
Prologue | That Unfortunate Day...

March 8, 2011

Oshiro Manor, North Carolina

Third POV

She silently stood looking out the front window. Two black-suited Agents, a man, and a woman got out of the black Roadrunner SUV that stopped in front of her home. They both wore aviator glasses. The man with jet-black hair and fair skin. Then there is the woman whose hair color is a deep shade of brown dark enough to be mistaken for black.

There was nothing informal-looking about them. They seemed like long-time partners. The man reached and opened the back seat door. The woman then took a mysterious and unusual-looking item wrapped in brown paper out of the back seat of the car. After the two exchanged a few words and glances and a couple of nods here and there. Their no-nonsense faces suddenly turned towards her home. She moved away from the window just in time before they notice that she was watching them.

But she was sure they realized that she had been watching them. As that they began their way up the long front steps. A few seconds later the doorbell rang.

She took her time unlocking the front door. Which required a few scans and pass-codes. Due to the fact that her home contained dozens of top-secret items and information.

The two were several heads taller than her but still, it was her home she was in charge of. She took her time to assessed the man and woman at her doorway before inviting them in. After shutting the door behind them she led them to the sitting room.

The sitting room seemed like it could also be used as a Ballroom on multiple occasions. It contained several couches for multiple guests. Two Grand Pianoforte. A couple of small coffee tables. All the furniture in this room was elegant in its own unique way. They were also placed elegantly into the room. As if the owners were trying to impress their guests. If so, it worked. There were also windows, of course, and few balcony doors that were twice the size of a normal door. Then there is one single servant's Bell hung beside the door.

"Go on and be seated." Komyo gestured to the couches in the room.

As the three of them sat down in the sitting room, she rang for the maids to bring in tea, coffee, and some small treats or sweets. After doing so, she went and sat in her father's usual seat whenever they had guests over in the past. The two Agents looked awkwardly at one another. As if neither Agents knew where to start.

Komyo broke the moment of silence, "Sir. Ma'am." With only a few words to gather the Agents' attention. "I am well aware of the fact that you already perceived that my parents aren't home. They haven't been for two weeks. I am sure whatever it is can wait and you can come back another time."

The two agents looked at each other, fully and truly am well aware of the fact that the child in front of them spoke with a bit of a British accent even if she is a Japanese-American child. And that her choice of words was of an adult. Even though she is only what? Seven? This was not an ordinary kid they are with. This child is the child of the two most famous and ingenious couple. Of course, they knew who her parents were but they didn't expect anything like this child that is now in front of them.

The man finally spoke up, "Miss Komyo MiraiOshiro. It is of your parents, we are here on."

Komyo flinched. Not sure what to say. Or do. For the first time in her young life, she is with not one word of comment or exchange to give.

"We are here on behalf of the President to—" The woman started.

"Who are you two exactly," from the way she said it it sounded more like a statement than a question. "After all you have done a great job with your homework, already knowing who I am. Which you already stated. While on the other hand, I however never heard of the coming of two agents to my home by my dearest parents. So I wasn't able to gather information like you did me. But do please tell me who you two are."

"Whitney Liston and Felix York, SSA. We'd like to talk with you about the matters at hand." The woman, who stated that her name is Whitney, took the lead. "We have been assigned to give the news..." She trailed off as two maids came into the room, each with a tray of refreshments. The two looked like a mirror of one another. Both with beautiful blond hair, crystal blue eyes, adorable dimpled smiles, same shaped nose, same height, and et al.

"And?" Komyo perceived but stopped when she saw the look on Whitney's face. Then began to introduce the maids to the Agents. "This is Molly and Carly. Twins. My maids. Do please carry on with whatever you were saying. As that, these maids are friends of mine and from your tone, I think they will need to hear what you are going to say."

Whitney eyed the twins, who now stood by the doorway. She shrugged as she continued to speak, "we were assigned to give you the unfortunate news of your parents' demise."

Two sharp intakes of breaths echoed throughout the room. But neither of them was from Komyo.

"Although, Flora Yamamoto and Avery Oshiro," Whitney said their names with the worst possible pronunciations in the world. "Their bodies were yet to be recovered. We were told their private plane, along with whatever crew members they took with them, crashed into the ocean after a mid-air surprise attack from our government enemy's war planes. We do, however, know of where they crashed. Which is still being searched by a crew of two dozen men. They recovered the damaged plane but not a single body. If their bodies aren't recovered by the end of this month we will be forced to presume them dead." She frowned.

