
Let Me Demonstrate


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Hiashi Hyuga, the head of the Hyuga clan, sat on the ground, a figure of authority and tradition. Behind him was his brother, Hizashi, with Neji sitting nearby. The atmosphere in the room was charged, a mix of curiosity and skepticism directed towards Horyu. Hinata, taking on the role of mediator, introduced Horyu formally, while servants brought in tea, setting a stage for diplomatic exchange.

"Father, Uncle, this is Horyu Uchiha," Hinata began, her voice steady despite the palpable tension. "He's been a great help to me, not just with training but also by sharing valuable insights and techniques."

Hiashi's gaze on Horyu was penetrating, a clear reflection of his mixed feelings towards the Uchiha. Though he recognized Horyu's contributions to Hinata's development, particularly the significant improvement she'd shown since acquiring the Lunar Hare summoning contract Horyu gave her, his inherent distrust for the Uchiha lingered in the air.

"Horyu Uchiha," Hiashi acknowledged, his tone neutral yet commanding. "We are aware of your... contributions. The help you provided Hinata has been... beneficial." There was a hint of grudging respect in his voice, tempered by his longstanding prejudices.

Horyu, aware of the delicate balance he needed to maintain, nodded respectfully. "Thank you, Hiashi-sama. It's been an honor to assist Hinata. The Hyuga clan's techniques have always intrigued me, especially after witnessing Hinata's adept use of the Gentle Fist. It was an eye-opening experience."

Hizashi, more open-minded than his brother, chimed in, "Your interest in our techniques is commendable. Yet, it's rare for an Uchiha to seek out knowledge beyond their own clan's abilities."

Horyu nodded, as he replied, "I find strength in diversity. Of course, my intention is not to steal the inheritance of the Hyuga Clan, which is strong in your hands, complemented with Byakugan. My goal is simply to broaden my understanding and skills, to better protect those important to me and the village." His tone was respectful, yet firm, emphasizing his commitment to mutual growth rather than personal gain.

Hiashi's expression softened slightly, a testament to Horyu's diplomatic articulation. "Your approach is commendable," Hiashi acknowledged, "especially given the complexities of our world."

Hinata chimed in, bolstering Horyu's position, "Father, it was Horyu who helped me identify a weakness in the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, allowing us to strengthen our clan's techniques. His insight has been invaluable."

Hiashi was well aware of Horyu's role in identifying the flaw within the Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven technique; he had acknowledged this contribution with a measured nod of recognition. "And, what is your intention in this visit?" Hiashi inquired, his voice a calm yet formidable presence in the room.

Horyu drew in a deep breath before responding, "I propose to arrange a mentorship for Hinata in the coming years." Hiashi and Hizashi were both surprised and visibly displeased. They couldn't understand who could possibly mentor Hinata better than themselves. Hiashi was on the verge of voicing his displeasure when Hizashi intervened, his tone softer but still laced with disapproval. "And who, exactly, do you have in mind for this mentorship?" he asked.

Horyu sensed the misunderstanding but didn't mind. "During a recent mission, we chanced upon Tsunade-sama alongside Hinata and the rest of my team, the Senju Princess provided me with a means to contact her. While I cannot disclose the specifics due to confidentiality, I believe this presents an opportunity for Hinata and Yamanaka Ino to train under Tsunade-sama. On one hand, they can refine their chakra control through Medical Jutsu, and on the other, Tsunade-sama's unparalleled strength could potentially take Hinata's Gentle Fist into new realms of power."

Although the duo were shocked to hear that Tsunade Senju, one of the Sannin, was the mentor Horyu had in mind for Hinata's training, their skepticism did not wane. On one hand, as the Heiress of the Hyuga Clan, they felt that learning something like Healing Jutsu was beneath Hinata. Secondly, Hiashi snorted dismissively at Horyu's suggestion about enhancing the Gentle Fist with Tsunade's training, "What rubbish? Uchiha Horyu, I thank you for your help in my daughter's progress, but Gentle Fist, as its name suggests, is strong because it is gentle. You have no understanding of our Taijutsu, so you shouldn't have an opinion either." His words were harsh, marking Horyu as meddlesome in the traditional affairs of the Hyuga.

