
How about this.

Thanks for the support everyone I think I finally setteled with the plan of how to go about this and would like to thank the readers for the ideas.

Tell me if this proto-type chapter is good or needs some changing.


Chapter 1: Isekaied in RWBY

~Albus POV~


Opening up my eyes widely as I feel the sun hit them along with some sand, I immediately closed them.


Opening them up again and winced a little at the sudden intrusion of sand entering them as I rub it out with my defenses of my eyes beginning to moist up creating tears to get rid of them in my eyes.

Rubbing them when I was done clearing the sand…


Hold the fuck up here.

Opening them again and protecting them with my shoulder I began to observe the area. Even more sand that spreads across the land.

Am I in a desert?

What is going on here?

How can this have happened?

Everything has been normal for me with me going to sleep in my hometown of New York in my bed after watching some anime from my part time job.

Been that way since the disease hit hard leaving me to fend for myself in a sense but enough of that how the hell am I here though?

Looking around I find myself in some place… rather bizarre. No seriously like really bizarre place and not Brazil thank god for that.

I have so many questions of what's going on here but how!!

Whew… I must calm down now first and think about how I logically. I shouldn't try to find any answers here considering the fact I have none that will satisfy me at this point of time.

Looking at myself clearly I see that I am still wearing the clothing I have on me before I went to sleep as I have my normal shirt, shorts, and socks on me as I seem to recall when I went to sleep.


The sand is going to be the death of me from the heat but its bearable right now.

Well damn how the hell am I going to survive here?

I am screwed… absolutely fucked…

But I ain't giving up yet since I didn't die yet.

First, I should walk around the desert to see where I stand to get from the desert hopefully something worthwhile since I have nothing to work on.

Better hope there is some kind of supplies here.


Sand, beach, and forest is what I managed to find out about this place.

And to make it worse or better to some it happens to be an island.

At least I hope it is with the waves surrounding the place hitting the shorelines.

That's something at least.

But I haven't seen any form of life except for some plant life nearby to the forest.

Still finding a forest is best since I have last since spent the last few hours of daylight finding this place –



Feeling of rumble happening nearby I couldn't help but be afraid of something as I heard a monsteroius screech as I felt my heart jump up hearing it.



No reason whatever I flee to whatever I heard the sound.

By pure instinct I flee when I heard the sound as I took a small glance to see what was coming after me.



Screaming and yelling was what I did to even glance at the damn thing while it costed me damage to my face.

It was a very large, rat-like creature from desert with having a long black tail with white barbs at its end, sharp elongated claws, and two rows of teeth the size of Human fingers as its tail managed to graze me but enough to scratch my face.

Blood was sweeping from my face as it temporary blinded my vision as adrenaline fueled my need to escape.

Whatever it was it wasn't friendly in the least.

I tried running as fast as I could but I knew the fear in my heart won't fade because I don't know why but I knew I will die.

In a random place in the middle of but fuck nowhere.




Don't know why but…

For a brief moment I thought I saw my whole body flash a color of blue and black at the moment –



At least that was what I thought till I was gutted from that wired tail through my lower body breaking through my back as I laid on the sand beneath me as my vision is getting blurry with fear somewhat overtaken me at this point.

Bleeding out from my stomach as tears well up from the pain.

What the hell did I do to deserve this?

I was forced here against my will into this world and I get gutted like a fish in ocean.

Gripping my fist in anger as I see the same color of black and blue energy around me as I feel the most prominent emotion dwell within me.

Anger and fear.

Anger for this unfair treatment of suddenly being called here.

Fear of death.


Seeing the damn thing come closer the rat with black color bone with red gravings on it came closer to me as I can't very much move any longer.


Spitting out blood as I glare at it as I with my fist clenched as I see the color change from blue and black to bloody red as I muster one if not weak punch at it, "Take this… you… fuck…er…"




I didn't know why but that punch with whatever that flashes was is certainly reminds me of the Black Flash but…

Next, I see whatever the creature was die out in front of me as it poofs.

Well lucky it.


Spitting out a large amount of blood I began to lose consioucness as I die.

Man what a way to go.

At least I killed a monster as I die here…

'No, you won't.'

'Not with me having to do anything about it.'


I don't know if I'm hallucinating but I think I see whatever it is coming over to me.

Seeing the creature in question he seems to be bipedal but furry all over with a long neck and horns all over its body on the top of his head resembling antlers really with feathers at his shoulders are along with deer ears.

But the most intriguing thing about was the runes on the creature as it began to speak directly into my head, 'My what a particularly creature are you? Not made by the Twin Brothers. How… fascinating… and that power. To use the power of anger and fear. Surely you are not of this realm. But to be placed in such a disadvantage surely is unjust.'

Wheezing in and out as I feel like I'm losing consciousness as I think I see the light…

Whatever the creature says next was the last thing I hear before dying in peace, 'Fear not being from another world. I Artemis creator of Faunus shall heal and gift you for the trouble you have suffered. All will be left the same just additional parts.'

Like that I died in peace…



"Doctor are you sure his ok?"

"Hmm… the wounds on the back will take time to heal."

"Fortunately his pelt managed to take the blow."

"Glancing at the pelt it seems to me his a Ratel."

"Ratel Faunus huh?"

"Yeah doctor the Faunus traits shows his black fur with a white tint covering the sides of his body up to under his armpits to his shoulders down to the top of his biceps."

"Definitely a Ratel Faunus alright."


Gently opening up my eyes seeing…

Wait are these furies?

As I was adjusting my eyes slight at the scene I see one of the doctor or nurses saw me as they pushed me back down as I try to get up warning me, "Listen son you just survived what would be a lethal blow to your back. I don't know in Remnant how you survive but you got lucky…"


Following his demands I remained back down as I get my thoughts in order as I try to recall what happened to me as the words from the doctor spoke out true to me.


Where have I heard of this before…

And the animal ears and parts are ringing me some bells…

Wait… Remnant… RWBY… fanart… Animal God of Faunus…


Mother fucking hell I'm in the World of Remnant, am I?

Motherfucker damn it!


Taking in a deep breath I knew worrying is going to do nothing about my mental health as I began to berate myself on what to do and where exactly do I stand in this world.

The only thing I would really curse is I'm somehow in a post-apocalyptic world web series.


Glancing around I see that if I'm in some kind of emergency room judging from the room and… fur on my back side.

Guess this is what Artemis meant by healing as well as adding new body parts.

And from the way, it seems the gift he gaved me was turning me into a Faunus to save my skin.



I'm fucked.

Next chapter