"So yu say dere might be a chance dat dey is alive, maybe taken captive?!" One of the twin maids blurted out. Alarmed, fearfully glanced at her Lady. "Sorry," her head dropped.

"Molly, it's alright. Carly and Molly," Komyo stood and went over to the two maids. "Come." She guided them to a nearby couch. "It's alright, you have the right to say whatever as that you two have been very dear of a sister to me and my parents yours." She smiled at the two before she took her seat once more.

"Molly does have a point there. You said currently that the crew wasn't able to find my parents', the people with them too, 's bodies. Basically, there could be a chance of them still alive elsewhere."

"We don't want to bring your hopes up and end up breaking it..."

"So there is a chance of them being alive?" The other of the maids spoke up, assuming to be Carly.

When neither of the two Agents answered, Carly begged, "Yes?" Ever so slightly hoping that her master and mistress are still alive and well, maybe perhaps not well, but alive all the same.

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Carly's POV

Mistress Flora and Master Avery have been like real parents to my sister, Molly, and me. They had given us a home, shelter, and had even folded us into their wings. They hadn't been anything but kind and caring to us.

Where other Masters and Mistress would've kick us out, Komyo's parents just help and correct whatever and were never angry at the two of us.

Even all the other house staff would said the same about the Master and Mistress of the house. No one was ever mistreated in any way.

"Although we, the Agency, have thought of them being taken captive but—"

"But you and your people think that it isn't very likely?" Komyo interrupted her. "I thought you people are a lot more open-minded than that."

"Yes, but—"

"Pleeze get tu da point, Ma'am." My sister, Molly, intercepted. Then I looked over at Komyo. Who's now deep in her 'genius' mind. Her face, blanked. No expression revealing what she is thinking. Silence. Nothing ever interrupts when she is fully concentrated on something, anything. I only wish I knew what she is going through right now. She must be horrified.

I remembered over hearing her and master debating on why or why not master and mistress should go on that trip.

I remembered heading down the stair when I heard a heavy thud, followed by silence. I quickly raced back to the entrance of that room. My heart. Racing. I care about Komyo so much. If anything was to happen to her... I won't be able to make it. She is my friend and family too.

I remembered bursting through the door, gasping when I saw Komyo on the floor, out cold with master by her side. I rushed to her side. "Miss!!!" I cried as I pulled her to a sitting position. Towards the door, I called out for my sister to bring a towel soaked with cold water.

I remembered thinking that this was too much for her. The way she had responded to master's words... We tried our hardest to help her regain consciousness. It took a long time, but in the end, she was finally back to us, crying.

Since then, I vowed to keep her safe and happy. Even if it cost me my life.

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Komyo's POV

I thought upon the things the two Agents had told me and suddenly I was drowning out all of the other voices within this room. I was alone. Nothing was going to interrupt me. Nothing.

Oh, how I wish my parents were here to help me with this situation. If only I had tried harder when trying to persuade them not to go on that trip two months prior. I felt myself drowning in unshed tears within my head. There has to be a solution to all this. Something has to be done. Mother. Father. Why do you have to leave me!? Why!?

All these clues just don't add up!!!! No. I shouldn't get frustrated with my own thoughts. Maybe this was a test. Yes, that has to be it.

My mind started down all the paths that I can think of. There was no way this is right. Something about this is not right. I need a rest from thinking. Or I might go insane with grieving.

I looked through the memories of those last few weeks with my parents before they went on that trip. I realized that something is very off about when and where they disappeared. Maybe one day I'll have the choice to be able to fully investigate this. But I want to do it now... there is no way uncle would ever agree to this.

I sighed as I continued to mentally flip through the memory folders that contain my memories of my time with my parents. Realizing just how much I barely spend time with them. Realizing just how much I missed them. Even if our time was shortened when they started to work double on the mission. The mission that may or may not had ended their lives.

Somehow. I have to avenge their death or die trying.

My mind went blank for a second. Then pain seized me. I felt the air pushed out of me. Black. I can't move. I can't feel myself. Silenced.

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Please note that I have also published the beginning of this on another site. Quotev.com and also Wattpad.


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