Horyu leaned back slightly, his eyes narrowing in a challenge. While his face remained impassive, his posture conveyed an unmistakable defiance. "I understand your concerns, Hiashi-sama, Hizashi-sama," he began, his voice imbued with a calm certainty that demanded attention. "However, Tsunade-sama's expertise goes far beyond mere Healing Jutsu. Her legendary strength is something from which Hinata could greatly benefit from. The Gentle Fist, while indeed focused on precision and gentleness, has untapped potential for more."

Seeing frowns on the faces of two old men, Horyu couldn't help but chuckle. The sound, rather than easing the tension, seemed to only deepen the elders' irritation, while Hinata at the side looked on with a mix of worry and anticipation. Just as she seemed ready to intervene, Horyu rose from his seated position, an unmistakable confidence in his stride. "As you put it, Hiashi-sama, my understanding of your clan jutsu is indeed limited. But let me show you what the combination of Gentle Fist and Tsunade-sama's Chakra Enhanced Strength could achieve."

Without waiting for a response, Horyu walked over to a training dummy at the end of the room. The room fell silent, the only sound being the soft patter of his steps on the tatami floor. Neji, unable to hide his skepticism, watched with a smirk, convinced that the demonstration would prove Horyu's ignorance.

Horyu faced the dummy, his posture relaxed, almost nonchalant. With a calm that belied the tension in the room, he swung his fist. To the untrained eye, it appeared as though his punch barely made contact, the dummy standing seemingly unaffected. Neji's smirk widened, mistaking Horyu's action for folly. "What was that, Horyu Uchiha? Some sort of joke?" he asked, unable to mask his disdain.

Without a word, Horyu merely shook his head, a faint smile playing on his lips as he turned the dummy around. The sight that greeted them was nothing short of astonishing. The back of the dummy, the target of Horyu's seemingly gentle tap, was completely obliterated, its fragments scattered across the floor like leaves in the wind.

Neji's smirk vanished, replaced by wide-eyed shock. Hiashi and Hizashi, too, couldn't hide their surprise, their expressions a mix of disbelief and realization. The quiet that followed was heavy with the implications of what they had just witnessed.

"This is the concept I had in mind," Horyu began, turning to face the Hyuga elders, his voice calm yet carrying a depth of certainty. "Though I admit my knowledge of both the Gentle Fist and Tsunade-sama's techniques is superficial, the potential synergy between them could transform even a normal punch into a devastating blow capable of bypassing external defenses to wreak havoc on internal organs."

The room remained silent, the impact of Horyu's words sinking in. Hiashi, always the stoic leader, was the first to recover, his gaze now evaluating Horyu with a newfound respect. "Your demonstration... It's given us much to consider," he admitted, though the words seemed to come with difficulty, his pride as the head of the Hyuga clan clashing with the undeniable potential Horyu had just displayed.

Hizashi, more open to new ideas and innovations, nodded in agreement. "The idea of combining Tsunade-sama's strength-enhancing techniques with our clan's precise chakra control... It's revolutionary." The possibility of enhancing their clan's fighting style, particularly in the context of Hinata's training, was slowly changing the tide of their skepticism.

Hinata, who had been silently observing, finally spoke up, her voice tinged with excitement. "Father, Uncle, think of what this could mean for the Hyuga clan. Not just for me, but for all of us. Learning from Tsunade-sama could open up new avenues of strength and protection for Konoha."

Neji, still visibly shocked by the demonstration, remained silent, his earlier disdain replaced by contemplation. The destruction of the dummy's backside with such a controlled, seemingly gentle strike was a testament to the untapped potential lying at the intersection of their traditional techniques and Tsunade's legendary strength.

Hiashi, after a moment of thoughtful silence, finally nodded. "We will consider your proposal, Horyu Uchiha," he said, the formality of his tone softened by the underlying acknowledgment of Horyu's insight. "Hinata's growth and the future of our clan are paramount. If training with Tsunade-sama offers a path to enhance our techniques and strengthen Konoha, then it is a path worth exploring."


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