

A young transfer student was bullied to the point of suicide, but just at his last moments, he awakened the gang system. Fed up with being the prey, he becomes the predator. Getting stronger, facing his bullies, conquering the school, and slowly building his gang into an empire. Follow him as he goes from a bullied nerd to the nation's greatest gangster. Extra Tags: Gangs, Gang leader, Gang wars, Highschool gangs, ruthless mc, handsome mc, young mc, poortorich, fighting, battles, school wars, school conquer, drug empire. *** DISCLAIMER!!: The fights, and characters in this novel may be borderline superhuman. For example, A strong character may be able to leave super small craters in concrete or bend steel with their fist, or they may be able to leave huge dents in cars, I just wanted to clear this up because people keep complaining about it being unrealistic and "superhuman" even though that's how I wanted the characters to be from the start, now they won't have superpowers or anything but they will be able to achieve such feats like the ones I mentioned. I made this novel to be exciting and action-packed, if you want super realistic then this isn't for you. And if you have a problem with that, then don't read! Thumbnail Source: Pinterest 2 Chapters/Day or some days 3. I'm still not the best at writing and can lose motivation easily, but if people like it I will continue it!

Fraudkuna · Realistic
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10 Chs

Chapter 2: The Beginning

He walked back home in the cold through the rain and once he was there he sat on his chair and opened up the system panel.


He moved down the panel and saw the [Quest] button. He clicked it but it showed him nothing.

[You currently have no quest.]

"Hm...well how do I get one?"

Yama sighed a bit and then went to sit on his bed, he thought deeply about what to do and how to get stronger.

He just decided to start with a simple workout. He drops to the floor and starts his pushups.


As he hit the 5th pushup he realized his arms were getting tired and his stamina was depleting quickly. But he kept going until failure and at the 11 mark, he finally dropped to the floor and took a break.

"It aches...I didn't know pushups were so hard...but I can't stop now...I've come this far."

Yama dropped back down to the floor and started his pushups again.

"12..13...14...15...16...17...18..19... UGHHH! 20!"

With the final pushup, he felt revealed and took deep breaths, trying to calm his heartbeat. As sweat dropped from his forehead he smiled a bit, he felt this deep happiness in his heart. That the universe had given him another chance to change his life, if he became a good guy or bad guy, Yama didn't care though.


[Due to the host's determination he will be given a special quest.]

[Get stronger and put your bullies in their place.]


[-Pushups: 0/50]

[-Situps: 0/50]

[-Run: 0/10KM]




"48...49....AGHHH! 50!...."

He struggled to do the very last pushups, and right after his arms felt like jello and he decided to take a break.

"My arms are so tired, they feel wobbly. I should take a break now..."

As he sat at the side of his bed he looked down at the floor, trying to catch his breath and relax a bit. He wipes away the sweat from his head and looks at the quest panel.

[Pushups: 50/50] (COMPLETED)

"Haha...this is kinda fun."

Yama would proceed to complete the situps given by the system. He chose to save the running for tomorrow during the morning.


The next morning, he woke up before everyone else and headed outside to do the run.

While running through the streets of his broken town he bumped into some of the girls his bullies usually hang out with. He turned to look and tried to keep running but one of them stepped in front of him and stopped Yama.

"Well..if it isn't the little nerd." The girl in front of Yama said.

"Just leave me alone please..." He responded.

"Huh?..does he think he's the shit now that my boyfriend isn't here or something?.." She looks at her friend with a cocky smile.

She then looks up at Yama and slaps him, a red handprint left on his left cheek.

Yama wanted so badly to do something but he knew that he was too weak to do anything back, and even if he did win she would get her boyfriend who was his bully to just beat him up.

Yama clenched his teeth and fist tightly, anger was evident on his face. She looks at him getting angry and just snickers in front of his face.

"Pft...h...hehe...HAHAHHAHA!...." She laughs hysterically. Yama put his anger aside and just calmed down.

"This little bastard was seriously getting angry just now wasn't he?..."

"He sure was...HAHA!" the other girl chimes in and continues to tease and make fun of him.

He just walks away and gets back to running.

"There ya go...keep on running... Haha!" 

As he runs their voices fade out, letting him know he's run far away. His anger comes back, he's tired of being bullied. He just wants it to end, but he knows it won't. They will only listen to strength, so he'll have to show them.

He runs for so long at such a fast pace that he has already completed his quest, but he is so angry that he doesn't even notice. He just kept running and running until finally his legs gave out and his breathing became heavy. He slowed down and took a break by setting his hands on his knees, he then wiped his sweaty face and did a light jog back home.



At home, he sat on his bed and opened his quest panel.


[Pushups: 50/50]-COMPLETED

[Situps: 50/50]-COMPLETED

[Run: 10/10KM]-COMPLETED

[Reward: +5 strength, endurance, and stamina. And +10 in agility stat.]

[Due to the host running past his limit, he will be rewarded handsomely with agility points.]

"Yes...this is what I needed! I don't know how strong Riko is but if I keep up at this pace I will be stronger in no time!"

[-----Gang System-----]

[Name: Yama]

[Level: 0]

(Exp: 250/1000)

[Gang(s): None]

[Fighting style/skills: None]


[Strength: 9]

[Agility: 15]

[Endurance: 11]

[Stamina: 8]

[Dexterity: 2]





"My stats raised by a lot, that's really good. I need to get as strong as possible as fast as I can. Especially if I want to complete this quest."

[Ongoing Quest: Put your bullies in their place.]

[Rewards: ???, +10 points in all stats, Level up, +100 Coins]

"Hm...It told me all my other rewards except that one. Sigh~ guess I'll find out when I complete it..."

[Would the host like to upgrade the daily quest?]


"Daily quest?...is it talking about that workout? sure."


[Pushups: 0/100]

[Situps: 0/100]

[Plank: 0/5 MIN]

[Run: 0/15KM]

"Well...that's gonna hurt... I should worry about that tomorrow, but who says I can't do a bit more pushups?"

Yama drops back down to the floor and does about 25 pushups before standing back up and getting ready for school.

As he puts on his school uniform and slips on his shoes, he grabs his bag and heads out the door. He chooses to run instead of riding his bike.

As he arrives at school he heads to class and sits down at his desk silently.

'Be patient, I'll get them one day...I'm too weak right now..but trust me, that day when my revenge happens isn't  far at all.'

Riko Walks into the room and instantly slaps Yama's head, chuckling while doing so. Riko continues to slap and strike him out of fun.

"How's your day, Yama? HAHA!.."

His group of friends which consists of 2 girls and 2 boys watch as he bullies Yama. They laugh and even record the situation.

One of the girls chips in saying, "Come on~ fight back Yama...we wanna see you get your ass kicked. Haha!~.." 

It angers him, but he calms down and keeps on telling himself. 'Be patient...be patient...one day...'

He grew even more determined, he couldn't wait to see the day when they looked at him with terror.