ?! I was afraid of him ?! Me ?!" Ivan fell into despair. He had never been so sad before. "It's good that no one saw this ..." Overwhelmed by this event, he sat down near a tree and began to ponder his future actions. "Hmm ... I'm in the forest ... Alone ... There is no food or water ... What should I do at all? I am so hungry ... And drink ... This hare ... Purple hare. Do they exist? such? Maybe he is poisonous? Such a motley color ... Yes, and he is very fast ... But maybe it's worth trying ... "

Ivan stood up and strained his hand holding the spear. "Now I just hit him with a spear ... Just hit ... With a spear ... NO! I can't ... But I need to eat ... Food ... I must, I must just poke the sharp end into him. Just poking, it's like a mosquito bite ... Forgive me! " Hit. The spear sank into the ground. Ivan followed the movements of the hare with a surprised look, no, or rather, he was just trying to keep track. The movements of this creature were sharp and quick. "How is he ... What the?" Ivan rushed after the hare in pursuit.

-Stand! Wait a minute! Do not run away!

- Damn, what are you then!


The spear kept dropping into the ground. He could not, elementary, get into the prey and even just catch with his hands. With light and well-honed movements, the hare escaped the hands of the hunter and calmly drove him in circles. Ivan collapsed to the ground, leaning against a tree.

- Eh ... - pulled out of his mouth.

Breathing heavily, completely exhausted, after such unusually active actions, he could no longer raise his spear. The hare ran up to Ivan and looked at him with his curious eyes, crackling with nuts that he found somewhere in the forest. Ivan was jealous of the bunny. "Yes, he's mocking!" The bunny still looked directly at Ivan and gnawed his delicacy.

-You fucking show-off!

- * Hrum *, * Hrum * - the hare was silent


The tension grew only in Ivan's head. The hare did not understand what he was saying and did not even pretend that he was frightened, he simply devoured nuts. Ivan was furious and bent down to grab the hare, or at least frighten off, but the hare jumped onto Ivan's hand and climbed onto his head, still crunching nuts. Ivan got into a stupor. "What was that ... Wait a minute ... Is it on my head ?! It sits on me ?! What ..." Ivan resigned himself. Now he was sitting by the tree, not alone, but with this bizarre hare. * Hrum *, * Hrum * "Hmm ... Nuts ... He eats nuts! I can probably crack a couple too! I heard that people somehow ate nuts and even lived on them for several weeks and the like ..." "

-Hey, bunny ...

- * Hrum *, * Hrum *

-Where did you find them ...

- * Hrum *, * Hrum *

-It's useless, you don't understand me ...

- * Hrum *, * Hrum *


"Damn, I'm already starting to talk with the animals! I urgently need to get out of here! Otherwise, I might go crazy!"

Ivan, already rested enough to walk through the forest, got up, picking up his spear, and wandered off in an unknown direction. The trees looked the same and he didn't even bother to memorize them. Just moving forward, he occasionally glanced around. Now that he had a weapon and a new, furry friend with him, he was not so lonely and scared. Already with a less confident gait, he went out to some small lake. He saw fish splashing in the distance and birds flying imposingly in this light, blue sky, which seemed impossibly beautiful. The sun's rays reflected from the water surface beat on his tired eyes. "Fairy tale ..." Indeed, this word perfectly underlined the picture presented to him. He found himself in a fairy tale where everything was so incredibly beautiful.

Ivan went to the shore and looked into the water. The reflection of his tortured, but at the same time admiring face excited his heart. The stomach of the young man made itself felt. "I need something to eat ..." Grabbing the spear tighter, he noticed in the lake, several fish, not far from the shore. "I have to eat at least this" Beat. "Damn, missed!" Another. "Yes, yours to the left!" One hit after another missed the target. "I'll never hit that damn fish!" Much time had passed and the sun was at its zenith, but Ivan was not going to give up. Missed ... another missed, but you can't retreat.

-There is! I caught! I did it!

