
Arguing with my Senile Mind Snake

*AN:I saw some people pointing out the writing is bad, I will repeat something I have said before and will say again. I am bad at writing don't expect great quality I barely know what the hell I'm doing. Anyway hope you enjoy!

'Quit trying to sound cool brat.'

'Shut it I'm trying to play my part as a Sovereign Profound beast.'

'You have no part to play! Your acting like a child!'

'And your acting like an old man!'

'I am an old man!'

'You finally admitted it?'

As we once again performed verbal sparring I ignored the cultivators surrounding me.

"As agreed upon, Whoever kills the beast gets the spoils!"

With a resounding cry the fleas piled onto my body as I absentmindedly licked them off every once in a while.

"Kuh. It's to strong!"

And numerous other cliché lines were being thrown around by the time I finally looked at them.

'Oh they were here.'

'Yes brat I tried to tell you twice.'

'You did not tell me!'

'Kill them and move on.'

with the most anticlimactic meeting possible I vaporized everyone around me with water laws and flew away.

'Do you think I can get the dark energy signal on this continent to?'

'No your not strong enough to survive what I can feel is down there.'

'So there is nothing left on this continent?'

'Everything you see here will be in the higher realms but better there. Speaking of going to the god realm you need to learn this before going there.'

As Canglong said this I could feel a technique appear in my head on how to shrink my body.

'Is this needed in the higher realms?'

'Yes brat your a 1000 kilometer long serpent if they are anything like how I think they are they will hunt you down for your treasure.'


'Yes brat. Oh.'

With nothing left to do or to entertain me we began flying on the way to the other dark energy signal.

'Are you sure I can reach this one.'

'You should be able to. Hopefully'

'Why hopefully?'

'It will depend on luck to get it. But if you succeed you can ascend into the divine way without needing to return to this mortal realm.'

'Is there really no other reason to come back once I ascend?'

'Yes that's what I said brat.'

With a new goal to complete and a few weeks of open ocean I had time to practice the size technique. The technique allows one to shrink there size but not exceed there full size as they get smaller the energy is compressed into a smaller body allowing for faster and more dense energy in my body As we neared the Profound Sky Continent I could shrink my size to 10 meters in total.

'You can feel it right brat?'

'No I can't?'

'Huh guess you might be out of luck!'

'why might that be?'

'He's awake. You have no chance to slip by him now even with my help.'

'What is it?'

'You don't need to know now but you can not slip past his senses.'

"Wait, If he can sense me from here he should be over Divine Origin correct?'

'Yes he isn't asleep now so you can't do a thing.'

'If I Just need to... Huh?'

As I was speaking suddenly a drop of dark profound energy flew at me.

"Who would have thought the prideful Dragon God reduced to a mere spirit!"

A low coarse but infinitely prideful voice rings through the surroundings.

"I will hear no insult from a poisoned husk clinging to life!"

'Oh seems Canglong doesn't like this guy.'

"HA! This Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign would never fall so low to require the help of mortals!"

"I do not require his help! He helps me and I shall help him become supreme!"

'What the hell! When did this happen!'

'Shut up brat it will happen eventually.'

"Ha the mortal shall ascend eventually and with it the light shall weaken."

"This is a mortal realm even if the Phoenix and Golden Crow allow you to if you absorb all life on this world you will just sustain yourself for a few thousand more years."

"I need no serpent to tell me what to do!"


"Quiet the both of you!"

"Why should I Listen to a mortal like yourself!"

"You have no reason to but your energy is growing weaker even now."

"Hmph, This devil will slaughter you one day mortal worm!"

With that final cry the energy dispersed leaving an angry Canglong and me barely able to understand what was being spoken about.

'Ignore him brat.'

'Alright, But who was he?'

'He is the Moon Slaughter Devil Sovereign a true god level ancient devil from the age of the gods.'

'So he's as old you!'

'Don't make that sound like its a bad thing brat! With age comes beauty!'

'Don't you mean wisdom?'


'Uh, alright then but what now.'

'Ascend brat and let me sleep.'

With no bravado or goal in mind I went back to where the Food dragon duo were cultivating.

"Welcome back Young Master."

I had honestly forgotten where I had left them for a while and just swam around for a week. But in this time my subjects had surrounded the whole world. After some serious thought I decided to bring the flood dragons with me to the god realms.

"because of your efforts you're cultivation has risen to the 5th of Emperor Profound. Though this is impressive you must continue to improve and reach the realm of the divines with me."

"As the Young Master wishes."

To help them cultivate I surround there bodies with my own to surround them with the residual aura of Canglongs aura. As they continued to cultivate I could vaguely sense the poisoned devil withering away in his cave.

"I shall surpass you old fool, and when I do. I shall devour you!"

Author here!. I kinda forgot about this chap because of registration but oh well. If you have any questions or want to see something comment and I'll see what I can do. Till next time!

Hollo54creators' thoughts
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