
Letting the ash settle

I woke in a room that smelled of pine, and overall, wood. It was a tent, and I lay there on a comfortable bed and mattress. I, dowsly, sat up from my resting spot on the bed. My orange red hair falling into place on to my face. The fizzy mess was allover the place. I had long red orange that went almost to my tail bone. Some stranded started to ticke my nose. Tried as I might, I ended up sneezing.

"Awake are we." The deep voice startled me. I jumped off of the bed and on to the floor. Started to beg forgiveness for sleeping on the bed, "I-Iam s-sorry for s-s-sleeping on the bed. I-I will not do it a-again I-I sware!" My voice was still rather quiet, and rough. From all the screaming and I never got to use it for anything.

The figure moved a hand. I shut my mouth quickly. When I stopped talking they removed their hand and began to examine me. "You don't look to be more than the age of 8."

The voice paused.

"What is your name young one?" The voice was so soft and gentle, but still had a strong tone.

"K-Jite Elisabeth C-Claypol s-sir." I kept my head low. Not to let them see my embarrassment of my blood line.

"So you are a Claypol. Well, then Kite. I have something to tell you."

I didn't dare speak or move my head. I kept staring at the ground. I felt my self trembling at the thought of what they might do to me. I held my arms tighter to try and quell the shakes.

"You will work under me now."

I moved my head a bit, surprised at what I just heard. 'Work under', what did that mean.

"I will not bring you back till you have learned how to fight and survive. So I will be leaving you here in the woods. I want you to become the ruler of the land."

I was trying to process what they was saying. They wanted me to become the ruler of the land?

I saw a hand come to my chin slowly. Just as carefully it suggested me to move up, and my head complied with it. It was the same man from last night. His side bangs swayed carefully with his every movement. Like the branches in the moons gentle wind. He had ears that stuck out. The looked like the legendary elf ears but more on the boundary of vampire. Then again they were too long to be vampire ears.

He started to talk again. "Take control of this land and become the top predator. But don't kill everything thing your way. Just make sure you survive."

I soaked what he said in. He wanted me to learn to fight and to survive, but not to over do or use things.

"Good I think you understand what I need you to do."

He let go of my chin and stood back up, I was going to make my head fall back into its orginal place but, if I did I felt like I would be insulting him. I wanted to get a good look at him.

He was well over the height of my father. he had to hunch to stay out of range of the tents ceiling. A towering man indeed. His poster is that of the great pine oak I saw that danced with moon, strong but graceful. He never smiled from what I could see. He also looked to be in his late teens or early twenties.

His jaket he wore looked older than time itself, with taters and patches. It must mean a lot to him for him to constantly repair it the way it is. There where out of placed colors and stitching. The pockets look like they were remade with with rings punched in, and a leather band went from the ring in that pocket to this back belt holder. There was a chain that went from the front of this pants to this back belt pocket too.

He wore tan hiking boots, that got covered by the pants.Under his jaket was a white tank, with no stains or wrinkles. It looked freshly pressed.

"I will not tell you my name till you come and find me in the city." He turned to face me.

"Do you understand?"

I nodded my head. My thought was to itchy to talk. So a physical response was better than no responce.

"Good. I will be leaving tonight after this talk, but this tent will be up for you. Feel free to do with it as you want. You may tear it or burn it." He waved his hand as a gesture of, 'I care not what you do with it'.

"And with that I am done with my talk with you."

He moved for the door, but didn't exit just yet. He talked as he walked for the door, "Go to the city west of here. In the great dry lands. There is a city there called Kheridge."

He paused before he exited, and turned to me one more time. "Do not disappoint me, and don't make me come looking for you if you try and run away. There is no were for you to hide."

With that he turned out the tent's makeshift door and left. His boots making crunching sounds.

I wait for the crushing sounds of leave to disappeared more into the distance. When I couldn't hear them anymore, I sighed. more of exhaustion that relief.

I was still staggering to stay awake.

'So. I may be eight years old.'

I finally had a more clear idea of my birthday and my age.

I smiled as my head became lighter and lighter.

Soon my eyes closed from exhaustion. Thus I feel a sleep to the sounds of moring birds and late crickets.

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