The fish dangled from the tip of his rusty spear. Ivan's joy knew no bounds. "I can finally eat!" Throwing his spear by the shore, he gathered branches. Sitting down by a pile of brushwood, surrounded by stones, he took a piece of bark and a small stick. "So how does this friction force work ..." Remembering his lessons at school, Ivan tried to strike a spark. He rubbed the stick harder and faster. "Yes, you work, damn it!" After a few minutes, he was still able to light a fire. He cut the fish with a spear and cleaned the fish, he did it badly and all his hands were bruised, but he had no time for that, he would finally eat. Something like a peeled fish Ivan planted back on the spear and held it over the fire. He never cooked over the fire and never cooked anything himself except noodles. The baked fish looked pretty appetizing, and the smell was just crazy. without waiting for the food to cool down, Ivan began to eat, straight with his hands, not noticing that he was burning his fingertips. Now, it didn't bother him at all. "Very tasty!" It seemed to him that he had never tasted anything tastier!

After catching a few more fish and having a hearty dinner, also not forgetting to share with his furry friend, he began to explore the area. The lake seemed so big that it was impossible to get around in two days, but that was only his imagination. Noticing something interesting on the shore, Ivan began to put out the fire. He walked along the coast and looked at everything along the way. Mushrooms of different colors, bizarre trees and herbs evoked the spirit of an explorer in the guy. He arrived at his destination. A rather voluminous hut stood in front of him. Ivan looked around and, making sure that no one was around, went to the door. After knocking on the huge door several times and receiving no answer, he examined it: ordinary, roughly hewn wooden, and even no lock. Grasping the iron, protruding handle, he pulled. A huge door swung open in front of Ivan and his companion, showing the insides of the house. The walls were hung with animal skins and a huge stuffed barghest was on the floor. Fangs and other hunting trophies lay on the shelves. The bed, pressed against the corner, seemed huge, but rustic. There was a chest against the wall. Several chairs and a table were equally rough work and stood in the corner. Several blades and a huge bow were pressed against the wall. A quiver of arrows lay on the nightstand next to the bed. It was all like a hunter's house. But if we take into account the enormous size of everything seen around, then one could assume that the owner of this dwelling is large.

Ivan shook himself off along the walls and examined the house. Finds, every now and then, plunged him into shock. Having finished his round, he realized that he was very exhausted and fell on the bed. "Well, since the door is not closed and for all the time that I was here, no one came, then probably no one else lives here ..." His eyes were sticking together, and his muscles relaxed, he fell into a blessed sleep.

In the midst of his dreams, something slammed hard. A hefty push pulled him out of sleep. He opened his eyes and stared at the one who woke him up. A huge figure towered over him. A huge green hand rested on his chest. Ivan jumped up. What he saw plunged him into horror and panic.

She was a huge woman with a green skin tone and a protruding jaw, with two protruding fangs, brown eyes drilled into him. He lunged for the door, but was stopped by the powerful grip of a green hand.

-Who are you! - a loud exclamation brought Ivan out of his trance.

-Y-I'm Ivan! - the guy hastily answered.

-What have you forgotten in my house!

- M-m-I, there was no place to sleep and I ...

-You decided to get into someone else's house! - Cutting off Ivan's speech, she waved her hand to hit.

-No, no, I'm sorry, please! I thought no one lives here anymore!

-You decided to make fun of me ?!

-No, I just wanted to find a place to sleep ...

This girl's hand stopped.

- You, you are beautiful ... - the orc woman whispered almost audibly.

Her face turned pink


-E ... You better if you look closely ...

-You won't kill me ...

-Not. You're good...

-S-Thank you very much ... - Ivan literally thanked heaven.

- So you have nowhere to sleep?

-Yes! Sorry again for invading your home!

-You're a traveler? What is your race?

-You can say so ... I am a man ...



- This is the first time I've heard that word. You lived far from here, right?

-Maybe yes...

Ivan tried to figure out how to correctly describe his situation.


-Well, I just appeared in the fields and I don't remember how ...



-Okay, tomorrow you will tell about everything.

-Thanks, but I don't know where I am ...

- You can spend the night here ... - the orc said with embarrassment.

-B-thanks a lot! - ignoring the strange behavior of the orc, Ivan rattled.

Orc, in only one robe, lay down on the bed, and Ivan, all in the same clothes, lay down next to him, the bunny fell asleep on the nightstand, next to the quiver.

So Ivan met his new comrades.

With the permission of the author of this text, I have now really become their representative here. I'm part of their group now. If you want to improve the translation, please write to us.

yasterodcreators' thoughts
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