
Where... Where am I?

Chapter 1.

At school, in a class.

The teacher is giving a stupidly long and boring lesson.

Among the students, there's a girl named Misaki who is sleeping soundly.

"She's sleeping again..."

"Why'd she come to school if she's just going to sleep most of the time..."

"She's annoying. If she wants to sleep, just go home..." whispered the other students.

The teacher look at Misaki and muttered "She could've become an amazing student if only she would focus in class..."

True... Misaki is a smart girl but... if she study, her parents will start having stupid expectations from her.

*Ding Ding* the lunch bell.

Instantly Misaki woke up from her sleep.

'Is it lunchtime?' Misaki thought. She look around and sees everyone starts eating. 'Yup. It's lunchtime.' She goes to her friend's classroom to wait for Ami-chan.

After Ami gets out of the classroom, they went to the cafeteria to buy some bread. After that, they wanders around the school.

*Yawn...* Misaki yawned.

"Did you slept in class again?" Ami asked.

"Well, can you blame me? The teacher is stupid for not making the lesson less boring." Misaki answered.

"Haha... did you sleep late again to play a game?" Ami asked.

"Yeah... I can't help it... Night is the most calming time to play games." Misaki answered.

*Ding Ding*

"Lunchtime is too short..." Ami complaint.

Misaki stretches and said "I'm gonna continue my sleep."

"I have history next... guess I'm gonna sleep too." Ami said.

Misaki chuckled at Ami's words.

In class,

Misaki went back to her seat and was about to continues her sleep until...

"Misaki. Have you finished your part of the project?" asked a female classmate.

"No, I haven't yet." Misaki answered.

"It's been two weeks already!" said the classmate. She puts a hand on Misaki's table.

Misaki ignored her. 'What do you expect? You give me three times what you gives the others in our group.' Misaki thought.

"We can't send anything if you don't finish your part!" said the classmate.

'That's it.' Misaki thought. She grab a stapler under her table and empty it. 'I'm just gonna scare her a little.'

"PLEASE finish it tomor-"

*Tap!* Misaki push the stapler on the hand that the female classmate puts on the table.

"*Gasp!* Oh my gosh! What did you just do!" yelled the classmate while checking her hand.

Again, Misaki ignored her.

"What happened here?" asked the class representative.

"She tried to staple my hand!" Exclaimed the classmate.

"B-but, your hand is fine..." said a shy girl behind class rep.

"Of course it's fine. I emptied the stapler." Misaki said. 'Be grateful that I'm not a fan of hurting people.' Misaki thought.

"T-then she didn't d-do anything..." said the shy girl.

"Didn't do "ANYTHING"?! SHE ALMOST STAPLE MY HANDS!!" the classmate yelled.

"But-" the shy girl tried to talk but got cut off by the teacher entering the classroom.

"Settle down and take your seats." said the teacher.

"Tch!" the classmate click her tongue and went to her seat. The class rep and the shy girl also takes a seat.

Night, at home.

Misaki is playing an online 1 vs 1 game on her computer.

"Ugh!! I lost again!!" Misaki whispered frustratedly.

'A gamer... I can barely even win in a simple game...' Misaki thought.

Misaki wants to be a gamer but she's pretty sure she's not suitable for such a thing.

'What time is it now?' Misaki thought.

She look at the clock in her smartphone.

'4:07 am... I should sleep before mom realizes I still haven't slept...' Misaki thought as she went to bed.

The next morning,

"Misaki! Wake up or you'll be late for school!!" Misaki's mom yelled.

"Hnng..." Misaki sat down and yawned before getting ready for school.

About 20 minutes later,

"Just take this bread and eat it in the car. Move faster or you'll be late!" shouts Misaki's mom while handing over a bread in a package.

'Too busy to make breakfast for your child again huh... You don't have a job and your supposed to be this family housekeeper but you couldn't even do things properly...' Misaki opens the package and took a bite of the bread before entering the car.

'... I'm glad my school is 20 minutes away from my home...' Misaki thought as she silently smile at the backseat of the car. She look out the window watching the vehicles passing by. 'I hate my home... I also hate my school... but I don't mind going to school as long as I can get this 20 minutes ride to school everytime I have to go to school.' Misaki finishes her bread and were about to take a nap.

"Ugh..." grunts Misaki's mom.

"Hm? What's wrong, mom?" Misaki asked.

"There's an incident at the end of this road! Plus it's raining, it's going to take longer than usual to go to your school!!" Misaki's mom complains.

'Really!! Thank goodness there's an incident! Now I can stay longer in the car!' Misaki thought happily.

"It's okay, mom. I'll explain to the teacher later so I won't get in trouble." Misaki said in a (fake) worried tone.

'Yeah right. The last time I got a detention, I slept for the whole time. There's also that time when I was punish to stand at the hallway, the next day the same teacher ask the class for yesterday's homework but I didn't do it so the teacher asked "Why didn't you do your homework when everybody else did?!", I answered "Was there a homework? I was standing at the hallway so I didn't know.". The teacher got pretty mad and then he ask me "Why didn't you ask one of your friends then?!" Of course I answered "Cause I got no "friends"." Probably from "Pity" but the teacher didn't any much question after that. Anyway, most of the teachers kinda gave up in punishing me cause I would always find an excuse. My favorite excuse would be the classic "I forgot." when it comes to homework.' Misaki thought. She almost grin when she remembers the times when she gives the teachers, troubles.

Misaki lay down at the backseat to take a nap.

Years later, Misaki is 26 years old.

Misaki owns a small decent house, single, rarely go back to meet her parents, still like playing games (though she still sucks at it), work as a waitress and barista at a cafe. She likes her job, her colleagues and boss is nice, she got the freedom that she desired however...

One day at Misaki's workplace,

"?! OW!" Misaki suddenly got a headache. She crouch down because of the pain.

"What's wrong Misaki?" A colleague of her, asked.

"UGH!" Misaki's headaches getting worse. She put both of her hands on her head trying to stop the pain.

"Are you okay?!" Asked another panicking colleague. "BOSS! Something's wrong with Misaki!"

"I'll go call the boss!" said the Barista before heading towards the boss's office.

Misaki's boss rushes from her office at the back as soon as she heard something's wrong with one of her worker.

"Misaki, are you okay?" asked the boss. "SOMEONE CALL THE AMBULANCE!!" She screamed.

Misaki's consciousness is fading as the whole cafe is in chaos.

"Hnng..." Misaki waking up.

'... Ah! I fainted... Boss must've been worried...' Misaki thought as she opens her eyes.

"Hmm...." With a sleepy mind, Misaki look around her. "Huh? Where... am I?" She said when she realized instead of the cafe she work at, she's on top of a pink bed, in an unknown room.

'Did one of my colleague bring me to their home? This room looks like a girl's room.' Misaki stood up from the and moves closer to the window near the bed to take a look outside.

To her surprise, there's a few people and small animals (like cats,dogs,birds) out there but... none of them are moving...

"What is going on..." Misaki whispered to herself.


"?!" Shocked by the "Ding" sound, Misaki quickly turns around. "What..."

Again to her surprise, a weird floating, almost transparent screen appeared out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Even though confuse, Misaki walk closer to the "screen" only to notice something is written on it.

[Nice to meet you!] (this is written on the floating screen)

"... Nice to... meet you?" Misaki muttered the words on the screen.

"Nice to meet you too!!" a voice suddenly came from the screen.

"?!" By reflex, Misaki jump back from the floating screen. "What the heck... WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!" Misaki yelled from confusion.


(A/N: Hi everyone! I've only re-write chapter 1 so don't expect chapter 2 any sooner. Plus I can't really do lots of writing this days since I'm kind of busy... I've decided to change the story a bit (maybe a lot...) because I realized how "horrible" the story is before, so the story may be different from the one I made before. As you all probably know, I've deleted the chapter that I made before so hopefully you all aren't angry at me because of that... and thank you for actually still having this book in your collection.)

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